
Chapter 268

Chapter 268
It was less than a year before the three lists of the Western Wilderness were released, and many monks gathered in the holy city early in the morning to participate in the exchange.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting on the flying boat heading to Xiding Mountain, and those things in the Holy City had nothing to do with him now.The most important thing right now is to constantly strengthen one's own cultivation besides refining a simple version of the 'Golden Sword Box'.

Since taking the 'Xin Shen Pill' a few years ago, Yi Tian found that his state of mind had obviously changed.

Although the "Xin Shen Pill" can make people reincarnate for several lives in meditation, and experience the ups and downs of the world, but the feeling is very real, and I almost fell into it several times and couldn't extricate myself.

After experiencing several lifetimes of reincarnation in the dream, the spirit of the whole person seemed to have been tempered.Fortunately, with years of cultivation and the will to pursue longevity, he has saved himself from danger time and time again.

Now Yi Tian has almost touched the bottleneck of advancing to the middle stage of Jindan, even if he can easily break through with some external stimulation.

But there is still this matter to deal with, and Yi Tian firmly believes that it is best for him to at least upgrade the golden core to the sixth level of the middle grade after taking the holy spring water, and it is better to cultivate in the middle of the breakthrough.

So now I try to suppress my cultivation as much as possible, and I usually spend my training time only on constantly polishing the golden core.

In the previous stage, finding Du Heiyi to collect materials with white gloves in the holy city was also very fruitful.Originally, he was a hob meat, and with the hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and material list given by Yi Tian, ​​he actually purchased all the five-level materials in the foundation-building auction.

And with the experience of the year, he has also learned to behave, and the price increase does not exceed [-]% each time.When bidding, try to avoid competing with the disciples of the three sects. If you encounter those casual cultivators from aristocratic families, you will be punished to death. For this reason, you have the nickname of "sit on the ground and raise the price", which is notorious among the aristocratic monks.

But Du Heiyi got a lot of benefits in the end. Yi Tian counted the purchased materials and paid him an extra 50 spirit stones at the end, using up all the [-] spirit stones Bo Chengyi gave.

There is another reason for agreeing to refine the sword box this time. With the help of 'Bibo Qingquan' to refine hibiscus wood, the Zixiaozhan in his hand can also be used to advance.

What Yi Tian is most afraid of now is that there is too much movement about Zi Xiaozhan's promotion, so he just uses the excuse of helping Bo Chengyi refine the weapon.

Three days later, the flying boat arrived at Xiding Mountain. After Yi Tianxia got off the flying boat, he rushed to register with the elder on duty.Although every time I come here, there will be some disturbances, but I can be regarded as the No. [-] person here.

After handing over Bo Chengyi's token, Sun Deqing hurriedly sent Yi Tian out like a plague god, making the foundation-building monks on duty below unaware.

In the end, I only heard Sun Deqing muttering as if begging: "Don't make trouble here again, if you destroy something this time, no one can help take the blame."

Ignoring those unnecessary things, Yi Tian took the prohibition token and entered the mountain.Now it is very familiar here, anyway, there is a refiner rented by the contribution point of Bocheng Yihua Sect, and Yi Tian is also planning to use it to the limit.

After entering, it is still the old rule of three points of spiritual consciousness, and at the same time, three prongs are used, and none of them are left behind in the cultivation of secret arts, the sacrifice of natal real fire, and the refining of spiritual weapons.Although the refiner only rented it for a short period of one year, Yi Tian felt that it was more than enough.

This time, the monks of Ming Wangdao also appeared in the western wasteland, which really made Yi Tian a little restless. It seems that something must have happened in the southern border.And these two people clearly knew what the marks on the map referred to.

Eighty percent of the markings on the missing map are related to Ming Wangdao. Now that he has inherited the mantle of the previous saint son, he has never thought about rebuilding Ming Wangdao.Anyway, let them make troubles in southern Xinjiang all these years, and the girl of bliss took the Moonlight Wheel back then, so she should also do something.

After settling down, the most important thing in front of me is how to get the 'Kuiyin True Fire' to be real. After leaving the customs this time, I have to go to Zhaoyang City to talk to Hong Luanjing again.

Turning around and looking at the ground fire furnace in front of him, Yi Tian lit a ray of real fire into it with a finger of his right hand, and then threw the sorted materials around him into it.But there was a playful smile on his mouth and he said to himself: "Well, the five-level high-level sword box, just six, six, and 36 spirit swords are enough to make up the number of Tiangang."

One year after Yi Tian came to Xidingshan, all the guards on duty in Sun Deqingxie were energized with 12 points, day and night looking forward to Yi Tian's early exit.

At the same time, the centennial celebration in the holy city seems to be reaching its climax, and the Tianyunmen in the Temple of Rain will calculate the most potential monks in the Western Wilderness in the past hundred years.

The three groups of people are still staring at the holy spring, and when the time is up, more than 20 minutes of spring water will automatically flow out of the spring.

In a side hall of the Temple of Rain, Tian Yunzi and Xiao Linhang were sitting face to face, Tian Yunzi looked at the divination results in front of him and showed a wry smile, and then said to his apprentice: "Fortunately, Yi Tian had something to say first Otherwise, I don’t know what to do with it.”

Xiao Linhang glanced at the names on the refining list and said: "Who knew that brother Yi would be so tricky, but who knows what wonderful use that doll has to occupy the number one position in this list?"

Tian Yunzi caressed the three strands of long beard and said lightly: "This substitute doll should be the spiritual treasure of Tiangongzong back then. The specific effect is probably to prevent disasters for others. After all, Gongzong had already been destroyed that day, but I didn't expect their The secret art of the sect will still be handed down. And after years of nurturing, this thing should be advanced."

Xiao Linhang said with a smile: "So when I meet Yi Tian again when I have a chance, I will definitely ask about it."

Tian Yunzi nodded lightly, then stretched out his index finger to point out a flash of light and stroked the list.In an instant, I saw the name of the stand-in doll on the first position of the land list and the name of the refiner behind it gradually faded away.

But when the first place on the list was completely vacated, the second place 'Golden Sword Box' has not been moved up for a long time.

Now Tian Yunzi frowned slightly. Although this method of concealing secrets is not often used, it has never happened before. He couldn't help but said: "Could it be that there are still spiritual weapons being born? It is reasonable to say that the weapon refiner of Xihuang We all know the rules, but we won’t release the spirit weapon until the last moment.”

Suddenly, Zi Xiaozhan, who was ranked eighth, gradually disappeared from the list, and then reappeared in the first position, and the tasting was directly promoted to the sixth intermediate level.

Seeing this, Xiao Linhang smiled and said: "I knew it was his good deed again. I guess it must be that the cat is admiring his masterpiece in some refining room. But why can the fifth-level top-level spiritual weapon occupy the eighth place on the list?" Location."

Tian Yunzi also said with a helpless expression: "The spirit artifacts included in this list are not only sorted by rank, but growth is given priority. This spirit artifact was born, and the world naturally felt it. Since he agreed I must promise to the end."

"This Zixiaozhan's growth rate is so strong, it must be a great spiritual weapon."

"Spiritual weapon," Tian Yunzi said with a smile, "you know that when the Lihuo Sect was at its most beautiful, the Zixiaozhan held by the sect leader was one of the few eighth-level spiritual treasures in this world, and its power was absolutely Astonishing, together with the Liangyi spectroscope, they are called the treasures of the two major sects of the Lihuo Sect."

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand again and struck out the aura to cross out the words Zixiaozhan, and then the spirit weapons next to each other moved forward one by one.Xiao Linhang only saw a quasi-level six spiritual weapon named 'Gengjin Jianwan' at the end of the list, made by Yi Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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