
Chapter 252 Clues

Chapter 252 Clues

Zhaoyang City is located on the border of the Western Desolation Continent. It is a commercial and trade center that is directly under the jurisdiction of the Maiden Sect, similar to Tianjian City.

Nearly half of the shops in Zhaoyang City turned out to be prostitute villages, and most of them were controlled by the Maiden faction.The monks sitting in the town usually have high-ranking monks from the sect as the backstage.

Yi Tian was also very curious about this, and while walking with Yan Zhaoxue on the streets of Zhaoyang City, he held a lot of questions in his heart and wanted to ask.But seeing the smug look on Yan Zhaoxue's face, he could only hold back his words for a while, and wait for a suitable opportunity to ask again.

After Yan Zhaoxue finished refining the 'Xin Shen Pill' a few days ago, the three of them were roughly divided.However, seeing that the alchemy furnace in front of Yan Zhaoxue has been deformed by the alchemy fire, Yi Tian also has lingering fears. The blue flame of alchemy is so powerful. No wonder she is looking for rare materials everywhere. She regards the alchemy furnace as an emotional consumables.

After seeing Yan Zhaoxue's worries, Yi Tian suggested that he could help her refine a pill furnace to repay the favor, but the other party didn't appreciate it, so he just nodded slightly politely.

It can be seen that Yan Zhaoxue is still a little hesitant, but under Duguao's suggestion, he reluctantly agrees, on the condition that Yi Tian is required to go to Zhaoyang City to be an assistant to a refiner to help refine the alchemy furnace.

This result also made Yi Tian a little unacceptable, but it was hard to take back what he said, and Yan Zhaoxue obviously still had doubts about his ability.

In the end, after a compromise, the two parties agreed to go to Zhaoyang City to find the craftsman of the Maiden Sect to see how to assist the craftsman.

The two walked in Zhaoyang City for nearly half an hour before they came to a place called 'Danqi Pavilion'. Along the way, Yi Tian found that when the guards in the city saw Yan Zhaoxue, they were slightly She bowed and saluted, it seems that her status in the door is not low.

After entering the 'Pill Artifact Pavilion', I found that there were many monks coming and going in the lobby, most of them were monks bargaining for the purchase of raw materials.The guys in the pavilion are all women, but Yi Tian dare not take this lightly.

Along the way, I passed several monks who were trading, and I saw that the ladies could comment on the materials they purchased, and basically they could say the same about the materials.

It seems that I have never seen such a scene in Tianjian City. This Maiden School is really talented. Only some monks in the late stage of refining can have such insight. I have to let Yi Tian refresh his understanding of Maiden School. .

Obviously Yan Zhaoxue should be the resident alchemist here, and her status seems to be low.Along the way, when he led Yi Tian up to the second floor with ease, the foundation cultivators in the Pill Artifact Pavilion all pointed at him.

For a moment, everyone turned their heads and looked over, with envious expressions in their eyes, and the voices of bargaining in the hall gradually decreased.

After Yi Tian slightly revealed the spirit pressure of the Golden Core cultivator, the noise around him returned to normal, and no one wanted to provoke a Golden Core cultivator.

After entering the wing room on the second floor, Yan Zhaoxue just said lightly: "You wait here, I will come as soon as I go."

"Please," Yi Tian could only reply with a smile. Since he entered the 'Pill Artifact Pavilion', he found that at least three strands of spiritual consciousness had probed him in the dark.

Yi Tian had no choice but to laugh it off, anyway, he came here this time to repay favors, at worst, he would just go away perfunctorily when he saw some kind of craftsman making money.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly found two people walking towards here in the corridor. Yan Zhaoxue's Reiatsu was familiar to him early in the morning, and based on his feeling, Yi Tian realized that if the other person's cultivation base is not weaker than his own, it should be here I'm a resident weapon refiner, but I don't know how good his skill is.

With the sound of "Yah", the door was opened, and next to Yan Zhaoxue was a middle-aged beautiful woman in her thirties. The aura fluctuations on her body showed that this person should be a mid-stage Jindan monk.

After the three of them sat down, Yan Zhaoxue said to Yi Tian: "This is the No. [-] Artifact Refiner of the 'Pill Artifact Pavilion' and also the No. [-] Artifact Refiner of the West Wasteland List, Hong Luanjing from my Maiden Sect."

It was only after hearing this that she came to her senses, no wonder Yan Zhaoxue asked herself to be an assistant in the refining tool, so there was such a person there.Not daring to neglect Yi Tian, ​​he cupped his hands and said, "I don't know that the number one refiner in Xihuang is actually in the Maiden School, Yi Tian is really disrespectful."

Hong Luanjing, who was in the seat, said with a smile: "What is the first and not the first, this is just a false name given by the Tianyunmen, and after more than ten years, it is impossible to say that the title of the first will be handed over to others. It is not true."

This seemed to have touched Yan Zhaoxue's weakness, and he hurriedly replied: "What does Uncle Hong say, has there been any powerful craftsmen in the Western Wilderness these years?"

Hong Luanjing nodded and said: "I heard that a rising star came out of Tianmo City 30 years ago, and he actually refined a 'Black Demon Blade'. I heard that the grade reached the peak of level five. If it weren't for the limitation of the materials used, it might be It's a sixth-level elementary spirit weapon."

"So what, Master Uncle Hong can also refine a fifth-level peak spiritual weapon?" Yan Zhaoxue said with a look of reluctance.

"But he was refined in the late stage of foundation establishment. I heard that this person succeeded in forming alchemy more than ten years ago, and is now practicing in seclusion. He once made a bold statement that he will refine spiritual weapons to compete for the list of refining weapons after leaving the customs. Chief."

At this time, Yi Tian who was on the side quickly went through these clues in his mind, and it seemed that only Huo Chilian had this ability.It seems that after that incident back then, he also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to hang out in the territory of Tianmomen.

But don't say that Huo Chilian's cultivation speed is fast enough, it seems that he is not many years later than himself in forming alchemy.

Fortunately, he and I are not on the same side. He wants to stand out and win more cultivation resources for himself.But I want to keep my name anonymous, so as to avoid being too ostentatious and causing death.

After thinking about it, he still remained silent and waited for the conversation between the two to continue.But Hong Luanjing turned to Yi Tian and said: "Listen to what my nephew said, you are also a craftsman, and you seem to have a lot of attainments, so you dare to boast about refining the alchemy furnace in Haikou."

When the matter came to an end, Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and replied: "I have little knowledge, and I have cooperated with Fellow Daoist Yan twice. This time I owe a little favor, so I want to use the matter of refining the alchemy furnace to express my heart. If I learned about it earlier With a master craftsman like Hong Daoyou around, I won’t be full of words no matter what.”

These words dispelled Hong Luanjing's doubts, and then she sighed and said, "Actually, fellow daoists, my nephew practiced the sect's secret 'Extreme Yin True Fire', because the flame is yin and it is easy to burn." It corrodes the pill furnace when refining pills. Ordinary pill furnaces are usually useless, and the inscriptions inside are often burned, so those pill furnaces have become consumables."

After this explanation, Yi Tian understood it, and it was obvious that the problem was caused by the blue flame.The three major sects of the Western Wilderness each have their own backgrounds, and the "Extreme Yin True Fire" passed down by the Girls' School should have a great origin.When Yan Zhaoxue used it last time, he had a sense of Xuanyang True Fire in his dantian. Although it was not very strong, the feeling did exist.

A large part of the reason for agreeing to Yan Zhaoxue's help this time is to understand this matter in depth.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "Can you ask Fellow Daoist Yan to reveal the blue flames during alchemy? I already have some clues in my heart, but I need to confirm again."

Seeing Yan Zhaoxue's troubled expression, Hong Luanjing said, "It's okay, since you'll try it, maybe Fellow Daoist Yi will come up with a whimsical idea." After speaking, she also urged Yan Zhaoxue to do it, because she wanted to weigh it How skilled is the craftsman in front of him.

So the former also nodded, and then he touched his right index finger, and a wisp of blue flame appeared on the fingertip with a 'swish' sound.But what came out of the flames turned out to be a bit of chill, and the temperature in the room dropped instantly, and the place close to the blue smoke actually slowly appeared a bit of mist.

The previous two times were held in a hurry, so Yi Tian didn't talk about it.After scanning the 'Extreme Yin True Fire' at close range, the group of Xuanyang True Fire in the dantian suddenly became active, and Yi Tian was so frightened that he hurriedly used his kung fu to suppress it, so as not to get out of the ugly man.

Hong Luanjing just thought that Yi Tian was shocked when he saw the cold flames of the Maiden School for the first time, so she said: "Although this 'Extremely Yin True Fire' is the cheat book of the Maiden School, it can be found in Xihuang The mainland is not a secret anymore, the disciples of the Excalibur Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect have long been familiar with it, and fellow Daoists are probably rare to see it."

At this time, Yi Tian had already decided in his heart that this girl faction must have something to do with the 'Kui Yin lineage', otherwise the Xuanyang True Fire in his dantian would never be aroused for no reason.

But it is definitely not an easy task to get the cheat book of 'Extreme Yin True Fire'. Originally, I wanted to return to Dong'ao after forming the alchemy, but it seems that it will take some more time.

Ever since he fell from the first-rank Golden Core to the eighth-rank, Yi Tian has been constantly looking for ways to remedy it.Fortunately, the sect's Ninth Grade Golden Elixir Art also mentioned the secret technique of improving the golden elixir, but if you want to practice it to the extreme, you must combine Xuanyang True Fire and Sunflower Yin True Fire.

Originally, I had to worry about where to find the Kui Yin lineage, but this happened right in front of me.Now Yi Tian feels a sense of powerlessness, knowing that what he is looking for is right in front of him, but he can't do it directly.

A thought flashed in his mind, is it really necessary to tie Yan Zhaoxue and force her to tell the secret technique of cultivating Kuiyin True Fire.I'm afraid that if Yi Tianzhen does this, the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Maiden Sect will be the first to refuse, and there will be no place in the West Wilderness after being hunted down.

Immediately put down these unrealistic thoughts, Yi Tian is still going to draw them step by step. Looking at that girl Yan Zhaoxue, she must have not obtained the secret cultivation technique of the 'Extreme Yin True Fire' Golden Core Stage.

Now that he knows the details of the other party, it will be easy to handle. Yi Tian quickly went through the chapter on the alchemy furnace in the true solution of Xuanyang Artifact Refining in his mind, and thought of several solutions.After pretending to think for a while, he said: "I have a method, I don't know if it can be used or not."

Hong Luanjing smiled and said, "But it's okay to say."

(End of this chapter)

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