
Chapter 251

Chapter 251
A major event happened in Qingfeng City in the past half month. The three masters and the three special envoys went to explore the wilderness together, but only two of them came back.

Now the whole Qingfeng City became chaotic, without the seat of the three Patriarchs, those casual cultivators would become very difficult to manage. For a while, the cultivators on the street became panicked and became wary of each other.

Within three days, three sects of monks rushed to this place one after another. Under the auspices of Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue, the three families reached a consensus to change the original situation.Each of the three companies retains their original advantageous industries, and then draws out a part to establish the City Lord's Mansion, which is jointly managed by the three new Patriarchs and the three on-duty monks.

These things have nothing to do with Yi Tian. After recovering his original appearance, he went shopping around the city and wiped out all the valuable things on the market.

After the three factions discussed and agreed, Yi Tian found Duguao and Yan Zhaoxue to discuss how to refine the 'Xin Shen Pill'.

When I met Yan Zhaoxue when I was betting on stones, I thought she was a craftsman, but I didn't expect that she just suffered from the lack of a good alchemy furnace and wanted to find some good materials to refine one.Who told this little girl to be arrogant and sometimes angry, so Yi Tian didn't dare to show her skills too much, lest people would be jealous.

Dugu Ao's treasure hunt this time is also very fruitful, both corpse pills belong to him, and his Demon Suppressing Blood Blade has absorbed the evil spirit in the corpse pill, and its power has actually increased.

This time, Yi Tian didn't expect that he was just helping to refine a fifth-level elementary spirit weapon on a whim, but unexpectedly, it can indeed exert the greatest effect in Duguao's hands.

A few days later, the three of them agreed to meet at a secret cave on the rocky slope outside Qingfeng City. This was originally the exit of the Zhang Family Road outside the city, but now no one will know.

After everyone arrived, Yi Tian and Dugu Ao took out a bag of Lingshi as a reward for getting rid of Yan Zhaoxue's alchemy.Although those auxiliary materials were provided by Yan Zhaoxue, her remuneration fee was not low, a total of 20 spirit stones.

Fortunately, we are all acquaintances, so the three families will share the matter equally, and there will be no objection.Besides, Yi Tian, ​​as a Golden Core cultivator, did not overwhelm others with power, which made Yan Zhaoxue feel a lot better, at least muttering from time to time: "Everyone will not suffer."

While she was concocting alchemy in the cave, Yi Tian and Duguao managed to sit down and chat.After a few years, the two of them were still in the late stage of foundation establishment, but now there is a big difference in level, which makes Dugu Ao feel very lonely both inside and outside.

Yi Tian is well aware of this, but it is not easy to point it out, so he can only pick some irrelevant questions: "Brother Dugu, I don't know what the outside situation is like these years. I have been in seclusion for a long time before I came out."

In fact, Dugu Ao also had many questions in his heart. Since Yi Tian showed his original appearance during the treasure hunt, he was overjoyed at first, but he was surprised when he saw his cultivation.Now it happened that I had time to stop and everyone talked freely, so they replied: "After the chess game, I went back to the sect to practice hard behind closed doors, just to prepare for the fierce battle between the two factions to build the foundation. Unexpectedly, it was very effective. Bizhong defeated Xing Yuan, the leader of the Seven Absolute Swords of the Divine Sword Sect."

Seeing his smug expression, Yi Tian also cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So I'm going to congratulate brother Dugu for becoming the No. 1 foundation establishment in the Western Wilderness."

Unexpectedly, Duguao showed shame, and replied embarrassingly: "It was a lucky victory that time, the rules at that time were changed, and the two factions each sent three disciples to decide the victory in the form of a wheel battle."

"Then it must be because your Heavenly Demon Sect's overall strength is stronger than your opponent's, so you can easily win."

"More than 20 years ago, I heard that Wei Xuanbai, the second of the Seven Absolute Swords of the Excalibur Sect, died suddenly for some reason. As a result, the Excalibur Sect had to find another disciple to take his place. That's why I, the Heavenly Demon Sect, were allowed to compete in the competition between the two sects. Gained the upper hand." After speaking, Dugu Ao turned his head to look at Yi Tian intentionally or unintentionally, and then asked: "The time when Brother Yi went out to retreat was about the same time as when Wei Xuanbai disappeared."

Being stared at by him, Yi Tian had no choice but to smile wryly and said: "I was there when Wei Xuan died in vain, or his death was indirectly related to me. I didn't expect that incident back then would cause such consequences .”

Seeing this, Dugu Ao showed a clear expression and said: "Then I should also thank Brother Yi for helping me solve this trouble."

Yi Tian also blushed and said: "In fact, you should thank Huo Chilian, Wei Xuanbai died at his hands in the end, and I just assisted him."

After hearing this, Duguao hurriedly shouted: "Could it be the number one refiner of Jiancheng Foundation Establishment that day? Could it be that he and Wei Xuanbai still have some issues."

At this time, Yi Tian smiled and replied: "Brother Xiang Feiying found Wei Xuanbai and followed him secretly, and happened to bump into Huo Chilian and I were trading. In fact, I was also forced to make a move at that time."

"The brother of the Xiang family also died at your hands?"

"That's true, that's why I hid in the depths of the Western Wilderness these years," Yi Tian replied helplessly.

Duguao looked at Yi Tian and said: "Then you have to be careful, I heard that Xiang Tiancheng of the Xiang family has asked people to find the whereabouts of his nephew in recent years, and I heard that he also asked people from Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou to figure out the whereabouts of the murderer." .”

Upon hearing this, Yi Tian took out the identity tags of Xiang Tiancheng and Xiang Xing from the storage bag with a look of disdain and shook them.

Immediately, Duguao's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, "Where did you come from, do you mean?"

"Yes, both of them have disappeared. Xiang Tiancheng was killed by me more than two years ago."

Listening to Yi Tian's light tone, Duguao couldn't sit still anymore, grabbed the two identity plates and looked at them carefully.It took a long time to return the things, but there was a burst of sighing in his mouth: "Do you know that Xiang Feiying is a fifth-rank Jindan mid-stage monk, and you have killed such people. I wonder if Brother Yi can tell you how to get married?" It is a few grades of golden pills."

Yi Tian didn't know how to answer this matter, but seeing Duguao's sincere face, he could only vaguely say: "There was an accident when I formed the alchemy, and finally the alchemy reached the eighth rank. Killing them is completely wrong." Relying on the power of the formation, coupled with waiting for an opportunity to sneak in and succeed," the words were false, and I don't know how much the other party can believe.

After thinking for a while, Dugu Ao showed a skeptical attitude, but then smiled again: "Everyone has some secrets of their own, I shouldn't mention this matter, let alone get to the bottom of it. On the contrary, Brother Yi Your strength really shocked me, from your body I seem to be able to feel the fluctuation of spiritual power not weaker than that of my senior brother."

Seeing that this matter is a bit far-fetched, Yi Tian just smiled without saying a word, and nodded silently in response.

Suddenly Dugu Ao shouted: "Brother Yi, you'd better not go back to the Excalibur Sect. Then you kill all the male members of the Xiang family, and you must be careful with the remaining Golden Core cultivator Xiang Baoer."

"How do you say this?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

Dugu Ao replied earnestly: "That Baoer is the concubine of Wanrenshan, a Yuanying cultivator of the Excalibur School. If you destroy her mother's family, how can she let it go? The most fearful thing is that she will find Wanrenshan. You really have nowhere to hide."

"They haven't found out who did it yet, you're in a hurry." Yi Tian said calmly.

"You don't know that the direct descendants of Zhongzhou Tianyun Sect are about to come to Xihuang. At that time, Xiang Baoer will spend 50 years of his life to ask someone to forcibly predict your whereabouts, and it will be troublesome."

This time, Yi Tian was stunned. He didn't expect this trick. Doesn't it mean that no matter how he hides, as long as someone from the Tianyun Gate comes, he can still be found easily.

So Yi Tian became restless, stood up and staggered back and forth in the cave, and gradually showed a sad expression on his face.After a while, he turned to Duguao and asked, "Do you know the exact time and place of the person from Tianyun Gate in Zhongzhou?"

"The time seems to be more than ten years later, and I heard that he will stay in the Temple of Rain, which is jointly managed by the three factions of the Western Wilderness," Dugu said proudly.

Yi Tian replied: "He came to Tianyunmen for some trivial things, right? Something big should happen."

Duguao nodded and said: "Indeed, he was entrusted by the heads of the three sects to predict the fate of the sect. And at that time, he will also calculate the list of things in the Western Wilderness Continent."

"Do you know what list it is?"

Seeing Yi Tian's confused look, Dugu Ao signaled to be calm and calm down, and sat down and spoke slowly.Afterwards, he revealed all the things about the people from Tianyunmen.

It turns out that in order to ensure long-term peace and stability in the Western Wilderness Continent, the three major sects of the Western Wilderness will invite the descendants of the Tianyun Gate to visit once every hundred years.Calculate the luck and comprehensive strength of each faction separately.

That day, the Yunmen people were also afraid of trouble, so they simply set up the three lists of heaven, earth and people, and only the top ten were selected for each list, covering the cultivation base, Qi Dao and Dan Dao of monks in the Western Wilderness Continent.Those on the heaven list are all Nascent Soul monks, those on the ground list are Jindan monks, and those on the human list are all Foundation Establishment monks.

If there is someone or something that does not belong to the sect, it will be tracked down by the three factions until it is included in the sect.This also allows the competition among the three factions to be in a certain state of balance.

After reflecting on these words, Yi Tian thought that his refined spirit weapon might appear in these place lists, and the most likely one was that list.

Thinking about it, all these years have only refined a magic weapon of the blood blade that suppresses demons, other than that, there are no shocking masterpieces that can be produced.

Yi Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief about this, as long as he doesn't make a move easily, he will generally not be found.

After the two talked for a long time, they suddenly smelled a faint fragrance from the depths of the cave. It should be that the 'Heart Pill' was released.Walking into the cave, I saw Yan Zhaoxue sitting there recovering her spiritual power after putting away the fire.

In front of him is a white alchemy furnace, and the aroma is emitted from the furnace.

Seeing the two people approaching, Yan Zhaoxue opened the lid, and when the furnace smoke dissipated, she saw seven pills surrounded by it.Surprisingly, there were three broken useless pills around. It turned out that this little girl had a lot of ambitions and wanted to refine a full pill at once, but there was still a gap between the ideal and the reality.

After talking with her, Yi Tiancai knew that she was a fifth-level alchemist, but her alchemy fire was so powerful that countless alchemy furnaces had been burned out.Now Yi Tian finally understands why she gambled stones to find materials in the first place, but that's fine, as long as there is demand, she can do it.

Yi Tian has always been afraid that there is nowhere to repay the favor he owes to others, and this is not just a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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