
Chapter 253 Ice Crystal

Chapter 253 Ice Crystal
Two flashes of light, one blue and one blue, flashed in the sky, and the flying speed was extremely fast, far surpassing the foundation-building monks.The blue light is Hong Luanjing, and the blue light not far in front is of course Yi Tian.

Yi Tian put forward his own opinion in the "Pill Artifact Pavilion" in Zhaoyang City before, when refining the alchemy furnace, a special Yin-type material called "Azure Ice Crystal" can be added.In fact, this is also the plan summed up by the predecessors that Yi Tian found in the Xuanyang Artifact Refining True Explanation. After describing the shape and possible origin of the 'Blue Ice Crystal', Hong Luanjing also fell into deep thought.

After all, it was easy to say, but things might not be easy to find, and even if she had the title of the number one craftsman in the Western Wilderness, this was the first time she heard of such a material.

After Yitian was settled, Hong Luanjing also used the influence of the sect to describe the style and properties of this material in detail.And convey the news to all the places under the sect that can be conveyed.

It's a pity that the results in half a month were really unsatisfactory. In the end, he was so angry that he wanted to ask Yi Tian for a theory. But at this time, Yi Tian happily said that there was the whereabouts of the 'blue ice crystal' after he left the customs.

In this way, Hong Luanjing was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and immediately asked Yi Tian to lead the way to find this treasure.

On the contrary, at this time Yi Tian reasoned that he could only roughly know the location of the production of precious materials, and that he was still a novice here in Xihuang and needed someone to lead the way.

In the end, Hong Luanjing suggested that she should accompany Yi Tian to search for the 'Blue Ice Crystal'.

At this moment, looking at Yi Tian who was flying in the air with a face full of wisdom beads, although Hong Luanjing was unpredictable, her intuition told her that there might be unexpected results.

In fact, Yi Tian was able to confirm the whereabouts of the 'Blue Ice Crystal' with such a strong tone, all thanks to Luo Gengpan from Tian Yunmen.

This time, during the retreat, Yi Tian took out the Luogeng on a whim and looked at it again and again. He had tried many times before but failed to activate this thing.

Fortunately, this time Yi Tian tried again and found that he could use spiritual power to activate it. It took about [-]% of the spiritual power to activate it every time, but the result was gratifying.After many experiments during this period, Yi Tian found that Luo Geng Pan could find its position according to what he thought in his heart. After the spiritual power was injected, the word "Tianyun" appeared on the side of Luo Geng Pan.

So Yi Tian immediately tested it silently in his heart. The first time was to detect the position of Huo Chilian. He saw that the pointer automatically rotated twice on the disk and then pointed in the direction of Tianmo City. No matter how he moved the disk, the pointer But the position is staring fixedly.

The second time was to test what Yi Tian thought in his mind was how to find the 'Kuiyin True Fire', who knew that the pointer trembled without turning after receiving the instruction, and the position of the pointer was aligned with Yan Zhaoxue The room facing Hong Luanjing's room.

Now Yi Tianle is opened up, it seems that this matter is true, the girl faction in front of me should be the "Kuiyin Yimai" of the Xuanyang faction, but this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run, directly kidnapping people Things you can't do yourself.

The third time was more than ten days later, when Yi Tian learned that Hong Luanjing could not find the whereabouts of the 'Azure Ice Crystal' even though she exhausted all the channels of the 'Pill Artifact Pavilion'.

He was also afraid of being approached by Hong Luanjing, so Yi Tian had to investigate it himself. With the help of Tian Yun Luo Geng, he was able to determine the approximate location of the 'Azure Ice Crystal' to be within the territory of Tianmomen.

Later, after discussing with Hong Luanjing, Yi Tian led the way and set off directly to search for materials.

Two days later, they flew nearly thousands of miles in the direction pointed out by Tianyun Luogeng, and Hong Luanjing who was on the side couldn't help but remind Yi Tiandao: "If you fly further, you will leave the territory of the Girl Sect and reach the jurisdiction of the Tianmomen. Let's keep a low profile and cover it up a little to avoid unnecessary trouble." Then he accelerated up and took out two black cloaks, threw one to Yi Tian, ​​and put on the other by himself.

And after turning over the map, Yi Tian roughly confirmed his position, and after flying forward for half a day, he would be the "Shan Jian City" of Tianmo Gate, which is the second largest trading hub next to "Tianmo City". center.

Since Tianyun Luogeng pointed here, he must not disappoint himself if he thinks about it, the 'blue ice crystal' should be there.

After straightening the cloak, Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing took a breath, and after a while, the two of them restrained their breath and slowed down their flying speed.

Along the way, Flying Yitian also felt extremely bored, so he struck up a conversation with Hong Luanjing intentionally or unintentionally, and the problems were basically the situation of the three factions of the Western Wilderness.

What he learned from insiders gave Yi Tian a new understanding of the situation of the three factions in the Western Wilderness.

On the surface, the Excalibur Sect is the only one of the three sects. According to Keju Hong Luanjing, the main reason is that the Excalibur Sect still has a great monk in the late Yuanying period, while the strongest combat power of the Tianmomen and the Maiden Sect is only in the middle Nascent Soul stage. .

In terms of the number of Nascent Soul monks alone, the Heavenly Demon Sect has the upper hand, and the younger disciples of the Excalibur Sect, regardless of the Jindan stage or the Foundation Establishment stage monks, have been at a disadvantage in the competition between the two factions for nearly a hundred years, and were scattered by those aristocratic families. It is said that there is no successor.

Now everyone in the Western Wilderness knows that the Excalibur School is a thing of the past, but the Tianmomen is the rising new overlord.

As for the Maiden faction has always been low-key, Hong Luanjing did not disclose the situation of the core Nascent Soul monks to Yi Tian in detail, but just said that it is not much worse than Tianmomen.

Half a day later, Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing dressed up as two casual cultivators dressed as foundation-building monks and sneaked into the 'Shanjian City'.After the two of them wandered around the city, Hong Luanjing couldn't help but said via voice transmission, "Friend Yi Daoist, you may be sure to take things in this city. If you run for nothing, I believe it will be difficult for Nephew Yan to explain it."

Yi Tian was walking ahead, and suddenly heard her voice transmission questioning, so naturally it was not easy to prevaricate.But that day Yun Luogeng just pointed out the direction for himself. The whole "Shanjian City" is so big, it is very difficult to directly find the person who has the materials without a clear goal.

After a while, Yi Tian turned around and replied via voice transmission: "I know this 'Azure Ice Crystal' is in the city. As for where it is, please be safe and calm, Fellow Daoist Hong." After speaking, he secretly took out Luo Geng under the cloak The disk was injected with spiritual power again and silently recited 'Azure Ice Crystal' in its heart, the activated pointer circled around the disk as if it had been injected with chicken blood, and then pointed to the direction behind Yi Tian and began to vibrate.

With clear instructions, it will be easy to work, Yi Tian immediately turned around and walked quickly in the direction indicated by Luo Geng in his hands.Hong Luanjing who was on the side also hurriedly followed. Although she didn't know how Yi Tian determined the position, she didn't ask too much. After all, everyone has their own secrets.

The two walked on the street like a gust of wind for a while, and Yi didn't stop until he saw a three-story house.

Standing in front of the gate and looking up, there are three big characters "You are coming" written on it.Yi Tian didn't know the details here for the first time, so he turned his head and asked, "Does Hong Daoyou know where this is?"

Hong Luanjing looked surprised and said: "This is the famous black market in 'Shan Jian City', where many monks will buy and sell some items that are not easy to see. Do you think that you can buy 'Azure Ice Crystal' here?"

"Go in and have a look, I think it might be a worthwhile trip," Yi Tian said before stepping in.

Hong Luanjing in the back also had a bitter look on her face, this 'Your Guest' is definitely not a good place, among the three sects, the Tianmomen is the way of the devil, and what they do is also willful and reckless. 'Shanjian City' is called Shanshi, and it's the place where the most vicious people gather, and this 'You Ke Lai' is definitely a den for selling stolen goods.

Seeing Yi Tian went in, Hong Luanjing had no choice but to follow immediately.To be honest, Hong Luanjing's heart was really moved by Yi Tian's suggestion before.If the material formula and inscription provided by Yi Tian are true, with Hong Luanjing's skills, as long as she refines the alchemy furnace, she can definitely break through to the sixth level.

At that time, the title of the No. [-] Artifact Refiner in the Western Wilderness will be his reputation, and Hong Luanjing also knows the importance of this reputation in the cultivation world.In the past few decades, if it weren't for the title of the number one refiner in the Western Wilderness on her head, how could so many people come here, not to mention that her original power in the Maiden Sect has also been greatly enhanced because of this. of consolidation.

In the past few years, the only person who has made her feel pressure is Huo Chilian, Ke Qing's craftsman from Tianmomen.More than 30 years ago, this person won the first place in the Heavenly Sword City Artifact Refining Competition, and he was able to refine level [-] spiritual weapons in the late stage of foundation establishment.It is said that more than ten years ago, after he succeeded in forming alchemy, he aspired to cultivate subconsciously, and many people from all over Tianmomen were searching for treasures from heaven and earth, which should be in preparation for his impact on the refining list this time.

On the other hand, in her girl group, except for herself and a few better sisters who can help, the others seem to be watching a play.

This time, the person brought back by her nephew Yan Zhaoxue did not attract Hong Luanjing's attention at first, and she made up her mind to take a gamble until the other party brought out a set of Ice Flame Storm's inscription map and matching pill furnace style.

The key to this set of inscriptions is that they need to be outlined with 'Azure Ice Crystal' ground into fine sand, which is different from the general inscription techniques. Hong Luanjing and Yi Tian came out to look for it after careful consideration.

After walking into the gate of "A guest is coming", the two of them obviously felt no less than a dozen divine senses sweeping towards them, and some of them stretched out in front of them unscrupulously during the period.

Yi Tian also knew the background of the transaction here under Hong Luanjing's suggestion, so naturally the strong are respected.In an instant, the coercion of the Golden Core cultivator slowly dissipated, and the range was exactly one zhang around him.

In an instant, those peeping spirits all shrank back one after another, and only one spirit gradually faded away after turning around in front of the two of them for a few times.

The people around were still trading on their own, but there was a little more fear in their eyes.Yi Tian also had no intention of wasting time on those monks, but secretly swept the Luo Geng plate under the cloak, and walked in the direction of the pointer.

Hong Luanjing followed behind Yi Tian, ​​she wanted to see how the kid in front of her could find the 'blue ice crystal'.

(End of this chapter)

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