
Chapter 273

Chapter 273
As the main city under the banner of Tianmo Sect, Tianmo City is not much better than Tianjian City.More than half of the merchants opened in the city are owned by Tianmomen, and some of the others are stationed here by the two factions, which are usually used to deliver news or allocate supplies.

Yi Tian encountered a lot of trouble when he entered the city. The Jindan monk stationed at the city gate required every monk who entered the city to pay the entrance fee according to his cultivation level.Jindan monks like Yi Tian have to pay at least ten thousand pieces of Lingshi.

After secretly despising the harshness of Xia Tian Mo Sect, Yi Tian flatly refused to pay.Just when the garrison was about to get angry, after decisively taking out the token that Duguao had given before, the people around just knocked on the demon token and consciously kept a distance of one foot from Yi Tian.

After sweeping with his divine sense, the garrison sneered and said: "You don't need to register your identity, and the entry fee is halved." Yi Tian had no choice but to turn around and walk in the direction of leaving the city. After three breaths, he heard the garrison again. He shouted: "That's enough, that's enough, I won't charge you to enter the city, don't cause trouble after entering the city," after saying that, he waved his hand and ignored Yi Tian.

Yi Tian didn't talk too much after learning the methods of the guards of Tianmo Gate, and went straight to the auction after entering the city.In the Holy City, I heard Pang Ji say that it is necessary to find the Acquired Fire Spirit to make up for the innate deficiency of the Red Flame Horse, otherwise it will be difficult for it to evolve to the third level.

Because the Excalibur Sect majored in gold-type exercises, materials like Xiantian Huo Lingjing basically had no market in Tianjian City.On the contrary, Tianmo Sect followed the two paths of Yin Sha and Yang Lie. After many inquiries, Yi Tian was going to come here to try his luck.

After entering the city, Yi Tian directly targeted the auction house and Jubao Pavilion.I learned from the side before that although Tianmo City seems to have a lot of shops, there are only three places to buy some rare materials of level five and above.Except for the auction house and Jubao Pavilion, it is only possible to receive it in the raw material trading market in Dongcheng.

But Yitian didn't have any spare time to sit there and wait for the door, so he had to settle for the next best thing. Although it would cost a lot of money, the effect was remarkable.

Arriving at the largest auction house in Tianmo City, as soon as Yi Tian entered the door, a maid dressed in auction house costumes came up to greet him: "Is this senior a consignment or a registered auction?"

"What is the method of consignment, and what should be paid attention to in the auction?"

The maid smiled and said, "Senior, is this your first time here?"

Yi Tian nodded in response, and then heard the maid continue: "Tianmo City holds a regular auction meeting every month. Generally, the items to be auctioned will be listed on the auction house's bulletin board." After finishing speaking, he pointed to the upper middle of the hall A huge spar.

I stretched out my spiritual sense and scanned it, which listed the time of the next auction and the items to be auctioned.There are everything from level [-] rare materials to finished spirit weapons.Even Yi Tian saw that among the finale items of this auction, the 'Taimo Dao' refined by Huo Chi is still listed.

Because of this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Can this second spirit weapon on the list of refining places be auctioned here?"

The maid hurriedly explained: "This is the meaning of the sect. It may be that there are too many people who want it, so they will sell it through public bidding."

"Then I want to see who gets it," Yi Tian said with interest.

"Maybe seniors will be disappointed. The auction of this spiritual weapon is only limited to the Nascent Soul level. Please pay attention to the mark in front of the name."

After being reminded, Yi Tian glanced again and found that there was a word "Taimo Dao" marked in front of it, and the first twenty auction items on the entire crystal screen had similar marks.

The next auction item marked as [-] is probably the one that Jindan cultivators can participate in.

Then he scanned the spar again with his consciousness, and found that none of it was an innate fire spirit.After a while, he frowned and stopped talking.

The maid was also good at observing words and expressions. Seeing this situation, she knew that Yi Tian hadn't found the item she wanted, so she hurriedly said: "Senior, there are still ten days left for this auction. During this period, monks may send more items for auction."

Yi Tian couldn't deny this, but waiting for ten days for no reason was meaningless to him, so he decided to try his luck at Jubao Pavilion.

But before leaving, Yi Tian also gave the maid a hundred spirit stones and a communication talisman, and told him what he wanted to find. If there is something he likes during this period, she should inform him immediately.

After leaving the auction house, Yi Tian followed the directions of the street signs and found Jubao Pavilion in less than a moment.Looking in front of the gate, there were actually four foundation-building monks on duty. What surprised Yi Tian most was that these people were all wearing the clothes of the outer sect of the Demon Sect.

This Jubao Pavilion should be the sect property of Tianmomen, but in this way, most of the things inside will be screened in advance.The possibility of finding the innate fire spirit is very small.

This kind of thing is also needed for Huo Chi Lian. Unlike himself, he has the Zixiao lamp that can strengthen the real fire of his life, so if he wants to strengthen it, he can only find these natural treasures of fire and fuse himself.

If he wants to come to Tianmomen, he will also help him to inspect in many ways, and as long as there are similar things, they will give him priority.

With the idea of ​​trying his luck, Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked in. The four guards at the door glanced and found that the person who came was a Jindan cultivator, and one of them hurried forward to receive him: "Senior, please follow me. After nodding his head, Yi Tian followed him into Jubao Pavilion.

This place deserves to be regarded as the property directly under the sect of Tianmomen, and the insiders in the entire Jubao Pavilion are basically from Tianmomen.The person who led the way also introduced that the Treasure Pavilion not only sells raw materials, but also the spirit tools and elixir that can be seen in the market can be found here.Even if it is not in stock, it can be ordered, and you can even choose a specific refiner or alchemist to customize.

Looking at the list of the craftsman, Huo Chilian's name was also marked first.After careful questioning, I found out that Jubao Pavilion only accepts requests from monks below the Nascent Soul stage.

Although a craftsman like Huo Chilian could help Nascent Soul cultivators refine spiritual weapons, they were basically limited to serving the insiders of the Tianmo Sect and would never do so to the outside world.

After entering, a Jindan cultivator wearing shopkeeper's clothes came up to receive Yi Tian. After the two walked into a room and sat down, the shopkeeper said, "I don't know if you are here to order pills or spiritual weapons. If you need If the store provides raw materials, a [-]% handling fee will be added.”

After hearing this, Yi Tian smiled dumbly, then waved his hands and said, "I'm not here to make a request, but I just need to find some congenital fire spirits so that I can refine some pills for raising spiritual pets."

The shopkeeper's face visibly froze after hearing this, and he quickly said calmly: "Even so, let me check to see if there is such a material in the warehouse, fellow daoist, wait a moment." After speaking, he took out a jade slip and pasted it on the With his forehead, he began to search for the treasures in the catalog with his spiritual sense.

Yi Tian didn't ask too many questions, anyway, he didn't have too much hope, if there is no one here, he had to go to Shaoyang City to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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