
Chapter 267 Deal

Chapter 267 Deal
The three sects in the holy city all have their own residences. The holy city does not have a city lord's mansion, but is directly managed by three rows of monks stationed in the holy city.

The resident of the Excalibur Sect here is managed by a late Jindan cultivator. When he came, Yi Tian also inquired from Yin Jie that this person is a neutral faction and slightly inclined to Beiming Kongjing, so Yi Tian's reward Only then can we hand over here generously.

In the station, Yi Tian also met his old friend Xing Yuan. After asking, he found out that he was the person responsible for assisting in escorting the materials and cheats. There was also a monk named Bo Chengyi who was Yin Jie's brother with him. Everything is kept by him.

After greeting Xing Yuan, Yi Tian and Bo Chengyi came to the side hall.After the two sat facing each other, Bo Chengyi raised his hand and took out a bottle and two sealed jade slips, then pushed them forward and said, "Master Yi, all the things my teacher asked me to bring are here. Please check. Please pick the same copy of the two secret technique jade slips."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian picked up the bottle first, opened the sealed lid, and reached in with his divine sense to sweep it.This bottle contains half of the 'Blue Spring', which is colorless and odorless, but the concentration of spiritual energy contained in it is higher than anything I have seen before.

After the inspection was correct, Yi Tian put it away, and turned his head to look at the two jade slips.The words above were 'Department of Fortune' and 'Shenfeng Escape' respectively. After digging deep into the jade slip and scanning the introduction of the secret technique, Yi Tian began to encounter difficulties.

The 'Enlightenment Art' is definitely a rare secret technique for a craftsman, and those who practice it can enhance their own luck.Often the success or failure of a craftsman in refining spiritual weapons will have a lot to do with his own luck.In this way, as long as one's own luck is enhanced, the probability of success will also increase a lot.

It's a pity that the biggest constraint of this "Enlightenment Technique" is that it takes hundreds of years to accumulate slowly. Practitioners will not see any benefits at the beginning. Only when they practice to a certain extent to improve their luck to a higher level will be displayed gradually.

And that "Shenfeng Escape" is definitely the only way to escape. It is recorded on it that the wind is Sunda, and practitioners who want to control the wind must first cultivate wood-type aura.And this "Shenfeng Dun" is just an ancient remnant, its full name is "Lei Feng Dun", but it will be relegated to Jindan rank monks only if the method of thunder escape is lost.

Fish is what I wish, bear's paw is also what I wish, this can make Yi Tian's head big.Seeing Yi Tian's hesitant face, Bo Chengyi smiled and asked: "Master Yi, does Master Yi have any secret techniques that he wants to choose?"

After sighing, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I choose the secret technique 'Department of Luck' which is suitable for refining weapons." After finishing speaking, he put away the jade slip, but his eyes still glanced at the 'Kamikaze' from time to time. escape'.

Seeing this, Bo Chengyi also smiled and said: "Master Yi has such a big appetite, could it be that he can't eat it all?"

Yi Tian didn't pretend to be told by the other party that the central thing was, and said frankly: "Actually, I like both secret arts, but Senior Beiming has said something beforehand, so it's inconvenient for me to break the rules."

"Master's rules are dead, and people are flexible," Bo Chengyi replied meaningfully.

"How do you say that?" Since the other party made a note, there is no reason for me not to accept it. The key is to look at the price the other party wants.Yi Tian is also clear in his heart, since Bo Chengyi and Yin Jie are both Beiming Kongjing's apprentices, they are naturally in a state of both support and competition.

Yin Jie has a sixth-level sword pill in his hand, and Bo Chengyi, as a senior brother, can't do it if he doesn't have any spiritual weapons in his hand.

Sure enough, Bo Chengyi said: "I was shocked to hear that the 'Golden Sword Box' refined by Master Yi is extremely sharp, with both hardness and softness. Using it in the hands of Master Situ really opened my eyes."

"That's a level-[-] mid-level spirit tool, and it took three levels of level-[-] materials. It took five years to refine it after cooperating with the best assistant refiner in Xidingshan," Yi Tian said disdainfully. road.

Bo Chengyi hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "I don't mean that, as long as Master Yi can help me refine a similar set of sword boxes. The grade can be lower, or the top five. Anyway, put it in the dantian After several decades of warming up, you can still advance to the sixth level."

Such Yi Tiandu is also quite tempted, not to mention the level of the spirit weapon, the material consumed to refine the fifth-level top-level spirit weapon is relatively much less, it should belong to the simplified version of the "Gengjin Sword Box".

But if all the materials are made by Yi Tian himself, he will not be reconciled. Although the remaining parts can still be used when refining the spirit weapon last time, it is not like being ripped off by him. Since his debut, he has never eaten such a thing. It's a loss.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian smiled and said: "Senior Brother Bo, please understand, but the basic materials are always good. I can add a little bit of sixth-level materials, so that the time to upgrade as a natal spiritual weapon will be shorter." Much shorter."

Bo Chengyi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he knew that no matter the alchemist or the craftsman, every time he made a move, he would more or less withhold some materials for emergency use.I didn't have too high expectations early in the morning, after all, the previous refinement of the spirit weapon was supported by the sect.

And it is enough for me to have a fifth-level mid-level spiritual weapon. Anyway, I can rely on the warming of the dantian to upgrade. The big deal is to spend more time, and I will earn more.

After discussing for a quarter of an hour, the two finally reached an agreement, and Bo Chengyi would still pay for the materials.But he has no experience in material selection, so he had to entrust Yi Tian with full authority at this time, and he privately gave 50 spirit stones as the purchase fee.

In addition, in his name, the right to use the refining room in No. [-] Xidingshan Dizi was set for one year, and Yi Tian was responsible for collecting materials and handling the follow-up refining work. Just tell Bo Chengyi to go to Xidingshan to try his sword.Even if this 'Shenfeng Dun' is the reward for refining the spirit weapon this time, Bo Chengyi is considered generous, and he directly pushed the things to Yi Tian first, which can be regarded as reassuring.

After the two parties negotiated, a written agreement was established, and then Yi Tian put away the magic jade slip and Lingshi bag, greeted Bo Chengyi and went directly to purchase.

The auction that was originally disdainful has now become a fragrant bun for Yi Tian. There are still some high-level materials on hand, but the intermediate materials are almost exhausted.

With the previous experience, Yi Tian roughly estimated the number in his mind, and the whole set of purchases would cost at least three to four hundred thousand.Although I still need to paste some hepkin tungsten ore and forged soft gold and iron, but the amount used can be kept to a minimum.

Compared with the two, I still made a lot of money, so I started my sweeping operation in such a good mood.

However, I thought it would be inconvenient to go to the auction for the foundation-building monks as a Golden Core monk. It was said that the Golden Core monk of the Excalibur Sect was overpowering others, and it would be troublesome to pass it back.

After thinking about it for a while, I got the answer in my heart. Isn't there a white glove Du Heiyi in front of me who can help.Buying in the name of his casual cultivator, as long as it is not too outrageous, basically everything can be settled.After thinking about it, he took out his communication method and left a letter directly to him.

(End of this chapter)

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