
Chapter 269

Chapter 269
A five-level top-level spiritual weapon appeared in the Dizi No. [-] refining room on Xiding Mountain this month. Unlike the previous "Gengjin Sword Box" when it appeared in the world, the scale of the thunder that was triggered this time was much smaller.

But in this way, the soil on the mountain was turned over again, and Sun Deqing, the elder on duty, hurriedly sent a message to the sect, and specially called Bo Chengyi to come over to pay the bill in person.

The loss of all the facilities on the mountain in the past year was all blamed on him. According to Sun Deqing's original words, this kind of person will get some blood if he is cheap.

At this time, Yi Tian stayed in the refining room and continued to retreat. Anyway, Bo Chengyi felt that Xidingshan still had a few days to work, and he couldn't relax when he was free.

After looking at Zixiaozhan in front of him, he smiled. The dead branch of hibiscus tree was slowly dissolving under the burning of his own Xuanyang true fire.But after taking out the 'Bibo Qingquan' and applying it on it, the whole dead branch seemed to be moistened suddenly.

According to what Fulin said, one or two is enough. Yi Tian also found his method and tested it. It took less than a month to melt the whole dead branches into ink balls, and then took out the Zixiao lamp After turning on the lamp, all the hibiscus branches full of fire energy were melted into it.

After 49 days of Qiqi, the Zixiao lamp that appeared in appearance turned into a simple and simple oil lamp with a dark body.The style and inscription on it have not changed in any way, but when you hold it in your hand, you can clearly find that the fire aura is several times stronger than the previous lamp.

It is worthy of being an advanced spirit weapon after adding the sixth-level treasure, Zixiaozhan directly broke through the sixth-level elementary level and became an intermediate-level spirit weapon.

This time, Yi Tian didn't expect that even the Thunder Tribulation didn't fall.After consulting the secret scrolls of the sect, I realized that some spiritual weapons will only trigger one robbery.

Overjoyed, Yi Tian also rejoiced in his heart that he didn't cause any trouble this time.Next, I used the advanced Zixiaozhan to refine and strengthen the real fire of life, and found that the effect was several times stronger than before.

Although it was previously estimated that it would take nearly 20 years to fully strengthen the overall system, the effect of this experiment was unexpected.According to the current progress, 20 years is enough to strengthen twice.

As for the fifth-level sword box, Yi Tian sacrificed it at the same time. He promised that Bo Chengyi would give him some high-level materials and fulfilled it.During the entire refining process, the remaining one-tenth of the original Gengjin tungsten ore and Xingrouxin gold and iron were melted into it.

Although there is a little less food, it is still a solid sixth-level material. I did not expect the newly refined sword box to be very competitive. It was originally produced at the fifth-level intermediate level. Each spirit sword also has a bit of wind attribute.

When Bo Chengyi arrived at Xiding Mountain, he also brought the news of the holy city's ranking. This time, the sixth-level intermediate spirit weapon "Gengjin Sword Box" refined by Yi Tian broke into the top three and ranked first.

The six-level low-level 'Taimo Dao' refined by Huo Chilian, a weapon refiner of the Tianmomen, is ranked second, and the third is the 'Girl's True Fire Furnace' refined by Hong Luanjing of the Maiden School.Although the rank of the spirit weapon is the same as No.2's 'Taimo Dao', it ranks third because it is not an offensive spirit weapon.

What Yi Tian didn't expect was that these two people were also very interesting. Although one suggested a plan for Qipu, they also had their own pride and changed their appearance and name directly.

But that's good too, it won't let interested people guess, it is estimated that Hong Luanjing doesn't hate herself and Huo Chilian at this moment, and the next thing will be a bit difficult.

The distribution of holy water on the Qibang is undoubtedly a happy ending for everyone, but seeing Bo Chengyi's cheerful appearance, he should have gained a lot of benefits.

Before Yi Tian could open his mouth, Bo Chengyi congratulated him first: "Master Yi is now my No. 1 Western Wilderness Golden Pill Refiner, so let me congratulate you first."

"Don't dare, this is just the promotion of Tianyunmen. This achievement is inseparable from the strong support of the sect." Yi Tian also did not dare to take credit for it, and involved the relationship with Beiming Kongjing in everything. At that time, they will be able to mix well within the Excalibur Sect.

Afterwards, he handed over the refined spiritual weapon sword box to Bo Chengyi, who opened it happily, and immediately showed a look of fulfillment on his face.

Then Yi Tian briefly explained the craftsmanship and refining process of the sword box. Perhaps Bo Chengyi had heard Sun Deqing's complaints, and he had already estimated this spiritual weapon.So I didn't try the sword on the spot, I just put away the things directly, and then left hastily.

After the people left, Yi Tian looked back at his messenger jade pendant, and there were actually three messages in it.

The first one was sent by Beiming Kongjing, who first praised Yi Tian's refining spirit weapon, and then said some innocuous words.

The second one came from Yin Jie. His news was simpler, but it mentioned that the Gengjin Jianwan, which had been strengthened before, was actually on the ground list. Although it was only at the bottom of the list, it was considered an advanced rank. up.Now many brothers are dragging him to find out about him.

Yi Tian just replied hastily to this, and then declared that he will continue to practice in closed doors, so he is not going to make weapons for the past few decades.

The last one was left by Xiao Linhang, the content is very simple, saying that all the things promised before have been done.This time I brought a copy of the holy spring water and it is now stored in the Tianji Mansion in the Holy City. Yi Tian only needs to bring his Excalibur Sect identity jade token to pick it up.

He and his master have completed the task of this trip to the Western Wilderness, and now they have rushed back to Zhongzhou, and they will meet each other someday.

This may be the happiest news Yi Tian has heard. With the holy spring water and his own secret art, it will not be too difficult to advance to Jindan.

After turning around and packing up the things in the cave, Yi Tian hurried to Xiding Beishan, took out the Zongmen jade card and asked to take the flying boat to the holy city.

Although the disciple on duty didn't know who was in front of him, he was sure it was the Golden Core cultivator, so he didn't dare to neglect, and directly notified the cultivator on the flying boat to set sail.

Sitting in the cabin along the way, Yi Tian also thought for a long time. It's okay if he wasn't famous before, but now he knows a lot of people, and he might be recognized while walking on the streets of Shengcheng.

Furthermore, this time I went to get water from the holy spring, if an acquaintance sees me going in and out of Tianji mansion, I can't argue with it.

I checked the storage bracelet, luckily there was still a cloak given by Hong Luanjing.This thing can isolate the prying eyes of the gods, and it is good for concealing one's identity.

Immediately, he put on the cloak and put on the hood on his head to only expose his eyes. When the flying boat arrived at the Holy City three days later, he saw Yi Tian hurried off the boat in disguise.

Nowadays, there are not so many people on the streets of Shengcheng. After the list was announced half a month ago, the monks of the three sects who gathered here rushed back to the sect one after another.

And those casual cultivators from aristocratic families went home after a small gathering. After all, this is mainly a big stage for the three sects, and more than [-]% of the monks who can make the list are from the three sects of the Western Wilderness.

The remaining ones may be powerful characters with some backgrounds. For example, Yi Tian passed by the edge of the city tower at this time, and looked directly at the opposite side. He only saw yellow on the day list, red on the ground list, and white on the person list.Each list is divided into ten positions, and on the red list in the refining tool column, it is seen that the first place says 'Golden Sword Box', the refiner of Excalibur Pai Yitian.

What's interesting is that I saw my name again at the end of the list, and only then did I know that I had eaten a double-yolked egg.Sweeping his gaze, Yi Tian raised his head and saw that the number one in the list of heros is the old man Tianjian of the Excalibur sect, the name of Beiming Kongjing is ranked fourth, and the one below is the one who almost killed him His own Simon is arrogant.

Even Situ Ruiyu, who took away the spirit weapon she refined, was on the list, but at the bottom.But Yi Tian didn't dare to underestimate this ranking. There are at least dozens of Nascent Soul monks in the Western Wilderness Land, and none of the people who can make the list are dragons and phoenixes.

However, among the ten people, the Excalibur Sect has four seats, the Tianmo Sect has three, and the Maiden Sect has two.This all surprised Yi Tian, ​​who did not expect that the Maiden faction is really strong, even though the ranking is generally at the bottom, it also shows that it is not bad.

On the contrary, the top two of Tianmomen occupy the second and third places. No wonder they are the second children of ten thousand years, and their top strength is still below the old man of Tianjian.

Among them, there was one person who did not belong to the three sects. After reading it, Yi Tian wrote down the name of the ninth-ranked 'Sword Demon' Ximen Jieao.But look at Ximen Kuaoao who is ranked fifth, do these two look like a family?

With some doubts, Yi Tian came to Tianji Mansion, which can be regarded as the residence of Tianyunmen.The one staying behind was a Jindan cultivator, and after Yi Tian reported his name, it didn't take half a moment for the guard to come out to greet him in person.

After entering the inner mansion and the two of them sat down, the garrison smiled and said: "Peng Yue, I am the master of Tianji mansion here, and I am stationed here under the order of my master."

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Peng, I'm Yi Tian, ​​and I took the liberty to disturb you this time to take something that Brother Xiao left for me." Yi Tian said unhurriedly.

After hearing this, Peng Yue said respectfully: "Young Sect Master has already ordered you before leaving, a friend will come soon, and ask us to entertain you."

"Xiao Linhang is your young suzerain?" Yi Tian heard this for the first time. It seems that his identity is not simple. Next time we meet, he must make a good deal of it.

"Young Sect Master told me not to slack off," then he took out a sealed jade box from his storage ring and handed it over.

Yi Tian checked that the seal was intact, smiled and put it away.When he was about to leave, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and then he smiled and said to Peng Yue: "How many years have I been in Xihuang."

"It's been nearly a hundred and fifty years," Peng Yue replied.

"Does fellow Taoist know what is the relationship between the 'Sword Demon' Ximen Jieao and the 'Badao' Ximen Pride?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, Peng Yue said in detail, it turns out that these two are twin brothers, they both belonged to the Heavenly Demon Sect, but for some unknown reason, Ximen Jieao turned away from the sect 200 years ago.It is said that the two brothers fell out because of something, but the strange thing is that Tianmomen didn't remove him, but he himself said he left the sect.

This person has a perverse personality and is more unpredictable than his elder brother Ximen Kuaoao. Fortunately, he has been living in seclusion deep in the wilderness, so few people know his whereabouts.

After learning about it, Yi Tian also handed over his hand and said goodbye, taking all his things, and the current plan is still to focus on cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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