
Chapter 271

Chapter 271
In the sky above Ghost Crying Ridge, Yi Tian and the utilitarian monk Jia Fei confronted each other.After the two sides probed into each other's words just now, they started directly.

I saw Yi Tian's hands congealed for a moment and made a green fist with the mouth of a bowl. The other party sneered disdainfully after seeing it: "You dare to be rampant with your strength", and then followed the same way and made the same fist. spell.

Two magic spells, one green and one yellow, struck together in the air, but what surprised Jia Fei was that the fist condensed with blue light broke through his own King Ming's Cloud Turning Hand with one blow, and the power of the spell did not weaken at all after that.

Jia Fei was taken aback by this, and hastily made seals with both hands and resorted to a defensive move of 'earth and rock shield'. With a 'bang', Jia Fei was still pushed five feet away by the blue fist before he stabilized his figure. He turned his head to look at the cultivator opposite him. down.

Du Heiyi, who was below, was overjoyed when he saw Yi Tian's spells smashing through the opponent's spells. Suddenly, Yi Tian's voice transmission came from his ears: "You go first, wait for me in the Holy City."

After hearing this, Du Heiyi also felt amnesty, and hurriedly jumped up and ran in the direction of Yi Tianlai.

Sweeping from the corner of his eye, there were only two people left here, Yi Tian looked at the other party carefully, and he could see that his master of tricks had suppressed the other party.

After a long time, Jia Fei spoke first, "Who the hell are you?"

Yi Tian thought about it, since the current balance of power in southern Xinjiang has been broken, should it be supported by the weak side to maintain the situation?

Several plans flashed through his mind in an instant, and then Yi Tian smiled and took out a token and shook it at Jia Fei, saying, "Look for yourself."

Seeing that the token was engraved with the word 'Brahman Mantra Heaven', Jia Fei said in disbelief, "How could you be the successor of Brahma Mantra Heaven? Didn't it mean that you had lost your master's inheritance 300 years ago?" Is it?"

"Oh, then where did I learn my King Ming's cloud-turning hand?" Yi Tian sneered, and then stopped talking, stretched out his hand and used the 'Ming Wang's rain-covering hand'.

Seeing that something was wrong, the opponent hurriedly used all his strength to sacrifice a five-inch thick and one foot long 'soil and rock shield' to block in front of him.

He only heard the sound of 'cracking' for three breaths, and the defensive 'earth and rock shield' was no longer complete, and the entire surface was covered with fist marks half an inch deep.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Jia Fei saw that the opponent didn't have the slightest intention to attack again, but at this time he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.He just took out the nameplate of the Ministry of Utilitarianism, and said calmly, "Since we are all family members, fellow Daoists, let's just leave it at that." After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait," Yi Tian shouted: "Don't you want to win my Brahma Mantra Heavenly Department back to Southern Border?"

But Jia Fei said helplessly: "Since fellow Taoist knows Le Tongxuan, a girl from the Paradise of Paradise, she didn't succeed in wooing you, so why should I do anything extra."

"Oh, you are also a person who understands current affairs. Let me tell you that not only is Le Tongxuan, but I have also met Shangguan Bubai and Zhuge Wudi, two sons of Emperor Yutian." Yi Tian said with a look of disdain.

"Then which one are you going to attach to?" Jia Fei asked puzzledly. In his opinion, although this person in front of him is strong, he has not yet cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, and his words are as important as his own ancestor's. Still a little distance.

Just listen to Yi Tian asking: "How many Nascent Soul monks are there in Southern Xinjiang who sit in Gonglitian, Diyutian and Jiletian now?"

"There is only one Great Elder in my department, two in Ji Le Tian, ​​and three in Di Yu Tian. It seems that you, the descendant of Brahma Mantra, have never set foot in southern Xinjiang," Jia Fei replied.

Yi Tian nodded and said, "I once assisted Le Tongxuan in retrieving the relics of the previous saint son, I believe you should know something about it."

"It's no wonder that the Bliss Heaven Department, which has been dormant for decades, has made such a high-profile comeback. So you helped Le Tongxuan get the Moonlight Wheel?" Jia Fei shouted angrily: "If it wasn't like this, the Emperor Yutian Department How could you fall to them?"

"Hmph, don't be so nonsense, as far as I know, the relics of the son of the former King of Ming Dynasty are a set, and Le Tongxuan only got half of them."

"What evidence do you have?" Jia Fei asked suspiciously.

Yi Tian didn't answer, just put his hands together, and a small ball with a diameter of five inches appeared in his hand in an instant.

But Jia Fei asked with a confused face: "Is this the other half?"

Seeing that he doesn't seem to be pretending, Yi Tian also secretly said: "Thousands of years have passed, and there are not many people left who know the details. It seems that this person in front of him is not useful, but it is still possible to be a microphone."

Then he said: "This is the Sunlight Wheel, which is originally one with the Yueyao Wheel in Le Tongxuan's hand. If you don't know, you can go back and ask your Great Elder of Kung Fu Heaven about what I said."

"What are your plans? Do you want to unify the four parts? But your cultivation is only at the Golden Core stage."

"Unifying the four parts, I'm not interested in that, but it seems that you have something to ask for after spending a lot of money to collect this map in Xihuang?"

When Jia Fei heard it, he said with a serious face: "That is a secret related to the holy religion. It seems that the map is in your hands. Why don't you cooperate with us and go there to find the treasure of the previous generation?"

"There is still a piece missing, it can't be used," Yi Tian replied.

"How did you know there was a missing piece?" Jia Fei asked, "Could it be that you found the third copy?"

"Oh, so the public share is in your hands?"

Jia Fei nodded and said: "In the hands of the Great Elder, if you are willing to cooperate with us to find the treasure of the Holy Son, we can revive the Holy Cult."

"I don't think you can make the decision on this matter, so how about it, you will go to talk to the elders of your department, and come to Xihuang to find me after a hundred years of thinking," Yi Tian said and then threw his hand away Send a jade token to the other party.

As for the time agreement, Yi Tian also considered that it would take a hundred years for him to cultivate to the middle and late stages of Jindan. At that time, he could have a chance of winning against these Nascent Soul old monsters with a few cards of his own.

As for Southern Xinjiang, I believe that Utilitarian Tianbu will have a choice, and the four games still need to join forces.As for the alliance between Ji Letian and Di Yutian, Yi Tian is not worried at all.

Just because Di Yutian's three sons seized the throne, Di Yutian will not be at peace if this matter is not resolved, not to mention that there is a blissful heaven beside him who holds half of the relics of the sons.

To be honest, I am really not optimistic about the cooperation between them. On the contrary, after this utilitarian day is suppressed by the other two films, I will definitely grasp this last straw.

Now Yi Tian has two chips in his hand, Rihuilun and the two maps. Presumably, after Jia Fei sends the news back, the Great Elder of Utilitarian Heaven will definitely consider it carefully.Now that the bait has been released, I believe the other party will not ignore it.

To show his sincerity, Yi Tian also took out a jade slip and wrote down the second form of King Ming's hand, and handed it to Jia Fei as a deposit.

After getting the jade slip so far, Jia Fei looked at it again and again, and then happily said: "I will go back to the southern border first, everything will be decided by the elder, and I will give you a reply within ten years no matter what."

"That's fine, then I'll wait for your news."

(End of this chapter)

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