
Chapter 263

Chapter 263
Once every hundred years, the three rankings of the Temple of Rain will be listed together, which is a rare prosperity on the road of the Western Wilderness. In this whole year, not only the market around the Temple of the Rainy Temple will hold celebrations, but even the main cities of the three factions of the Western Wilderness will hold celebrations in advance. corresponding activity.

Of course, the highlight will be the moment when the list is posted outside the Temple of Rain, when the three sects and many casual practitioners will gather there to share the prosperity.

The activities to be held in Tianjian City this year include some competitions in the foundation building period for refining tools and alchemy, and there are also several high-level auctions.

In addition to the private gatherings of those Nascent Soul cultivators, the Jindan cultivators' gathering led by the city lord is also a heavyweight exchange meeting in Tianjian City.The participants are basically limited to those long-established Golden Core monks and those newly promoted top-rank Golden Core early-stage monks.

In Tianjian City's City Lord's Mansion school grounds, a foundation-level refining competition is being held, and Xing Lin, the No.At this moment, he was accepting the compliments from the people around him, his face full of complacency.But if you look closely, you can find that his smile is so far-fetched, it's just a facade.

I heard the city lord congratulating from the side: "Junior Brother Xing is really young and promising, and he is worthy of being the No. 1 refining weapon of my Excalibur School. It's really spectacular. Such a treasure makes me want to buy it."

If Xing Lin would still care about these compliments, but now it sounds like a naked slap in the face.The people in Tianjian City only had a rough understanding of the situation of Xiding Mountain, but how could he not know the good deeds of the craftsman named Yi Tian in the No. [-] room of Dizi when he was there.

It is said that it took this person less than five years to refine a sixth-level spiritual weapon, and the grade has already surpassed the category of the elementary level.According to Sun Deqing, the elder on duty, when the spirit weapon appeared in the world, it was Bei Mingkongjing, the ancestor of Yuanying, who personally helped to overcome the catastrophe.

After the robbery, the spirit weapon was directly taken into the bag by Situ Ruiyu, a monk in the early Yuanying stage of the inner sect, and used it as his natal magic weapon.

Everyone in Xidingshan who had witnessed the thunderstorm baptism was full of praise for the spiritual weapon. The metallic thunderbolt cut the entire northern peak of Xidingshan by five inches. If the password is issued, I'm afraid this matter has already caused a lot of speculation.

But paper can't hold fire, and there are always gossips leaked out, but only the news revealed by those on the fringes.As for the specific situation of the spiritual weapon, except for a few parties involved, even Sun Deqing knew little about it.

Even the eligibility to be the judge of the Heavenly Sword City Master Artifact Refining Competition was sent to Yi Tian first, and if it wasn't for his repeated refusals, Xing Lin wouldn't be able to do so.

No matter how Xing Lin looked at it, he seemed to have picked up other people's leftovers, but in order to maintain the reputation of the teacher, he still had to bite the bullet and take it.

At the same time, Yi Tian was wandering leisurely in Tianjian City by himself. He was not interested in these public affairs, so he just took this opportunity to go shopping in the city.

In the few years in Xidingshan, after integrating the previous experience, the Gengjin sword box that Yi Tian refined can be regarded as his masterpiece in recent years.

Although the last things were given to Beiming Kongjing, but he also gained a lot.The most direct way is to use Zixiaozhan to strengthen nearly [-]% of the natal real fire in his own Dantian.

Now the Xuanyang True Fire in Dantian is getting brighter and brighter, and the color has also undergone a change, with a faint hint of purple in the golden flame.

And during this period of retreat, Yi Tian spent most of his time on his own cultivation, and as for refining weapons, he did it incidentally.

This time I went back to Tianjian City to thoroughly investigate the situation of the sycamore tree. The guard in the warehouse of the city lord suggested that I read the ancient books of the sect in the city lord's mansion.I didn't have time before, but now I'm quite free.

After Yin Jie's mission was completed, he was called back and said that he was going to receive guests from Tianyunmen in Zhongzhou.Originally, we could go together for this kind of show, but Yi Tian directly declined on the grounds that there were still some personal matters.

Walking into the Sutra Pavilion of the City Lord's Mansion, this place can also be regarded as the forbidden area of ​​the sect. Generally, only inner disciples of the Excalibur Sect can come in and read the classics.

Yi Tian was able to enter with Yin Jie's warrant, and the classics he searched were limited to the records of a major sect in Xihuang, the organic manuscripts of ancient monks and some alchemy books.

Anyway, I never thought about learning swordsmanship, and the authority given by Yin Jie is enough.Yi Tian picked out a few books from Danbu and Travel Notes, one is to find the detailed description of the sycamore tree, and the other is to gain a deeper understanding of the history of the Western Wilderness Continent.

According to Qin Mingyue, the holy son of King Naming, Li Huozong has been the overlord of this world for nearly thousands of years, so there is no reason why he would not leave something around the mainland to benefit the descendants of the sect.

I believe that people from the Lihuo Sect's remaining lineage in Zhongzhou will also set their sights on these inheritances, and as the Lihuo's direct lineage, I have no reason to ignore them.

I scanned the alchemy books one by one with my spiritual sense, but I didn't find any description similar to that dead branch.I can't even find a suitable record in some of the more partial classics.

Three hours later, Yi Tian finally gave up on looking through Lingzhi's books. The piece of sycamore wood in his hand could not be directly used for refining for the time being, so he had to put it aside temporarily after thinking about it.

Then he picked up a book called "West Wilderness Enriching Knowledge" and began to read it, which recorded the adventures of the previous generation of monks in the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain.

There is actually a map on the last page of the travel notes, Yi Tian read it with interest, it marked nearly [-]% of the Western Wilderness area.

You can even find the melting mountain range where you retreated. This is the most complete map that Yi Tian has seen so far since he came to the Western Wilderness.

It happened that half of the map was found in Xiang Yang's storage bracelet before, but the area marked on it could not be found on this map.

Now Yi Tian is excited, this thing has a lot of history, so it seems really extraordinary.After thinking about it, he hurriedly took out a jade slip and engraved the map for later use.

After spending a quarter of an hour re-engraving the map, Yi Tian began to slowly read the book "Xihuang Zengguang Travel Notes", and suddenly heard two people walking towards him not far away.The mind was being disturbed by someone, but unexpectedly the two got closer and closer, and they came to Yi Tian's place within a short while.

Suddenly only one of them said: "I can just look up the classics myself, fellow Taoists, please wait outside."

The other person replied politely: "It's okay, you can do whatever you want, I don't want to disturb you," he turned and went back.

The voice of the former was familiar to Yi Tian, ​​and when he looked up, it turned out to be Xiao Linhang, an old acquaintance from Tianyunmen.

Even meeting them here, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Don't come here safe, fellow daoist."

Xiao Linhang smiled triumphantly at Yi Tian, ​​and then replied: "I finally found you."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he became relieved.All the descendants of Tianyunmen have the ability to divination the future, and where to find who should be in the plan.

Seeing Xiao Linhang's feelings like this, he came here specially to find him. It just so happens that I have something to say in my heart after not meeting him for many years.

Seeing that this is not the place to speak, Yi Tian immediately sent a voice transmission to Xiao Linhang, who nodded knowingly.After a while, the two walked out of the scripture storage pavilion in Tianjian City one after the other.

Then Yi Tian led the way and Xiao Linhang silently followed the two on the street, keeping a distance of five feet.Not long after arriving in Beishi, Yi Tian flashed directly into a courtyard, and Xiao Linhang quietly followed after locking his consciousness.

This is the foothold that Yin Jie found for Yi Tian. The whole house is not big, but the foundation of this house is built on a spiritual vein.In the inner courtyard of the house, a deep well was dug to lead directly to the ground. It was originally built relatively large for the purpose of concealing people's eyes and ears.

When he came to the room, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to fill a bucket of deep well water, took out two cups, filled them eighty-tenths full and put them on the table, then reached out his hand to signal Xiao Linhang to sit down and chat.

It has been nearly 50 to [-] years since I left Dong'ao, the so-called homeland is hard to leave, sometimes Yi Tian still thinks back to his situation when he was in the sect.

Knowing that his Tianyunmen disciples often go to Dongao for training, this time it is just right to ask him about his situation.

Before he could open his mouth, Xiao Linhang asked first, "Brother Yi, you made it hard for me to find you. How did you end up living in the West Wasteland for decades?"

"It's hard to say, I was hunted down by Lunar Xing, and I accidentally activated the teleportation matrix of Ming Wangdao and was directly teleported to the West Wasteland," Yi Tian replied.

"So that's the case, then Brother Yi, your cultivation has not fallen. It seems that you should have touched the bottleneck of the middle stage of Jindan, right?"

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also took a closer look at Xiao Linhang, and saw that there were some Golden Core stage spiritual pressure leaking from his body from time to time, obviously he had just formed a core.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Didn't your cultivation level drop as well?"

"Little brother, I'm not as good as you, Brother Yi. You've only been out of Dandan for ten years and you've been walking around," Xiao Linhang said helplessly.

So Yi Tian also frowned and asked: "You can come out after strengthening your cultivation base in the sect, there is no need to come to Xihuang to wade through this muddy water."

"Isn't it because of you? If it weren't for your disappearance, I wouldn't have wasted more than ten years in Dongao." Xiao Linhang said with a depressed face.

"Because of me?" These Yi Tian felt that there was something in his words, and asked back: "You Tianyunmen are not proficient in divination, so it is not easy to find my whereabouts. What's more, why is it because of me?"

Xiao Linhang took a sip of water, then sighed, "Brother Yi, I want to confirm something first?"

"Please speak, I know everything without saying anything."

"The Fire Lotus Sword was made by you, right? I met Qu Yifeng in Chiyang Sect, but he kept his mouth shut and didn't reveal anything," Xiao Linhang asked with a straight face.

"I refined it. I originally refined the spirit sword for myself. Unfortunately, it was cheaper for that kid in the end." Afterwards, Yi Tian also fully revealed the situation at the beginning.

It took a whole quarter of an hour to clarify the cause and effect of that incident, and Xiao Linhang's eyes lit up when he heard it.After Yi Tian finished speaking, he continued: "That's right, you probably don't know what the Fire Lotus Sword means?"

Yi Tian shook his head and looked at the other party in a daze, and then heard Xiao Linhang briefly repeating the words of his master Tianjizi back then.

Yi Tian was also stunned when he heard it, especially when it was mentioned that the Lihuo Ten Soldiers would be born one after another, Yi Tian said directly: "This small five-element sword formation has already been born, and the next one is probably the Taiyuan Sword. But these are all things made by Huo Chi Lian."

Xiao Linhang nodded and said, "That's right. I didn't say that you were the one who made all the ten soldiers from Lihuo, but the Fire Lotus Sword is indeed a symbol of the rise of Lihuo Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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