
Chapter 265 Tasting

Chapter 265 Tasting
The location of the Temple of Rain is in the Rain Mountains in the area jointly managed by the three sects, because the monks of the Excalibur Sect explored the ruins here in the early years and found a damaged palace.In this palace, there is a spring eye of Yushen Spring.Every hundred years, a pool of spring water will flow out of this spring, about 20 liters in size.

In the beginning, the Golden Core monks of the Excalibur Sect benefited from this place, and the overall strength of the Golden Core monks expanded rapidly. In order to maintain their own advantages, the upper management immediately sealed this place with a ban.

But somehow the news was leaked out, and then the Tianmomen and the Girl faction jointly exerted pressure, and finally the three factions compromised and shared the spring water equally.In addition, every hundred years, people from Tianyunmen need to be invited to divination to find the most promising monks in the Western Wilderness, so the share of the holy spring of the Temple of Rain has also been diverted.

Yi Tian originally thought that there were only [-] copies mentioned in the market, but after hearing Tian Yunzi's explanation, he realized that there were two more copies and gave them as rewards.

With Tian Yunzi's promise, in this way, he will definitely get a share. After washing the golden elixir with it, he may be able to assist in the cultivation of the golden elixir nine-turn Jue and quickly improve his own golden elixir rank.

In the holy city seven or eight miles away from the Temple of Rain, monks from the Western Wilderness Continent and even other places have already gathered.The monks of the three sects were afraid that too many people would gather around the Temple of Rain and explain that it would be difficult to manage, so they simply built the Holy City and drove all these good people there.

And all the five miles around the Temple of Rain were banned from entering, except for the three factions and the fortune tellers of the Tianyun Gate.

When the divination results come out, each faction will choose a representative to escort the list to the Holy City to post the list. The monks from all over the world can only wait for the news in the Holy City.

The release of the three rankings once every hundred years attracted many monks to watch, and most of them came to join in the fun.

The trading bazaar in the Industrial Holy City will start two or three years in advance so that monks from all over the place can have time to gather. Many people want to come here to get acquainted, and some come to seek medicine from alchemists, or Ask the refiner to customize the magical artifact.

At this time, Yi Tian was wandering around at the Appreciation Fair in the holy city. Every hundred years of prosperity would attract many business alliances from the mainland to join.There are various auctions or appraisal meetings held with banners everywhere in the holy city.

I have been to the auction many times, and there are basically no good products at the foundation level, and invitations are generally required for the gold core level.

In order to reduce the exposure rate, Yi Tian had to give up participating in the auction, but went directly to visit those appraisal houses.I heard Xiao Linhang mentioned before that these appraisal firms sometimes display some rare pills or utensils to attract the attention of the public.

The most interesting thing is the appraisal link, usually one-on-one tasting at the request of monks in private.If the appraisal result is unsatisfactory, it is generally not charged.

The sycamore tree branch in my hand could not find a matching map in the Sutra Pavilion, but I was not reconciled to this, so I had to come to the holy city to try my luck.

Walking into a shop called 'No Leak', a guy came up to greet him.After Yi Tian revealed a little bit of spiritual pressure, the shopkeeper in the foundation building period of the store hurried forward and said, "Senior, do you want to buy something or appraise it?"

"Come here to find a master of identification," Yi Tian replied.

"So please follow me," then the shopkeeper led Yi Tian through two gates to a secret room, and after Yi Tian sat down, the shopkeeper said "wait a moment" and left on his own up.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the door was pushed open, and an old monk came in. Seeing that the fluctuation of spiritual power around him was worse than his own, he probably seemed to be some hopeless Jindan monk who was setting up a branch for the Merchant League.

The old man sat down and said: "Xia Fulin is the chief appraiser of this 'doubtless'. The appraisal fee in the shop is [-] spirit stones for level [-] materials and [-] spirit stones for level [-] materials. If you sell them in the shop Then the appraisal fee can be discounted by [-]%, fellow daoists can decide for themselves.”

After thinking about it, the price is still a bit expensive, but there is no good way right now.Yi Tian took out a bag of spirit stones and placed them on the table, then took out the dead branch of sycamore wood and handed it to the other party, saying: "Sixth-level materials, an overall appraisal is required."

After hearing the words, the appraiser Fulin opened his eyes wide and looked at the things on the table, and then said: "My dear guest, wait a moment," and then directly picked up the dead branch with his right hand and began to examine it carefully.

I saw him staring at the dead branch for a while, then took out a small knife and tried to cut some bark off it.But I could only hear the "squeak" sound of the knife cutting on the branch, but it failed to cut off a single bit of it, but the edge of the knife turned out to be a curling blade.

This time Fulin's face was embarrassed for no reason, and then he stretched out his right hand and sacrificed a ray of flame, which started to burn at the end of the dead branch.

After a quarter of an hour, the ends of the branches seemed to be leaking some aura, and then Fulin took out a jade slip and began to search.I saw that his complexion was not very good, maybe he was a little confused about it.

After half an hour, Fulin's expression suddenly eased, and he turned his head and picked up the sycamore wood and looked at it again and again, as if he was making a comparison.

After a while, the frown slowly eased away, and he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Congratulations, fellow daoist, this is a branch of a 'hibiscus tree', although it is a bit old, the fire aura inside is still sufficient .”

After hearing this, Yi Tian was also very happy. According to the records of Tianlan Continent, this 'Fusang wood' is the branch where the three-legged Golden Crow lives. It contains the purest innate fire essence. The utility of refining equipment is also very impressive.

Turning his head to Fulin, he said, "I don't know if you have a way to refine this thing?" No matter how good this precious material is, it's useless if it can't be refined.

Fulin thought for a while before answering: "The body of this thing is a spiritual plant that grows along with the innate fire essence. If you want to refine it, you must have special means."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian asked.

After concentrating his thoughts, Flynn replied: "Just now, I tried to burn it with the fire in the stone I cultivated, but I could only force out a trace of aura. To refine it, a monk who has practiced the extremely powerful fire system can do it. Or with the assistance of one or two 'Bibo Qingquan', ordinary craftsmen can also try to refine this thing."

In Yi Tian's mind, he went through the chapter on water in the "Elixir Ten Thousand Chapters" in an instant. This "Blue Waves and Clear Spring" was produced in a pool in a large spiritual vein gathering place.

Usually only one liter can be taken out in a hundred years, and it is formed by condensing the essence of the aura in the water. Although it is still a bit inferior to the grade of hibiscus wood, it is no problem to soften the branches of hibiscus wood.

Moreover, this thing is usually used to increase the auxiliary materials added to the spiritual energy in the refining of pills above level six, but even this thing can only be produced in the spiritual veins occupied by the major sects, and it is impossible to have it outside .

After thanking Fulin, Yi Tian also asked if there was any 'Bibo Qingquan' for sale, but the other party shook his head with a wry smile. This kind of spiritual thing has always been controlled by various sects, why is his little 'doubtful' might have.

Turning his head to put away the things, Yi Tian also knew that this matter should not be rushed for a while, but now the most hopeful place to get the 'Bibo Qingquan' is the warehouse of the Excalibur Sect.

It just so happened that Beiming Kongjing had promised before that as long as he got a copy of the holy spring water and delivered it, he could go to the inner library of the Excalibur School to choose the same sixth-level treasure and a non-inherited exercise from the Cangjing Pavilion.

So far, Yi Tian is still very confident in his work, but he doesn't know if there is anything he wants in the internal library of the Excalibur School.

Fortunately, the appraiser in front of him is also well-informed, so the two chatted for a while, exchanging their experience in refining weapons and appraising.

After "doubt never leaks", Yi Tian summoned Yin Jie directly to tell him his request.It is estimated that Yin Jie should be on duty outside the Temple of Rain at this time. Although the divination ceremony has not yet been held, the three sects have already blocked the surroundings of the Temple of Rain.

Even a cultivator like Yi Tian made it in without making it to the top three.

Not long after, the news came, and coincidentally, Yin Jie happened to be resting on duty today.After receiving the subpoena, he directly reported it to Beiming Kongjing, and the reply made Yi Tian's eyes shine.

Since refining the 'Golden Gold Sword Box', the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Excalibur School has also tested this spiritual weapon several times. Although they don't know how effective it is, it is said that the above directly gave a refining tool to enshrine the title of elder.

Yi Tian sneered at this, because it is impossible for him to work for the Excalibur Sect just to give some sweetness, and the remuneration for this service has not yet been settled.

Yin Jie's communication is also very simple, there is still a copy of 'Bibo Qingquan' in the sect, which is about half a liter, and there are two copies of exercises that you can choose, which is what Bei Ming Kongjing won for Yi Tian.

The news has been sent back to the Excalibur sect. I believe the sect is already sending someone to pick it up. Later, someone will deliver it directly to the Excalibur sect in the Holy City. At that time, just ask Yi Tian to go and get it.

The precious materials for refining equipment have been found, but Yi Tian still has some expectations for those two exercises. Anyway, the things produced by the Excalibur School are not Xibei products, and he wants to come to Beiming to win over himself. 'Bibo Qingquan' can be given, then other things will definitely not let me down.

It seems that they have also investigated the works refined by Huo Chilian and Hong Luanjing from various sources. After comparing the two, they should have a bottom line in their hearts, so they paid the rewards to themselves in advance.

However, the grades of the two people's refining spirit weapons are probably expected, and all results still depend on the results announced by the land list.

As long as Xiao Linhang gets things done with Zixiaozhan and the stand-in doll, I believe nothing will go wrong.

After turning around on the streets of the holy city, a figure flashed in front of him, which made Yi Tian stunned. Isn't that man Du Heiyi? Since Tanbao parted company 30 years ago, he had no chance to meet again. Seeing his appearance, Xiu Because it is still in the foundation building period.

Just about to go up to say hello, suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw two scattershots following him.

Originally, one thing more is worse than one thing less, but no matter what Du Heiyi said, he was also in the same trouble back then. Seeing that he was in trouble, Yi Tian quietly followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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