
Chapter 259 Homecoming

Chapter 259 Homecoming

Yi Tian and Huo Chilian have been communicating with each other for nearly six hours in the guest room of "Your Guest Comes". During this period, the two first exchanged information about their respective clans. .

During the period, Yi Tian also specifically asked about the method of Huo Chi Lian's identification, and the latter thought that Yi Tian deliberately took the school test, so the answer was relatively complete.

What surprised Yi Tian was that he had no mistakes at all, and basically reorganized all the spirit weapons refined after forming the alchemy, and there was not a single identification error.

But why the sword pill and the newly made puppet would be mistaken, Yi Tian couldn't explain these things clearly, so he had to rot in his stomach first.

Afterwards, the two left their contact information and agreed to meet again next time at the Temple of Rain in Xihuang.Thinking about it, Huo Chilian is not yet completely convinced by Yi Tian's weapon refining technique, so it's natural for everyone to compete with each other in the art of tool refining, and the top three in the tool refining list are naturally recognized as the most convincing things.

After bidding farewell to Huo Chilian, Yi Tian shut himself up in the Tianzihao room to practice, mainly to sort out his thoughts.After much deliberation, he still made up his mind to go back to Tianjian City and chat with Yin Jie first.

In front of him, Huo Chilian is enshrined by the Heavenly Demon Sect, Hong Luanjing is the head of the Maiden Sect, and she is alone.They can't compare with them in terms of refining facilities and finding treasure materials, so it's a bit difficult to compete for the top three.

At this time, the role of the sect can be manifested, so returning to the Excalibur Sect is the only choice at the moment.

After making a decision, he acted immediately, and Yi Tian was also considered a vigorous and resolute person. He picked up the messenger jade pendant and left a message to Hong Luanjing, explaining his next plan.

Unexpectedly, the other party also accepted it readily, and threatened to treat Yi Tian at the same level as Huo Chilian this time, which made Yi Tian speechless for a while.

As for Huo Chilian, it's easier to handle, leave a copy of the inscription liquid of 'Azure Ice Crystal' at the shopkeeper of 'Your Guest Comes', and declare that it is something from Huo Chilian.Afterwards, a message was sent to him, believing that with his name as an enshrined artisan of the Heavenly Demon Sect, it is impossible for anyone to dare to make an idea of ​​this bottle of inscription liquid.

Moreover, Yi Tian can guess it, and when he gets the item, he will guess what he means, and then confirm the spiritual weapon made in this comparison test.

Everyone has three points for the inscription materials, and there are three sects as backup, and the rest of the auxiliary conditions are almost the same, so the winner or loser depends on their understanding and skills in the process of refining weapons.

The next morning, Yi Tian packed up and retreated to the room. The shopkeeper was very polite, knowing that the person in front of him had a relationship with Huo Chilian, but he didn't charge him anything.

After leaving 'You Ke Lai', Yi Tian went directly to the 'Intermodal Transporter' in the north of the city. This time, he directly showed the jade card of Zheng Jia Keqing's identity, and the receptionist at the door dared not neglect and directly opened the door to welcome Yi Tian. go in.

An hour later, the long-distance transport intermodal airship of the "Intermodal Passenger" slowly left the airport of Good Seen City.At this time, in the cabin behind the main control room of Feizhou, Yi Tian and Yin Jie sat facing each other and were discussing the next thing.

Yin Jie's face was full of excitement, he was the one who knew the inside story of the Sky Sword City Artifact Refining Competition back then.Being able to persuade Yi Tian to return this time is definitely a good thing for Zongmen.

Looking at Yi Tian who was sitting opposite, Yin Jie applauded secretly in his heart, as long as he can enter the top three in the land list this time, he can offset the disadvantage of the last foundation building competition.In this way, he also has an explanation to the upper echelon of the sect, maybe he can go further a few times.

Sensing that Yin Jie was a little agitated, Yi Tian opened his eyes and said, "Senior brother Yin, I will say this first, this time I will try my best to refine the spirit weapon, but I can't pack it if I can reach the top three." ticket."

Yin Jie said with a smile: "Naturally, but Master Yi's skill should be slightly higher than that of Huo Chi Lian, and there will be no major mistakes. I also hope that Master Yi can keep his promise and hand over the holy spring water to Zong door processing."

The two had negotiated this matter before, Zongmen provided treasure materials and gave Yu Yitian the status of a refiner, Ke Qing, no matter whether he could hit the top three or not, the spirit weapon refined still belonged to Zongmen.

After being listed on the list, Yi Tian can also choose to exchange the holy spring water to Zongmen, and the reward given by Zongmen is that Yi Tian can choose one thing from the treasure house and the scripture building.

These conditions are of course not something that Yin Jie can give personally, and most of them can only be finalized after consulting the people behind him.

The sect seems to be monolithic, but most of the forces inside are intricate.Thinking that he has now been labeled as Yin Jie's family, Yi Tian is interested in learning about the people behind him and the division of forces in the Excalibur Sect.

After pondering for a while, he replied: "At first, I was also very interested in this holy spring water, but since Senior Brother Yin opened his mouth and helped me deal with a lot of troublesome things, I will still repay my kindness."

Seeing Yi Tian being so forthright, Yin Jie was also in a good mood, and began to talk endlessly about the top three spiritual weapons in the previous list and their refiners.

It turns out that all the above things can be reciprocated, as long as the person who refines them is still in the golden elixir realm.However, it is said that there is no spiritual weapon that has dominated the list for more than three times in a row, and it is mostly because of the level drop after the battle was damaged or it was completely broken, and it was withdrawn from the list.

With Yin Jie by his side, the boring three-day journey seemed surreal, but Yi Tian kept asking about some internal affairs of the sect.It's like being attached to Zheng Rutong before, but I don't know where he is in the Excalibur Sect.

Yin Jie also looked at Yi Tian's concerns, and had investigated him before.It's really because Zheng Rutong is a conservative who doesn't help each other, that's why Yin Jie can so easily persuade the people behind him to take Yi Tian over.

After explaining the strength of the sect, Yi Tiancai understood that if he succeeds in making the list this time, the holy spring water he got back will definitely fall into the hands of Yin Jie's master.And I heard that his master, Beiming Kongjing, was a master in the middle stage of Yuanying, and this spring water was probably used on Yin Jie or his senior brothers in the end.

While the two were talking, suddenly the whole ship began to shake violently, and then Lianren hurried out of the hatch and came to the deck to watch.

I saw violent aura fluctuations hundreds of miles ahead, as if a Nascent Soul cultivator was working.Although this place has not yet entered the jurisdiction of the Excalibur Sect, the Nascent Soul cultivators of the three sects generally would not attack easily, and the number of casual cultivator Nascent Soul cultivators in Xihuang would not attack for no reason.

The spiritual power fluctuations of the two high-ranking monks fighting in the distance seem to have affected everything within a hundred miles around. When the strong wind blows, Yin Jie is frightened and shouts: "Turn the rudder, drive steadily, put the protective gear on." The hood is opened to the maximum, and everyone is on first-level alert."

As the alarm on the spaceship was raised, the entire ship began to move in an orderly manner.

Yi Tian stood on the deck and looked forward, and saw a cyan halo and a black halo sticking to each other, but after careful distinction, it was obvious that the cyan light was chasing the black light.

With such a distance, Yin Jie naturally couldn't see the front clearly. Fortunately, Yi Tian had also practiced the pupil technique, and his eyes looked straight after a flash of blue light.All I saw was a monk in the costume of the Excalibur sect chasing a black-robed monk with a pockmarked face, holding a spirit sword.

The black-robed monk held a black steel knife that had been cut off in one section, as if he felt Yi Tian's peeping, the two of them looked over at the same time.

Suddenly, the black-robed monk got rid of the sword energy and flew directly towards the direction of the flying boat.And the cultivator of the Excalibur sect also found his intention and immediately rushed after him.

How could Yi Tian on the boat know that things would develop in the most unfavorable direction, so he immediately notified Yin Jie and described the appearance of the two of them.

After hearing this, Yin Jie was overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, that's my master Sword Saint Beiming Kongjing, and the one in black robe is Heavenly Demon Gate Keqing Elder Badao Ximen Kuaoao. It looks like he can't make any waves."

But Yitian was not so optimistic in his heart, Ximen Kuaoao was obviously aiming at Feizhou.Moreover, the range of fluctuations in the Nascent Soul stage monks' battles has too much influence, so there is no guarantee that something will happen.

Immediately, he hurriedly shouted: "Brother Yin tried his best to drive the flying boat back, if we are hit by the strong wind of monk Yuan Ying, we will die."

And Yin Jie also seemed to understand something, rushed into the cabin and injected spiritual power to control the take-off boat and spared him, and kept contacting his master to inform him about the situation of the flying boat.

Ximen Kuaoao really lived up to his name, even if he couldn't beat him, he didn't show any weakness. Seeing the flying boat turn around and run away, he adjusted his direction and chased after him.It could be seen that the defeat just now made him a little angry, and he urgently needed to find some way to vent.

Bei Ming Kongjing, who was chasing after him, was shocked when he received the message from his apprentice. Although he was only two breaths away from Ximen Kuaoao, for a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, two breaths can do a lot of things. Now I only hope that the other party will turn around suddenly, otherwise the consequences will be really unpredictable.

Yi Tian found that he seemed to have provoked the other party, and with the speed of the flying boat, he would be caught up in ten breaths.

Resolutely transmitted voice to Yin Jie and said: "He is coming for me, I will lure him away, you wait for me in front."

Before waiting for an answer, Yi Tian's whole body had a flash of blue-red aura, enveloping his whole body, then jumped up, looked arrogantly at Ximen in the air, and then chose the back of the flying boat and galloped away.

The black halo seemed to pause for a breath, and then followed it again with all its strength, and Beiming Kongjing, who was chasing behind, seized the rare opportunity in a thousand years to shrink the distance by half a breath.

For a while, everyone on the boat breathed a sigh of relief, but Yin Jie couldn't laugh, so he had to send a message to the master again to inform the situation here.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying with all his strength, now knows that he has underestimated the Nascent Soul cultivator. This Ximen Pride is much more powerful than Chiyangzi.The speed of his full flight is comparable to that of a late Jindan monk, but the distance between the two is shrinking at a rapid speed.

Seeing that he was about to enter the opponent's attack range in three breaths, Yi Tian was so anxious that he had no choice but to take out the Heavenly Demon Token given by Duguao and shake it in his hand.

After Ximen Kuangao swiped the token with his divine sense, his speed froze again, which just allowed Beiming Kongjing to take the opportunity to shorten the distance to the range of the attack.

I saw the blue light in the Juggernaut's hand gathered and used a sword to fly, which was definitely much stronger than the disciples and elders of the Excalibur Sect.

Ximen Kuaoao didn't care about Yi Tian any longer, and directly swung his saber back to meet him.After the two spells collided with a bang, the compressed spiritual power exploded, and the strong wind knocked down the mountain on one side by an inch.

Yi Tian took this opportunity to put away the Heavenly Demon Order, and hurriedly walked around to lean towards the Juggernaut.

A bright light flashed, and he saw a middle-aged scholar-like monk standing in front of him. Yi Tian knew it was safe.

Suddenly there was an angry scolding sound from a distance: "Old Beiming, you are so shameless, relying on your own magical weapon to beat me every time, is it interesting?" Call it.

But Beiming Kongjing replied indifferently: "Then you also find someone to help refine a sixth-level high-level spiritual weapon, and we will fight again at that time."

Being choked by the Sword Master lightly, Ximen Kuangao shook his hands and turned his head away, before leaving, he still did not forget to give Yi Tian a look and said: "Boy, I remember you."

(End of this chapter)

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