
Chapter 262 Preferential Treatment

Chapter 262 Preferential Treatment
Heavenly Sword City has always been a symbol of stability and peace, but this year there have been some unrest in the city.

According to reports from many low-level monks, some monks from the Zheng family survived the robbery in the downtown area, destroying more than a dozen shops in the whole process.The Zheng family branch was the center of the thunder disaster and was the most deeply affected. Two-thirds of the front and rear yards of the entire store were destroyed.

This matter was reported to Zheng Rutong, the Patriarch of the Zheng family, but the reply was that he immediately started to repair it, and even paid for the loss of the surrounding shops.

When the Zhengjia North Store reopened here, even the City Lord's Mansion sent people to congratulate him, and Zheng Rutong, the owner of the house, unveiled a plaque in the hall with a face of excitement, and wrote a letter saying, "The first day of Jianwan in Tianjian City." one'.

Although there are not a few refiners who can pass the refining of sixth-level spiritual weapons, there are very few people who can directly practice the sword pill to the sixth level. Generally, Jindan monks have been warmed up for two or three hundred years before they are lucky enough to advance. .The sword pills that appeared in Tianjian City are basically four-level, and there are very few five-level ones, let alone six-level ones.

This starting point is high and the warming time goes up, it must be amazing.Many people asked people to inquire about the master who made the sixth-level sword pills, but Zheng Rutong just replied in the same way, the things are in the hands of Yin Jie, the law enforcement elder of the inner sect of the Divine Sword Sect, and you can ask them yourself.

Those who knew the inside story all shut their mouths one after another, and those who didn't know kept their mouths shut when they heard the rumors from above after making a fuss.

At this time, Yi Tian and Yin Jie were on their way to Xiding Mountain, sitting in the main cabin of the flying boat, they were also drinking and talking happily.

I only heard Yi Tian say: "Senior brother Yin's skill is admired by the younger brother, the power of these two thunder calamities is no less than that of the Golden Core Tribulation."

"Where is it, it's good that my skills and the attributes of the sword pill can be combined to exert the greatest effect. This is also thanks to Master Yi's superb skills, which allowed me to obtain a quasi-level six sword pill out of thin air." Yin Jie also expressed admiration replied.

"It's better that Senior Brother Yin can help me find the materials, so that I can have a chance to show my skills." After complimenting each other, the two smiled knowingly, and everyone can take what they need and order as soon as possible.

In the past 20 days or so, Yi Tian spent most of the time refining and strengthening the real fire, but it was only used for refining and strengthening the sword pill for three days.After refining it, I put it outside and waited for changes. This time, I did not disappoint myself. Within two or three days, the body on the sword pill changed.

The sword pill, which was originally fused with the high-grade material Geng gold and tungsten ore, was re-sacrificed and raised to a high-level five. After the robbery, Tianlei tempered the body of the sword pill and suddenly changed to a higher level.

After the thunder disaster, Yi Tian re-appraised Jianwan and found that the color of the inscription on it changed from bright yellow to dark gold, just like the inscription inside the humanoid puppet before.

These are all the effects that can only be produced by strengthening the Xuanyang True Fire Inscription, so far, all the confusion from the last time has been solved.

With the flying boat galloping in the air at full speed, the two of them completed the original four-day journey in only one and a half days.After arriving at the North Peak of Xiding Mountain, it docked at the air port of the Excalibur Sect. When the two of them got off the airship, there were some people waiting in the port.

The one at the beginning is of course an old acquaintance, Sun Deqing, the director of the refining area. This is the fourth time Yi Tian has seen him, and he remembered that he gave him a sword test last time in Tianjian City.

After the few people met, Sun Deqing was very excited and introduced to the surrounding disciples: "This Master Yi is the craftsman enshrined by our Excalibur Sect to participate in the ranking this time. Everyone, let's get to know each other."

Seeing several cultivators dressed as craftsmen surrounding them, Yi Tian didn't dare to offend everyone, so he bowed his hands one by one as a greeting.

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded in the crowd, "Let him use any good materials, and leave the best refining room to him. It will be a big loss if you don't make it to the top three."

Following the voice, several people reincarnated and found that the person who spoke was a Jindan cultivator wearing inner clothing.Now, some meddlesome people in the crowd began to whisper, and most of them remained silent.

Sun Deqing's face twitched, and he returned to his original state in a blink of an eye. He turned around and warned: "Xing Lin must not be rude. Master Yi's achievements in the Tianjian City Artifact Refining Competition are obvious to all."

"I know, isn't it just that I refined a humanoid puppet to resist the attacking spirit weapons of Huo Chilian and Xiang Feiying. If it weren't for the fact that I retreated to attack the golden core back then, there would be no such thing as the three of them." Xing Linyi Said with a disdainful face.

The scene became cold for a while, and the atmosphere became very embarrassing.

At this time, Yin Jie who was standing beside him quietly told Yi Tian: "This person is Xiang Feiying's senior brother, and he is also good at refining weapons. It is said that the refining skills are the strongest among the indoor doors. It is a pity that his master and my master It's not all the way."

Knowing the general situation, Yi Tian didn't make unnecessary excuses, but just followed Sun Deqing into the bull cart.Right now the business is important, and there is no time to compare.

But it was obvious that Xing Lin didn't want to let anyone through the door, he only heard him sneering: "Why didn't he even say a few words about Zhengfeng, this Master Yi is quite airy."

Yi Tian walked into the car slowly, then looked down condescendingly, and said lightly: "How do you compare?"

What he was waiting for was this sentence, Xing Lin raised his head and said: "Our Excalibur sect started with swordsmanship, of course it is more than refining sword pills." He took out a white sword pill with his right hand and held it high in the palm of his hand Give it to the colleagues around you to taste it.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the car, glanced roughly with his divine sense, and then laughed dumbly: "The fifth-level intermediate metal sword pill is very powerful, very suitable for inner disciples of the Excalibur Sect."

After a pause, he turned and said to Sun Deqing: "This Daoist Xing thinks that the resources of the sect are distributed unevenly, so let's replace my refining room with his."

As soon as the words were spoken, Yin Jie, who was supposed to be holding back a smile, hurriedly said: "Master Yi is inappropriate, we are on business."

"It's okay, the auxiliary refining room is not the main determining factor, I have a sense of proportion, so just do as I say."

Seeing that Yi Tian was so persistent, Yin Jie nodded helplessly, and then quietly transmitted his voice to Sun Deqing.The latter frowned after hearing this, and then gradually relaxed it. Finally, he took out a jade tablet and handed it to Yin Jie, and after giving some instructions to the coachman, he arranged for the two to leave first.

A small episode didn't make Yi Tian take it seriously, the most important thing right now is to strengthen the natal real fire again, this kind of mutation in the refining tool may change with the continuous strengthening of the Xuanyang real fire, Yi Tian knows this It's the key to hitting the list.

Yin Jie, who was sitting in the carriage along the way, said dismissively: "That Xing Lin really doesn't know what to say, I think it's far worse than you, Master Yi."

"It doesn't matter, let him go. We have a lot of things in front of us, and there is no need for other things. Instead, I ask Senior Beiming to arrange the next auxiliary matters. There are less than ten years left before the three rankings. We Hurry up."

Yin Jie said seriously: "Master Yi, don't worry, I will be on duty in front of your door when you are retreating to refine the weapon, and I will not let you be disturbed in any way."

With his words, Yi Tian felt at ease, and now began to consider what kind of spiritual weapon to choose for refining.

After the bullock cart brought the two to the foot of the North Slope Mountain, the two got out of the car and walked directly up the path up the mountain.Yin Jie took out the jade plaque Sun Deqing had given him and looked at it. On the front was the word '地', and on the back was the number one.

According to Yin Jie, there are only two Tianzihao rooms here, and the first room is exclusively for Yuanying monks.The second room was booked for him by someone sent by Beimingkongjing. It turned out that Xing Lin was dissatisfied with using the Tianzihao room.

Nascent Soul cultivator Yi Tian also felt helpless for Xing Lin's crime. This kind of Jindan cultivator is still stunned after living for a hundred years, and he will not have a long memory if he does not accept some lessons.

After the two walked for a while, they found the No. [-] room near the top of the mountain. After receiving the jade token, Yi Tian sent a spirit force to enter.In an instant, the stone door that was forbidden to receive the induction slowly opened, and standing at the door could feel the scorching heat inside, Yi Tian nodded to Yin Jie, and then strode in.

The next period of time will be spent here, and Yin Jie sat cross-legged in front of the door and began to meditate.

After entering the room, Yi Tian sorted out all the refining materials in the storage bracelet one by one, and then took out the weapon spectrum of Lihuo Ten Soldiers and began to comprehend it.

As for the experience of refining sixth-level spiritual weapons, Yi Tian has already had it twice. The first time was a substitute doll refined in the late stage of foundation establishment. He was really taken aback by himself at first, and the second one was not long ago. A sword pill for Yin Jie to refine again.

Compared with Hong Luanjing, she has never refined a sixth-level spirit weapon, even if she is given the spirit weapon spectrum and inscription liquid, the success rate is only [-]-[-].

Huo Chilian is a formidable opponent, let alone whether he has a history of producing sixth-level spiritual weapons, but just because his sect 'Qiankun Yuhuo Sect' was originally a branch of Lihuozong's refining weapon, and his There must be real materials.

This time I gave him the inscription liquid, and I guess he can guess the spiritual weapon he can choose to refine, 'Cold Glass Sword' or 'Taiyuan Sword'.

Since he is enshrined by the celestial demons in the sect, Huo Chilian will definitely choose to refine the 'Taiyuan Sword' in order to save face for the higher-ups.

This time I chose two pieces of six-level materials, both of which are metallic, which are just used to refine the Da Geng Golden Sword Formation.The prototype of this set of sword formations comes from Xiang Tiancheng's handbook, which describes the three talents sword formation composed of three gold-type spirit swords.

Maybe his idea hasn't been put into practice yet, so I haven't seen him use it at all in the fight, or I'm definitely enough to drink a pot.

But this idea made Yi Tian's eyes shine. People who have seen Iron Sword Gate used the combination of sword box and sword formation in the early years. If they add their own formation skills to it, there may be unexpected effects.

After thinking about it, I should first take out the Zixiao lamp to start refining and strengthening my natal fire, and then separate two divine senses to process raw materials and deduce formations.The original design of this spirit weapon is still in the shape of a sword box, but it contains 49 [-] spirit swords that are one foot long and half a foot wide.Each spirit sword is made of the fifth-level material Heiyao Jinjing mixed with star iron, and after smelting, it is mixed with the purified sixth-level material Gengjintungsten ore and forged soft gold and iron, so that the combination of one rigid and one soft can greatly strengthen The sharpness and tenacity of the spirit sword.

(End of this chapter)

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