
Chapter 261

Chapter 261
The material warehouse in Tianjian City not only has heaven and earth treasures for refining weapons, but also takes into account those spiritual plants for alchemy.These things are classified according to grade, so they are mixed and placed in the sixth-grade material area.

Everything is protected by special restrictions, so it is basically impossible to take something out from here.

But this time, the two of them took the token of Beiming Kongjing to select treasures, and Yin Jie also had a promise that he could choose three treasures at the sixth level.

After the guard at the door checked the token, he generously took out a thick list and handed it to the two, and said: "You look for it according to the list, choose it and tell me the number. Take it out for you," he continued to close his eyes and dozed off.

From the very beginning when Yi Tian came in, he found out that the monk who was guarding the gate couldn't see through his cultivation.Quietly asked Yin Jie via sound transmission, but the answer he got was that it was his first time here as well.

After sniffling and snorting, Yi Tian didn't care about that much, and went straight to the roster to find it.This book divides the six-level treasures in the warehouse into four categories: spirit plants, minerals, beast spirits, and bones.Each item is described in detail below, when and where it was found, the grade of the item after identification, and its general efficacy.

After searching, Yi Tian roughly estimated that there are nearly a hundred kinds of six-level materials in it, but there are only [-] kinds of ore treasures used as the main ore for refining.

Hong Luanjing and Huo Chi practiced a furnace for refining alchemy and a knife for refining, leaving her with little choice.The monks of the Excalibur sect started with gold-based exercises, so the spirit weapons they forged must also match their aura attributes.

A bottle of "Azure Ice Crystal" inscription liquid in hand is a must, so the selected treasure must be of the gold water attribute.

After a search, I found that there are only three suitable things: 'Cryolite', 'Golden Tungsten Ore' and 'Forged Rouxin Gold Iron'.

But refining spiritual weapons is not about having as many treasures as possible, sometimes a single treasure may not be worse than a mixed type.After turning over these few pages, I already have a plan in my heart, but I haven't found what I need.

Yi Tian has only refined a 'Fire Lotus Lamp' for himself since he formed the alchemy. Although it is a growth-type spiritual weapon, it is necessary to select high-level materials and blend it into the lamp every time it is upgraded. If you want to upgrade to a spiritual weapon, you will not be able to handle it yourself.

So I want to take this opportunity to see if there are any fire-attributed level [-] materials that can be used as a backup, but after searching, there is not even a single fire-attributed mineral.

Disappointed, Yi Tian felt unwilling, finally able to come here once, it would be a pity to miss the opportunity.Turning around, he asked, "Are there any level-[-] fire attribute treasures here? I need to strengthen the furnace fire for smelting."

Yin Jie stood aside and heard the words and hurriedly stepped forward to push the first person, only to see that person opened his eyes, glanced at Yi Tian, ​​and said: "You can take a look at the last third item of the Lingzhi Chapter." After finishing speaking Continue to fall asleep.

Getting used to this person's demeanor, Yi Tian thanked him and turned directly to that page, only to see a black dead branch on it, as thick as a wrist, and the note below is quite interesting.

'Dead wood branches, impervious to water and fire, contain rich fire-attribute aura, suspected to be the trunk of a high-level fire-type spiritual plant.Half a foot long, one inch thick, and black in color. '

After reading the so-called detailed description, Yi Tian was also confused, but fortunately, the person who tasted it at the beginning still had two brushes, and finally wrote that it was suspected to be 'sycamore wood'.

Isn’t this the branch that the fire phoenix likes to inhabit most? Let’s not talk about whether there is such a creature as the fire phoenix, but if it’s really a "sycamore wood", wouldn't I be mad, but there is a black "sycamore wood" what.

Suddenly, a spiritual plant flashed in Yi Tian's mind. Isn't this thing the same as the half dead branch with roots in his spiritual plant bag?After looking at the broken part of the dead branch, he quietly inserted his consciousness into the spiritual planting bag and checked the bare branch. After comparing the broken part, it was actually able to close.

Immediately, Yi Tian decided to choose it, and then called Yin Jie, and selected the three six-level materials he needed.

Yin Jie also acted according to the rules. After listening to Yi Tian's choice, he directly told the number to the manager. The man didn't say anything after hearing it. He just looked at Yi Tian, ​​turned around and walked into the back room to get things. up.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he came out with three storage bags and handed them to Yi Tian, ​​and finally pointed to the sycamore wood and said: "This thing may be different from the description, if you are interested, you can go to the Zongmen Look for the manuscripts of the ancestors in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and only after confirming the properties of the good things can they be used for refining, and you must not use them indiscriminately."

After listening, Yi Tian also nodded and said yes, what he said was reasonable, and then he would have to trouble Yin Jie to follow him.The latter shrugged his shoulders to indicate that it doesn't matter, and his next time is all about assisting Yi Tian in refining weapons.

After saying goodbye to the guard, the two came to the fifth-level material area. Yi Tian is not polite here, and will take a little of all the materials available.

These things are all familiar, anyway, as long as you don't overdo it.Therefore, Yitian takes [-]% more for each material that can be used. After selecting them together, the odds and ends are also filled with two storage bags.

After cleaning up, Yin Jie urged Yi Tian to leave, probably he couldn't bear to see this guy next to him.

After the two walked out of the material warehouse, Yi Tian looked around and said to Yin Jie with a smile: "Brother's Jianwan hasn't recognized the master yet, right?"

Seeing Yin Jie nodded in response, Yi Tian went on to say, "It's all thanks to Senior Brother Yin's help this time. I don't care about refining weapons. Senior Brother Yin's sword pill was originally made by me, but it's a pity that it hasn't been completed yet, so it can only be regarded as a piece of work." Probably a spirit weapon."

Yin Jie also hastily replied, "Since this is the case, Master Yi must have a solution."

Yi Tian nodded and said, "I need to warm up before going to Xiding Volcano forging. Why don't I upgrade Senior Brother Yin's Jianwan to the lower level again. It should be no problem to ask me to see the fifth-level intermediate level."

"Then I'm sorry," Yin Jie was also in a good mood. If he knew this was the case, he might as well get some more materials just now and upgrade the sword pill to the fifth level.

After tidying up, Yi Tian was going to scare Yin Jie first. The best way is to show his own value first, so that Beiming Kongjing can also feel at ease.

Just do what you say, I don't know many people in Tianjian City, but it happens that there is Zheng Rutong from the Zheng family who can get involved.Going to his head office is not suitable for people to come and go, and there will be some disturbances at that time, which will not end well.

Turning to Yi Tian, ​​he looked at the branch in Zhengjiabei City, where he was very familiar with, and it would not take more than a month to improve the quality of Xiajian Pills. After making up his mind, Yi Tian took Yin Jiechao and walked in the direction of Beishi.

Since Yi Tian left the Zhengjia North City branch, Zheng Fu has been guarding it alone. In the past 30 years, his cultivation has surpassed the advanced level of Qi training. There is no hope of immortality in this life. He only hopes to get more spiritual stones for his descendants.

But the business here has returned to its original state after being popular for a while 30 years ago. There is almost no oil and water, and it can only rely on the quota of the head office to survive.

Customers came to the store suddenly today, Zheng Fu was so hard to open the market so early, naturally he came up to welcome the customers enthusiastically.As soon as he saw the guest's appearance clearly, before he could say anything, he couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes. This person actually knew him.

After entering the shop, I scanned the surroundings with my spiritual sense, and found that the furnishings here are similar to those 30 years ago, but people are getting older.

After smiling, Yi Tian said to Zheng Fu: "I want to borrow the refining room at the back," then threw Zheng Fu a storage bag and went straight in.

After opening the storage bag, Zheng Fu clicked it, and there was actually a whole 2000 yuan of spirit stones in it, which was his income for nearly 20 years.Then Zheng Fu ran to the front without saying a word, closed the door of the store, and put up a sign to thank customers behind closed doors.

After arranging Yin Jie to rest in the back room, Yi Tian stepped directly into the refining room, and the surrounding environment remained unchanged.With a flick of the right hand, the fire in the center was lit, and the left hand pointed at the stone door to seal the entire refining room.

Instead, he took out the gray sword pill, and then took out a little Geng gold tungsten ore to cut out a tenth of it with Xuanyang fire for later use.

Ever since he used the fire lotus lamp to practice and strengthen, Yi Tian found that his natal Xuanyang real fire seemed to be much stronger, and he didn't even need to work too hard to cut six-level materials.

Suddenly Yi Tian realized that the recently refined puppet and the gray sword pill in front of him were all refined after strengthening the real fire.

It's not that I have a problem with my vision for appraising spiritual weapons, but that the strengthening of real fire leads to the evolution of refining weapons.If all this is as I guessed, these things are easy to explain.The spiritual weapon hadn't been upgraded when I identified it, but Huo Chi should have completed the upgrade when I practiced the identification.

It took less than ten days, so it should be possible to refine the sword pill according to the existing materials in hand.

No matter how you try, it will work. Anyway, I have agreed with Yin Jie about the refining situation, and I will stay here for a month.

Summoning the fire lotus lamp from the dantian with a single hand move, a faint red light appeared on the entire pitch-black stage.Yi Tian didn't notice, but just took out a trace of the true fire of life and lit it in the lamp to start strengthening the sacrifice.

It is quite unusual for the Zheng's branch to be closed for more than [-] days in a row. Fortunately, the neighbors don't care about it. Anyway, few people would visit such a small shop on weekdays.

Just as the people around were discussing the transaction as usual, a loud noise suddenly came from the backyard of the Zheng family branch.Then the thunderclouds in the sky began to gather. The appearance of the thunderclouds was much stronger than that of the Foundation Establishment Thunder Calamity, but it was not like the Golden Core Calamity.

For a moment, the surrounding crowd retreated one after another, and some of them cursed from time to time: "Du Jie is still busy in the city, it looks like the Zheng family is going to make trouble."

The sudden abnormal situation in the north of the city has long alarmed the city defense battalion and the main store of the Zheng family, and both sides have sent people to ask what happened.

The two groups found a bewildered Zheng Fu outside the store, and just about to take him down, suddenly there was a shout from the backyard: "Everyone stay away." Then a jade token flew out and landed on the city defense camp In the hands of the team.

After three breaths, the troops of the city defense battalion began to guide the crowd to evacuate, while Zheng Fu was put under special protection, making everyone confused.

(End of this chapter)

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