
Chapter 266 Maintenance

Chapter 266 Maintenance
Thirty miles east of the holy city, Du Heiyi, wearing a bamboo hat, was flying at full speed, followed closely by two casual cultivators.

Du Heiyi had already been targeted half an hour ago when he was in the holy city. Although he didn't know the reason for those people's visit, he was eager to avoid them.Taking advantage of the crowded crowd, Du Heiyi rushed out of the holy city, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have pinpointed his position and followed him without missing a step.

The three of them were divided into two groups, one in front and one in back, and flew in the air. Du Heiyi, who was running away in front of him, was caught up in less than an hour, and then the two of them did not say a word.

Du Heiyi, who was originally doing some stealthy business, was loose and tight in his hands, and coupled with one-on-two, he fell into a disadvantage as soon as he played against each other.But when the dog is in a hurry, he still jumps over the wall. Under forced and helpless, he can only exchange injuries for injuries, hoping that the opponent can retreat.

Unexpectedly, after the two opponents teamed up, they frequently used killer moves, often Du Heiyi's flying sword was stabbed by a yellow fist, and the opponent only used spells to force Du Heiyi to the point where he could not retreat.

After this hour, I finally saw the two cast spells with four hands at the same time, and the four fists attacked together.Du Heiyi felt that his spiritual power was not enough, so he had no choice but to forcefully hold on to the protective shield and take the move.

After a 'bang', a blue figure flashed in front of his eyes, and a monk dressed as a ranger appeared between the three of them.I saw that the menacing four fists were instantly caught by this person and dissolved invisibly.

Immediately, the man opened his right hand and flicked towards the two opposite people. In an instant, two seeds appeared in the air and turned into four wooden thorns against the wind.

Only a few screams were heard, and the upper bodies of the two men were pierced with two thorns and thorns. After a while, they could not sustain in the air and fell down.

Du Heiyi was overjoyed, he made it clear that the ranger was here to save him, but he couldn't see through his cultivation, so it is estimated that the one who can easily deal with him should be a Golden Core cultivator.Then he respectfully said: "Junior Du Heiyi, thank you senior for saving your life. I don't know senior Gao's name. I will definitely make a longevity tablet when I go home next time, and I can worship it every day."

Hearing this, the man also sneered for a while, then turned his head and said, "When did you, a grave robber, start to imitate Taoist priests and offer longevity tablets?"

Hearing that the voice sounded familiar, he looked at the other person's face and said with great joy, "Brother Yi, it's you. Everyone said that I was lucky enough to go out and meet a nobleman recently."

At that time, Yi Tian noticed that Du Heiyi's expression was wrong when he was in the city. Seeing that his friend back then was in trouble, he followed him.After leaving the city, he saw those two people chasing after him, but Yi Tian was stunned after the two sides fought just now.

The kung fu performed by these two people is actually the kung fu of Ming Wang Dao, which makes Yi Tian excited.I didn't expect that Ming Wangdao, not to mention the prosperity in the southern border, would even extend his hand to the western wilderness.

Based on their own understanding of Ming Wang Dao, it is absolutely impossible for them to follow Du Heiyi on a temporary basis. Most likely, there is some relationship between them. It's a pity that he has become a peripheral member and doesn't know it.

After cleaning up the mess, Yi Tian found some jade slips of exercises in the storage bracelets of the two people, and scanned the jade slips with his spiritual sense, which turned out to be the first form of King Ming's hand.

The identities have been confirmed, but I don't know which tribe they belong to in southern Xinjiang.

Then I searched and found a map, which I didn't remember very clearly.

But Yi Tian couldn't find the matching place on the map based on the memory in his mind. On the contrary, it was a bit like the front part of the map in the depths of the Western Wilderness, but it didn't match the number.

After seeing Yi Tian's movements, Du Heiyi said, "I drew these two maps for them, and they chased me because of them. I think you seem to be interested, why don't you take them directly?" Forget it," then stretched out his hand and took out a map from the storage bracelet and handed it to Yi Tian.

After blinding his eyes, Yi Tian spat: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

"Then you didn't ask?"

Seeing Du Heiyi's naughty look, Yi Tian ignored him.After receiving the map, he seemed to check the material, and it turned out to be the same as the half of his own. He was overjoyed, and just said lightly on his face: "Where did this thing come from?"

"Where else can it come from, you know," Du Heiyi also replied Nuonuo.

Fortunately, knowing that he specializes in trading dead people, Yi Tian is no stranger to it. Most of this half map was dug out from some monk's burial ground.

"I took the things, and it's a disaster to keep them with you," Yi Tian turned his head and continued: "Let's go back to the holy city first, and we haven't seen each other for decades, just to catch up."

Du Heiyi nodded and chatted with ease on his face: "Brother Yi, I have been optimistic about you from the morning, and you are the best friend among those people, but now I call you senior or brother?"

After being speechless for a while, Yi Tian could only laugh and said: "It's up to you, I don't care." After speaking, he turned and flew towards the holy city.

An hour later, in the box on the top floor of the 'Fuman Building' in the Holy City, the two sat facing each other.Looking at the delicious food on the table in front of him, Yi Tian also twitched a few times in anger.

Cultivators don't care too much about appetite, but there are some monks who like it, especially monks like Du Heiyi.

After he came back, relying on Yi Tian being a Jindan monk, he clamored to go to the best restaurant in the city, euphemistically saying that only in this way would he be worthy of his status, but in fact, Yi Tian saw that he was using his own Come and experience it.

There is no way to deal with such hob meat, but at this time Yi Tian is combining the two maps and examining them carefully.After putting the whole map together, I found that one of the most important parts seems to be missing.

Moreover, the material of this map has been tested before, at least according to Yi Tian's current cultivation level, it cannot be torn apart.Looking at the splicing fracture is also a moment of bewilderment, what kind of monk can tear this map into three parts alive.

After putting away the map, Yi Tian turned around and asked, "How did you get involved with those two people? Why do they want this map?"

Du Heiyi wiped his greasy mouth, drank the spirit wine, and replied: "I copied this map to deceive some spirit stones, and then took it out to bluff people. I bought Qianlingshi, but who knew they were in the same group, I thought they stole some Lingshi and came to settle accounts with me."

"You still have the nerve to find you with your thousands of spirit stones. They made it clear that they knew you had real goods, so they came to grab them directly," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

"You also know that our business has ups and downs, but we have to live, and usually spend a lot of spirit stones. And since the ticket with you more than 30 years ago, I have made a lot of money, but after that, basically There is nothing lucrative to do." Du Heiyi also replied helplessly.

Yi Tian was also speechless after seeing his recalcitrant appearance.After the two chatted for a few hours, Du Heiyi was full and left, leaving a table of leftovers for Yi Tian to settle the bill.

(End of this chapter)

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