
Chapter 254

Chapter 254
The release of the Heaven, Earth and People List every 50 years in the Western Wildlands is usually the prelude to the three factions' battle for people. Generally, the casual cultivators on the list will be accepted as guest elders or enshrined by the three factions.

Hong Luanjing had no reason not to want to keep her position as the No.1 of the last crafting list, and Yi Tian also took advantage of her weakness to cooperate.

In fact, in the Pill Artifact Pavilion in Zhaoyang City, Hong Luanjing's reputation as the number one alchemy master of the Golden Alchemy Period in the Western Wilderness is definitely not worthy of the name.

I also tasted her masterpiece when I was in Danqi Pavilion, and came to the conclusion that the novelty is insufficient and the function is not strong.Hong Luanjing herself has been immersed in the art of refining for many years, but she still lacks some creativity.Coupled with the fact that they have limited refining maps and have not innovated, it will not be easy to keep their position in the next list of weapons.

On the contrary, I have heard news of Huo Chilian for so many years. This person has inextricable relationship with Li Huozong, but it has not been confirmed whether he is an enemy or a friend.After all, there are so many branch branches of Lihuozong in Zhongzhou, and they don't recognize each other's orthodox status. Yi Tian doesn't want to go into this muddy water for the time being.

But Huo Chi Lian had already amazed everyone in the competition back then, and the five-element sword array map that he refined was originally intended to be refined by Yi Tian.Fortunately, something went wrong and I changed my mind halfway. Otherwise, if the refining map crashed, what would others think.

At least Yi Tian believed that Zheng Rutong would not let him go if he was the first one, and it would be extremely difficult to get out of the control of the Excalibur Sect by then.

"You Ke Lai" in Shanjian City was originally specialized in black market business. At this time, a guy on the second floor was leading Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing to walk in the aisle on the second floor.

Overlooking the hall on the next floor, it looks like a distribution market. In the center is a large square counter. There are some guys standing in it who are constantly busy dealing with the customers who come to Taobao. The surrounding area is surrounded by small rooms. It is used by the monks to discuss business.

Yi Tian walked for a while on the second floor, and found that the pointer of Tianyun Luogeng had been pointing straight at a room on the second floor since he entered the door. Even after going upstairs, no matter how he changed his direction, the pointer still locked the direction firmly.

After the three people passed by the room, and after the pointer trembled a few times, Yi Tian put Luo Geng away in silence, and then stopped the guy leading the way to point to the room and said, "I wonder if there is anyone here?" ? Can we go in?".

The guy who led the way in front was stunned and hurriedly replied: "There is a Jindan senior here who is discussing shipments, the two of you should come with me."

Hong Luanjing also looked at Yi Tian with a puzzled look on her face. After receiving the sound transmission, her eyes lit up and she looked at the room, and then followed up as if nothing had happened.

After the two entered a side room opposite, there was already a Jindan cultivator wearing the shopkeeper's costume waiting inside.After the three people greeted each other, Hong Luanjing stepped forward to express that she wanted to purchase some high-grade materials, and then chatted with the shopkeeper.

And Yi Tian locked his consciousness in that room, finally found the whereabouts of the 'Azure Ice Crystal', this time he can't leave empty-handed.

Half an hour later, suddenly there was movement in the opposite wing, and a bearder walked out of it, and his cultivation base was about the appearance of Jindan's early stage.Yi Tian quietly took out the Luogeng pan, and scanned the pointer with his spiritual sense, the pointer was still trembling, the thing should be on this person.

Guessing that his visit to sell goods this time did not seem to be going well, Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and communicated with Hong Luanjing, then hurried out.

After stepping out of the door and coming to the aisle, he happened to see the beard-slicker coming towards him. Yi Tian hurried up, and secretly said: "This fellow Taoist, please stay. I want to ask you something."

After a while, the man frowned, probably because the transaction just now was not satisfactory, at this time, someone was killed halfway, which really made him feel lingering.He stopped and scanned the other party with his spiritual sense before he breathed a sigh of relief. The one who spoke was a monk dressed as a scholar. Although he didn't know if there was any malicious intent, everyone still maintained due restraint during the "A Guest Comes".

Yi Tian saw that there was something going on, and then said: "Can this fellow Taoist take a step to speak?"

The bearder nodded and pointed to an empty room next to it, Yi Tian knowingly threw ten pieces of spirit stones to the servant, and then walked in with strides.

After the two entered the room, Yi Tian closed the door smoothly, and then raised a hand to open a sound-proof barrier.

The bearder was not polite, so he found a seat and sat down and asked, "What do you want me to buy? Let me tell you first that if the price is lower than this 'you have a customer', then we will not talk about it."

Yi Tian smiled and sat down opposite him, and then said: "I'm a craftsman, Yi Tian, ​​I don't know your name?"

"Jiang Zongqin," the bearded guest replied.

After a dumb smile, Yi Tian knew that he had to get to the point quickly, and then asked: "Jiang Daoyou came here just for bulk goods, and I'm here to collect some rare materials. If you want to, just ask."

Jiang Zongqin glanced up and down at Yi Tianhou and said: "You craftsmen are all so rich, and if you want to buy materials, why don't you find the shopkeeper of 'Your Customer'."

"I have a friend who is negotiating with the shopkeeper. Doesn't it just happen to meet you, so I take the liberty to ask?"

Jiang Zongqin frowned and said, "I don't think it's presumptuous, tell me how do you know that I have something you are interested in."

This question is not easy to answer, Yi Tian knows that if the other party becomes suspicious, the next thing will be difficult.After a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he smiled and said, "I have raised a treasure hunting mouse as a spiritual pet, and I reacted a little to your Excellency just now, so I came up here to try my luck."

After some words, the opponent's suspicion was reduced a lot. Jiang Zongqin slowly relaxed his tension, took out some materials from his storage bracelet and put them on the table, and said: "These Take a look at the things, see if you like anything."

To be honest, when he took out the materials, Yi Tian could roughly distinguish the value of these materials after scanning them with his divine sense, and even used the pupil technique to look at some ores.Then he pointed to a few complete animal teeth and raw ore, and then silently transmitted the sound in his mouth.

Jiang Zongqin's face was still calm when he heard the offer, but his eyes were a little bright. This offer was considered fair, about [-]% to [-]% higher than that of "You Ke Lai", and the two immediately reached an agreement. Lingshi.

In fact, these goods only look like 20 spirit stones in total. Yi Tian also knew that if he had to deal with the previous things, he would not be able to discuss the latter.Fortunately, these things can still be used after refining, at least some level [-] spirit weapons or level [-] semi-finished products can be sold to the 'Pill Artifact Pavilion' to make some money.

After the previous matter was dealt with, Yi Tian continued to laugh and said, "I don't know if you still have rare materials on Jiang Daoyou's body, and whether you can resell them is up to you. Please rest assured that you will not suffer from the price."

After hearing this, Jiang Zongqin hesitated for a while and said, "I think fellow Taoist is also a man of some wealth. I don't know if it is possible to replace the next two items with a fifth-level defensive spirit weapon."

Speaking of level five spirit weapons, Yi Tian has a few pieces on him, and the only defenses he can use for defense are the re-sacrificed Fire Emblem Shield and the 'Requiem Gong'.

In particular, this 'soul gong' was upgraded by imitating the spiritual weapon in Xiang Yang's hand back then. It can not only be used as a defensive spiritual weapon, but also can be stimulated by infusing spiritual energy, and it can also disturb people's minds with sound waves. Elementary spirit weapon.

Then Yi Tian gritted his teeth and nodded to signal the other party to take out the things.

A blue light flashed across the table, and on the table was a fist-sized raw ore and a section of monster bone.

Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense, and the surface of the raw ore showed a little bit of blue starlight into azure blue, and there was a trace of cold air leaking out around it, it should be the raw ore of 'Azure Ice Crystal'.Thinking that such a large piece can be engraved three to four times after smelting, Yi Tian was overwhelmed with joy. Originally, there was a weapon called "Cold Glass Sword" among the Ten Soldiers from Lihuo that could also be used.

On the face, he nodded calmly, and then took out the 'soul gong' and put it on the table.

Jiang Zongqin first scanned it with his spiritual sense, then picked up the spiritual weapon at Yi Tian's suggestion and injected spiritual power for a try.

Half a moment later, under Yi Tian's explanation, Jiang Zongqin showed a satisfied smile and said: "In this way, I will exchange this horizontal bone of a sixth-level monster with you." Bone pushed forward.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to lose his face. Although this section of transverse bone seems to exude a strong breath, it is still a little less as a refining material, and the ultimate purpose of his trip is to want the 'blue ice crystal' 'The ore.

The other party seemed to see his intentions and played like this on purpose.

But I can't exchange my defensive spirit weapon for him, it's a good deal.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said, "I don't know if Fellow Daoist Jiang is interested in the fifth-level offensive spirit weapon, but I'm willing to exchange it for this ore."

At this time, Jiang Zongqin said with a smug expression, "Of course I'm interested. Since Fellow Daoist Yi is interested, you can take another look."

After shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian directly took out a bullet-sized spirit weapon and put it on the table.Now Jiang Zongqin was excited, and after looking at it, he blurted out "Jianwan".

Yi Tian also nodded, this thing was originally Xiang Tiancheng's natal sword pill, but it was a pity that when he was fighting with him last time, he was stuck into a twist by the spiral fire shield.But after all, the natal spirit tool is not bad, after that, Yi Tian spent some time researching this sword pill, and found out that there is also a record of the refining method of the sword pill after checking the true explanation of Xuanyang refining tool.

Although the refining materials are relatively rare and require a long period of warming to be useful, there are still many sword cultivators in the cultivation world who choose this thing as their talisman.But in terms of attributes, after a long period of warming, the fit must be very high, so that the power displayed is not bad.

This gray sword pill was re-smelted by Yi Tian using Xiang Tiancheng's natal spiritual weapon as the raw material, and the inscription on it was also re-engraved during the smelting, erasing the original breath.

But this thing can't be inhaled into the dantian to warm it up no matter what, it seems that the seal is very strong against this kind of spiritual weapon, so in desperation Yi Tian had to reforge a spirit sword to drive the Yaojian technique, and this ' Jianwan' now happens to be cheap Jiang Zongqin.

(End of this chapter)

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