
Chapter 270 Rescue

Chapter 270 Rescue
After leaving the Tianji Mansion, Yi Tian naturally wanted to prepare first. The next retreat was related to the bottleneck of his impact on the middle stage of the golden elixir. Although this bottleneck had almost disappeared, Yi Tian still wanted to raise the golden elixir rank to Zhongpin made another breakthrough.

The current flow of people in the holy city is almost only one-third of what it was a month ago, and most of the people who stay here are monks who want to do business.On the contrary, it gave Yi Tian the opportunity to avoid other people's eyes and ears to make big purchases.

The plan is that this retreat will take at least 50 to [-] years, and the main purpose is to strengthen one's natal real fire to the extreme at this stage.

The effect of using Zixiaozhan to strengthen the real fire is extremely obvious. I have checked the Zongmen classics carefully before, and it is recorded in it: "If you want to go further on the road, you must do two exercises during the Jindan stage. There are three sacrifices to refine the real fire.This is not only to condense mana, but also to temper the body with the True Flame Armor. '

When Yi Tian finished reading it, he was both excited and sad. According to the speed of his previous sacrifice, fortunately, it only took more than [-] years for the first pass, and the time required for the second pass was doubled.When it comes to the third sacrifice, it will be double the time of the second one.

It would take about three sixty years to complete the three intensive sacrifices. Fortunately, I have just passed a hundred years old. According to this time, if everything goes well, I can try to attack the Nascent Soul around the age of 250.

There are absolutely very few cultivators who have broken through the alchemy and become babies in Tianlan Continent in 300 years, and Yi Tian is a little bit smug when he thinks that he may become the top figure among them.

Just as he was getting excited, suddenly a message came from the jade badge of the Excalibur Sect on his body.Taking out the jade tablet and looking at it, Yi Tian frowned, and it was actually Du Heiyi who summoned him.

The content is very simple, only five words, 'Guikuling, help. Thinking about Du Hei in his heart, it is probably the sequelae left by the two monks of Ming Wangdao last time.

People need to be saved. After all, if we meet each other once, we can be regarded as friends.And the other party's purpose is obviously to want the half of the map.

If you want to come to Yitian, you have to make preparations first, and most of the time it will be a replacement with a picture.

Leaving the Holy City half an hour later, I opened the surrounding map and quickly glanced at it. Fortunately, the 'Ghost Crying Ridge' was not too far away, and it took less than half a day to fly straight there.

Looking at the direction, Yi Tian also suppressed his aura fluctuations within the scope of the foundation building period, and then headed towards the 'Ghost Crying Ridge'.

It's been a while since Du Heiyi sent him the message, and he probably wouldn't feel too good if he hadn't been caught during this period.

In the past year, Yitian also had a rest "Kamikaze escape".But I haven't used it a few times, this time I just took this opportunity to see what is so special about this ancient escape technique.

With a flash of cyan aura all over his body, after using the wind escape, he measured his current speed.Then the blue light on the whole body became stronger, and the speed increased by as much as [-]% in an instant, but the corresponding consumption of spiritual power in the body increased by [-]%.

It didn't take three hours for Yi Tian to get close to the boundary of 'Ghost Crying Ridge' thirty miles away, and he could hear the roar of spells coming from far away.

But the strange thing is that there is only one attacking sound, and it is estimated that Du Heiyi should be trapped.

Hearing so much, Yi Tian didn't dare to hold back, he directly concealed his breath, and quietly moved towards the direction where the sound came from.

When Yi Tianfei came in and saw that it was as expected, two monks in the mountain depression were attacking Du Heiyi fiercely.Fortunately, he took a batch of spirit stones and spent them all on equipment.I saw Du Heiyi holding a spiritual weapon in a bowl with both hands, covering himself and sticking to it.

There is also a monk floating above those two people, judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, it should be a golden core monk, and his cultivation level does not seem to be low.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't dare to fight hard, to prevent the opponent from jumping over the wall and killing Du Heiyi directly.

After thinking for a while, he took out the ghost face flower seeds in his hand. It is more reliable to use the sneak attack method as usual.After falling to the ground, pour the aura into the hands and bury the seeds directly in the soil.Then with a finger, the soil-soaked seeds burst out new sprouts instantly, and slender vines slowly began to extend from the ground.

Yi Tian didn't dare to get too close, for fear of being tricked by the Golden Core cultivator, so he had no choice but to start casting spells half a mile away.

Du Heiyi, who was in the mountain col, was screaming bitterly after being attacked for a while. He didn't know who he had offended until the other party showed his identity. In desperation, he had to pin his hopes on Yi Tian.

The two people on the opposite side were attacking in turn, and they didn't seem to be in a hurry, but the Golden Core cultivator above them looked at it leisurely, as if watching the two subordinates playing monkeys again.

Suddenly he turned his head and shouted: "Who, the one who hides his head and shows his tail, why don't you come out to me quickly?" A yellow aura condensed in his hand, and a stone thorn shot out from his hand in an instant, shooting towards Yi Tian's direction.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so vigilant, Yi Tian didn't hide when he saw his whereabouts revealed, and directly jumped high and flew towards the place where Du Heiyi was besieged.The spell in his hand didn't stop, a blue light flashed, and then a shield stake with a thick bowl mouth shot towards the stone thorn.

Suddenly I heard that person yelling: "Stop playing and get rid of him," the two people below hurriedly attacked.

Originally, after seeing Yi Tian's appearance, Du Heiyi's face was filled with joy, but now facing the combination of the two, he is miserable, and the consumption of spiritual power on his body has more than doubled in an instant.

Suddenly Du Heiyi felt that the attack stopped suddenly, and when he looked carefully, two bowl-thick vines grew on the ground and entangled the two people not far in front of him.There were two bucket-sized flower buds on the top that bit the lower half of the two people tightly, and the two people who were lowered hurriedly turned around to save themselves.

The Golden Core cultivator in the air also had an angry look on his face, and he scolded: "It's because you ruined the good thing of the Holy Church, the map should be on you, right?"

Yi Tian ignored him and pointed at the flower bud after forming seals with his hands, and the speed of the ghost face flower's devouring speed was accelerated in an instant, and within ten breaths, all the dregs of the two foundation cultivators were swallowed. It fell all over the place.

After tidying up, Yi Tian turned around and said to the human: "Which part of the Ming Dynasty are you, dare to come to the West Wilderness to play wild?"

The man frowned when he heard about it, and then said sharply: "My seat, Jia Fei, are you sent by that bitch Le Tongxuan? Your Blissful Heaven Department is so ambitious that you recruited Di Yutian and wanted to drive my utilitarian Heaven to extinction." ?”

I haven't heard the name of the girl of bliss for decades, Yi Tian turned to look at the other party and said, "Le Tongxuan, I haven't seen him for a long time, but how many Ming Wang Dao skills do you still have in Kung Fu Tian?" I would like to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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