
Chapter 272 Treatment

Chapter 272 Treatment
In a courtyard in the Holy City, Yi Tian and Du Heiyi were sitting face to face.

Du Heiyi has learned to be a good boy since he escaped from Guikuling, and stays in the house all day without going out or seeing guests.It wasn't until Yi Tian came to the door two days later that he finally settled down.

Sitting on the seat, Yi Tian listened to Du Heiyi talk about the process of his being tracked, and it turned out that the half of the map caused the incident.

Fortunately, I also noticed it, so I made an agreement with Jia Fei, so I believe that the other party will never bother Du Heiyi again.

On the contrary, the spirit weapon used by Du Heiyi at that time made Yi Tian feel a little interesting. After asking, he found out that he also asked himself to make a small fortune years ago.Safety is the most important thing if you don't go out to dig the grave, so after getting the spirit stone, I went to buy some good equipment immediately.

The two chatted for a while, which made Yi Tian also deeply touched. Back then, the three of them cooperated to explore together, but they never thought that Shuidong City would be wiped out.Even though he had avenged him, but speaking of it, he himself was unkind to others.

On the contrary, Du Heiyi, a short-sighted guy, is very open about this. In his words, no one of my generation of monks has had any blood on their hands in their entire lives. Since they have killed people, they must have the consciousness of being killed.

In the end, the blame is not to blame yourself for not being good at learning. In the realm of comprehension, everything depends on strength, and the survival of the strong is an eternal truth.

After some exchanges, Yi Tian suddenly found that his state of mind had changed again. What Du Heiyi said was a bit harsh, but it was the truth.After listening to the meeting, Yi Tian re-examined his thoughts, and found that his Dao heart had become firmer.

A strong idea burst out from my heart to become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can I grasp my own destiny.There are still many things around me that I can't control independently. As long as I have the strength, many things that I thought were impossible before will become easier to handle.

After the two exchanged for a while, Du Heiyi suddenly mentioned: "Boss Yi, are you interested in spiritual pets?"

One sentence reminded Yi Tian that he still had two spiritual pets in his spiritual beast bag.Seeing that he mysteriously knew that there must be something to say here, he smiled and said: "Why, you recently changed your career to do the monster business?"

Du Heiyi rubbed his hands together with a smirk and said, "It's not just looking for some business to make a living."

"I already have two spiritual pets, so don't make up your mind. But if you have a good medicine and method for cultivating spiritual pets, maybe I will be a little interested." Yi Tian replied lightly.In fact, Yi Tian has been feeding spirit beast pills from time to time since he took in the red flame horse, but the effect is extremely poor.

Seeing that the cultivation base of 'Fat Dog' is getting stronger and stronger and has almost reached the peak of the fourth level, but Chi Yanju is still at the second level, basically no progress has been made for more than [-] years.

This made Yi Tian very unhappy. Originally, he still had a set of "Yunxiao Yu" in his hand, but he was short of a spirit beast pulling a cart.But if the evolution speed of Chi Yanju is like this, even if it is refined by oneself, it cannot be used.

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Du Heiyi suddenly felt hopeless and his face twitched, but after Yi Tian finished speaking, he laughed: "I have a good method of cultivating spirit beasts here, if you need it, I can help you find it." Come."

Yi Tian raised his brows and asked, "I have a spiritual pet, maybe something happened when I was born, so the advancement has become very slow."

Du Heiyi bowed his head and thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll take you to find someone, maybe he will have a solution."

Seeing that Yi Tian nodded in agreement, Du Heiyi readily took out the communication jade token and started contacting.

An hour later, under the leadership of Du Heiyi, the two came to a shop in the city called 'Spiritual Beast Station'. According to Du Heiyi, the shopkeeper here was originally a disciple of the Southern Xinjiang Spiritual Beast Sect, and this shop was also the sect's property.Generally, the problems encountered in raising spirit beasts can basically be solved. If it is really impossible, you can ask the elders of the spirit beast sect who are on duty here to help.

Du Heiyi was also straightforward. The later transaction of the Golden Core cultivator was not something that a person like him could meddle in. After delivering it, he directly said goodbye to him.

Yi Tian also knew what was on his mind, so he took out two fourth-level spiritual weapons and handed them to him, hoping that he could make good use of them. Before leaving, he agreed to meet again if he had time after he left the customs.

Fortunately, Du Heiyi greeted him beforehand, and after entering the door, Yi Tian expressed his intention to come, and the shopkeeper immediately took him to the back wing to wait.

After half a cup of tea, the door of the side room was pushed open, and the person who came was a young monk dressed in southern Xinjiang.Yi Tian glanced at him, and found that the other party's cultivation base was at least in the middle stage of Jindan, he didn't dare to neglect, stood up and cupped his hands and said, "I'm taking the liberty of disturbing you, I'm only here to heal the spiritual pet."

After hearing this, the monk said in awe: "It turns out that he is the number one gold elixir refiner in the Western Wilderness. He has admired him for a long time, and he is under Pangji. He is an enshrined in this branch of the Spirit Beast Sect."

After the two sat down as guest and host, Pang Ji signaled Yi Tian to summon a spiritual pet that needed healing.After a flash of red light, a group of nightmare beasts the size of earth dogs appeared in the room.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't come out for a long time, but Chi Yanju couldn't stand up when he got outside, and ran around.

Yi Tian had no choice but to sacrifice the spirit beast art to forcibly restrain Chi Yanju to stand still in the room, and then stretched out his hand to indicate that it was time to check.

Pang Ji at the side glanced at Chi Yanju and frowned, and asked after a long time, "Where did Fellow Daoist Yi find this spiritual pet?"

"In a crater, is there any problem with Fellow Daoist Pang?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Pang Ji nodded and said, "But what do you get after killing the female beast?"

Yi Tian nodded embarrassingly, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"This beast was forcibly recognized as the master by fellow Taoists before it got out of the care of the mother beast, so it has not advanced yet."

After hearing this, Yi Tian sighed, thinking that he would kill the Nightmare Beast out of helplessness, but he still had some expectations for the Red Flame Horse.He turned his head and asked, "Fellow Daoist, do you have a solution?"

Seeing that the other party seemed hesitant to speak, Yi Tian took out a bag of spirit stones and a fifth-level spiritual weapon and put them on the table, "If Fellow Daoist Pang can help me in any way, I will be very grateful."

Pang Ji reached into the storage bag with his spiritual sense and was shocked by the number of spirit stones, and then smiled wryly: "I have to do my best, it's just that Daoyou Yi's spirit beast lacked the mother's spirit beast when it was young. Look after to be deficient, unless"

"How?" Yi Tian asked eagerly.

"Unless fellow Taoists can find the Heaven-replenishing Pill of Beast Spirit, which is refined from the innate fire spirit and made into a fire-type beast spirit, and let Chi Yanju take it to eliminate its congenital defects. In addition, our special Yuyu Pill can restore it after ten years." Normal," Pang Ji said.

Yi Tian still pushed the spirit stones and spirit weapons forward and said: "Thank you for your advice, fellow daoist, so if you want to buy the pill formula of 'Yu Beast Pill', the extra spirit stones can be counted as the purchase of alchemy materials."

After hearing this, Pang Ji nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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