
Chapter 260 Agreement

Chapter 260 Agreement
Sitting in the main cabin of the 'United Transport', Yin Jie and Yi Tian sat respectfully in front of Beiming Kongjing.Yin Jie reported to his master verbatim what he had discussed with Yi Tian before.

After listening to Yin Jie's narration, Beiming Kongjing turned his head and looked at it with great interest, only raising Yi Tian's hairs.

It took a long time before he said, "What spell did you use to spy on us?"

Yi Tian felt seen through in front of the monks in the mid-Yuanying period. Fortunately, the seal in the dantian was also aware of the environment, and instantly released a thunder net to protect the entire dantian to prevent being seen through.

After a long time, Yicai came back to his senses and said, "I have practiced Qingling Shenmu, which is a spell specially used for refining weapons and materials."

Beiming Kongjing continued indifferently: "Do you know that just now you peeped into the fight between me and Ximen Kuaoao? The momentum is not stable, the old man Ximen lost in the distraction."

Yin Jie, who was on the side, smiled and said, "The master is still better, and the opponent who hits him can only leave with hatred."

Qian Chuanwan wears flattery and does not wear it, but Beiming Kongjing smiled slightly and said: "Don't underestimate him, I have a little advantage in spiritual weapons. His sixth-level elementary Tiansha Demon Sword It is quite different from my sixth-level high-level holy sword, and if we rely on strength alone, we are evenly matched."

What he said made Yin Jie dare not speak again, but Yi Tian thought about it, Beiming Kongjing saw this and said: "Nephew Yi, you can be regarded as a guest of the Excalibur School, I can't call you like that. Divide."

Yi Tian hurriedly replied: "The old ancestor taught me, I am afraid."

"I see that you seem to be thinking, why don't you tell me and I will help you solve your doubts."

This is exactly what Yi Tian wanted, and then he hit the snake with the stick and asked: "It is reasonable to say that I have seen a lot of monks from the Tianmomen, and some of them use magic knives as natal spiritual weapons. For example, I help Duguao refine The 'True Demon Blood Blade', but Ximen Kuaoao can find a Nascent Soul Refiner to refine a natal spirit weapon, why do you have to use a broken knife?"

One sentence made Beiming Kongjing's eyes brighten, and then said: "When did you refine Duguao's natal spirit weapon? Does anyone else know?"

"Back to the ancestors, I refined it in the refining room of Xiding Volcano about 40 years ago. At that time, Sun Deqing, the guardian elder, was present."

After hearing this, Bei Mingkong Jing took out a jade tablet and said a few words, a message came within a short while.After reading that message, he couldn't stop nodding and said: "That's right, you can refine a fifth-level intermediate spirit weapon in the late stage of foundation establishment. It seems that your accomplishments in refining weapons are still higher than Huochi refining."

Yi Tian knew in his heart that this is not a fifth-level intermediate level. It was obviously a primary level when it was released. It must be the kid Duguao who kept nurturing it in the next period of time to make the spirit weapon advanced so quickly.

Anyway, this time I rely on refining high-level spiritual weapons, so it's not a bad thing for me to let this beautiful misunderstanding continue.

"Then Ximen Kuaoao and Dugu Ao should practice the same method, Tianmomen's unique technique, Tianmo Dao.

As for why he didn't ask Nascent Soul cultivator to refine the spirit weapon, it's because Nascent Soul cultivator usually doesn't have time to refine it for others, everyone is racing against time to practice, and besides, his reputation of Ximen's arrogance is too stinky Yes, he offended many people, even in Tianmomen, few monks of the same level would associate with him, let alone refining weapons. "

It turns out that there is such a way in the inside, and Yi Tian has a new understanding of them in a few words.

Later, I heard Beiming Kongjing mention: "The Zheng family you represent won the fourth place in the Heavenly Sword City Grand Competition, right?"

"Yes, the puppet I refined is a humanoid puppet, which was used for Huo Chi's sword test." Yi Tian also spoke bluntly.

Suddenly Beiming Kongjing smiled and said: "Okay, very good, if you have a heart that doesn't fight, you can go farther on the road than similar monks."

Turning to Yin Jie, he said, "In the next ten years, when Yi Tian hits the list, you will concentrate on helping him, and you must do your best to do this well."

Yin Jie replied with a serious face: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will be wholehearted and dare not neglect."

"Is senior so optimistic that I can break into the top three?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"If you can refine a fifth-level spiritual weapon in the foundation building stage, you can't find a slap in the West Desolate Continent, let alone in the golden core stage, I believe you will not let the old man down."

In this case, Yi Tian felt like being roasted on the fire, but he had no choice but to nod to indicate that he would do his best.

After being affected by the two Nascent Soul cultivators, the original itinerary of less than three days was extended by one day. Under Yin Jie's instruction, the monks on the 'United Transport' landed on the ground and corrected it.

The entire hull was slightly damaged by the strong wind of monk Nascent Soul, and the protective inscription array on the hull could no longer be used after the protective cover of the hull was borne by the strong wind.Although it is still possible to continue flying, there are still some low-level monks on the ship who cannot withstand the gale generated by fast sailing like Yi Tian and other Jindan monks.

After a group of people rested on the spot, a few hours later, the first mate on the ship led people to repair the protective cover, and then set sail again in a dusty environment.

As for Beimingkongjing who left after explaining the matter, now Yin Jie has the final say on the boat again.

Flying all the way, Yi Tian saw that he was hesitant to speak, so he asked, "Senior brother Yin, is there something on his mind?"

Yin Jie nodded without hesitation and said: "Master Yi doesn't know something, the master wants this holy spring water for us, but there are three Jindanjing brothers in my generation, and I am not the best. of."

Seeing what he meant, Yi Tian understood, this holy spring water is also something that they can meet but can't ask for.After thinking for a while, he said: "Aren't there still those places, isn't Senior Brother Yin going to fight for them?"

He sighed and said, "There are at least dozens of Jindan cultivators of the Excalibur Sect. There are too many monks and few meats, and everyone is staring at them, and every time those seniors who are late Jindan will deliberately stop retreating." Come out to compete for the holy water quota of the sect. Am I not panicking?"

Now Yi Tian started to sympathize with him a little bit. There are very few things that can make Jindan advanced. Except for those monks who have reached the top grade of alchemy, everyone else stretched their necks to ask for these places. Woolen cloth.Coupled with the defeat of the two factions in the Foundation Establishment Competition, the competition for places is bound to become more tense.

Judging by Yin Jie's appearance, it is estimated that he will form a middle-grade pill, otherwise he would be so emotional.

Yi Tian also felt that this matter was extremely troublesome, and one bad thing was to offend one side.Fortunately, the matter has nothing to do with oneself, and there is no need to worry about it. Let the capable people have a headache.

After that, the two were silent all the way with their own concerns, and began to meditate and practice.

Two days later, the flying boat approached the airport of Tianjian City. Yi Tian could see from the window of the main cabin that the airport was built above the city lord's mansion of Tianjian City.

I couldn't fly here before, but this time I could look down from a high place, and found that the entire sky sword city was slender and slender like a sharp sword.In addition to the City Lord's Mansion, there are actually three special buildings in the city, all of which are marked with the badge of the Excalibur School.

This can be regarded as interesting. The Shaoyang City and Shanjian City that I have seen before are not all scattered around the City Lord's Mansion.The structure here must have its own unique purpose, but it is not humane.

After getting down to the ground, there was a bull cart waiting. Yin Jie pointed to Yi Tian to understand, and the two of them got into the cart and drove away.

After receiving Yin Jie's notification, the disciple driving the car ran wildly, passed through the frolicking crowd and the bustling market, and after a quarter of an hour, the two arrived in front of the special building in the west of Tianjian City.

The guards here are five-member patrols, and their cultivation bases all look like they are in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.Yin Jie explained: "This is the material warehouse of the sect in Tianjian City. After Master Yi enters it, you can find the materials yourself. You can use any materials of level five and below, and there are at most three materials for level six, and you need You can take it after discussing it with me."

Yi Tian nodded to show that he understood, and he was sure that this must be due to the use of the Beiming Kongjing. It seems that if he can't break into the top three in the ground list this time, it will be difficult for him to be in the Excalibur School.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian asked: "Is the place where the closed weapon refiner is still in Xidingshan, can you contact the refiner room?"

"Master Yi, don't worry, I have contacted the elder deacon of Xidingshan, and I have reserved the Tianzi No. [-] room, and it can be used directly when we go there." Yin Jie seemed to know that Yi Tian had such a question, and it is estimated that Bei Ming Kong Jing also told him repeatedly to use all the resources he could allocate.

These Yitians have a solid mind, all the auxiliary conditions are mature, and then it depends on the choice of refining the spirit weapon.Presumably people from the Excalibur sect must want a sword-like spiritual weapon, but there are some spiritual sword diagrams available among the Lihuo Ten Soldiers here.

But Yi Tian didn't plan to refine those things. Hearing Huo Chilian's words before, he was afraid that Zhongzhou Lihuozong would be very interested in people like him.

I'm just afraid that someone with a heart will take this opportunity to guess my real identity, but it's no problem to learn from the inscription.In short, Yi Tian's plan is to learn from each other and confuse the public.

After the two entered the material warehouse of Tianjian City, they realized that the scale of this place was much larger than that of Chiyang Sect and even Tiejianmen.After all, it is the number one sect in the Western Wilderness. Even if it has been a little bit decadent over the years, this great cause still makes others fearful.

After Yin Jie showed his identity jade badge, the first person led him in. He walked into the material warehouse of Tianjian City. There are five steps, one post and ten steps and one sentry. After Yin Jie's reminder, Yi Tian found out There are several secret whistles and observation ports.

After passing through the corridor a moment later, the two came to a spacious hall with an interior space of about thirty feet.There are rows of wooden shelves all around, and the materials are piled up on them.

Yi Tian stretched out his consciousness, but it was bounced back by an invisible light film. It seems that these defensive measures of the material warehouse cannot be penetrated by the consciousness.

Yin Jie led Yi Tian through the first floor and went up the stairs directly. He introduced while walking: "The first floor is relatively large, so most of the low-level materials are stored. As for the materials above the fifth level, they are all on the second floor. Master Yi, please follow me."

After going up to the second floor, the space in front of me is much smaller than that of the first floor, only about a quarter of the space.And the shelves on the second floor are also much less, and some places are still empty and not full.

Yin Jie pointed to the shelf in front of him and said: "This is the fifth-level material area, and there is an area drawn at the back for the sixth-level material, and there are special guards there, I will go there with you."

After Yi Tian nodded, he walked over together. There was a desk at the end of the room, and an old man dozed off beside it.When the two walked over, the old Taoist woke up naturally, looked up and said directly: "Warrant".

This time Yin Jie took out another jade tablet and handed it over, it should be a token of his master Beiming Kongjing.

(End of this chapter)

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