
Chapter 274

Chapter 274
In Jubao Pavilion, Yi Tianzheng was sitting in a side hall full of joy and waiting. The shopkeeper just searched and found that there happened to be a high-level innate fire spirit in the warehouse of the pavilion that had not been sold yet.

According to the record in the catalogue, this fire elf was produced at the bottom of the molten fire in the core of the volcano. It belongs to the fifth-level innate fire elf. Yi Tian also nodded with satisfaction, and paid [-]% in full on the spot according to the rules of Jubao Pavilion. paid.

The level of this spirit fire seems to be a bit higher than that of the second-level red flame horse, but it doesn't matter, as long as the fire spirit is properly diluted when refining the beast spirit pill.

Sitting in the room waiting was feeling bored, so he quietly opened the window and looked outside, and saw that the whole hall was busy with people coming and going.

Suddenly several people came in at the main entrance, and the leader was the old acquaintance Huo Chilian. Yi Tian felt uneasy when he saw it, and then he hastily closed the window and did not dare to act rashly in the room.

Recently, I am planning to find a clean place to practice hard, and I don't want to meet Huo Chilian again for the time being.I believe that although there are very few people who know me after the list is released, if I openly enter and leave the Sky Demon City like this, I am afraid it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles.

After sitting in the seat and waiting for nearly an hour, the shopkeeper did not come back.Thinking that he was angry, but it was not easy to get angry. At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and besides the shopkeeper, there was also a monk from the Heavenly Demon Sect with a fierce face.

Judging by the attire, he should be a Jindan elder in the inner sect. Yi Tian doesn't know what is going on, but he can see that the shopkeeper is still holding the spiritual stone bag he just gave him, and he knows in his heart that this matter is difficult.

Sure enough, before the shopkeeper opened his mouth, the person behind said first: "The innate fire spirit you want is temporarily confiscated by the sect. Take back all the money you paid just now." The tone was aggressive, as if Yi Tian could not tolerate rebuttals .

Sure enough, this did not go beyond Yi Tian's expectations, and something always happened every time he saw Huo Chilian.It is estimated that this time he was entrusted by someone to refine some kind of spiritual weapon, but this fifth-level spiritual fire can't refine a sixth-level spiritual weapon, and it doesn't have much use.

After thinking about it, I had no choice but to admit it face to face. If I challenged the Elder Jindan of the Tianmo Sect in the Jubao Pavilion, the possibility of getting out of the Tianmo City alive is basically zero.

After the fierce-looking cultivator left, Yi Tian said dissatisfiedly to the shopkeeper: "In any case, there must be a first-come-first-served one. If the Guige does business like this, don't blame it for losing its reputation in the future."

The shopkeeper had no choice but to apologize with a smile and said: "Fellow Daoist, calm down, this matter is also just a coincidence."

"What a coincidence, could it be that Yuanying Patriarch wants this Innate Fire Spirit, but the price of the five-level treasure is a bit low?" Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"It's not Yuanying Patriarch but he's also a big shot, the second Huo Chi Refining Master on the earth list, this time he came to the Bi Pavilion to find the fifth-level Fire Spirit Refiner." The shopkeeper said with a look of admiration.
After Yi Tian listened, he thought about it in his heart and said that according to Huo Chilian's current status, most of the people who want to ask him to help refine spirit weapons are Nascent Soul cultivators, and they must be refining sixth-level spirit weapons.But doesn't it seem a bit shabby to use these level [-] materials on level [-] spiritual weapons, and people won't agree.

Glancing at the intoxicated look on the face of the shopkeeper next to him, Yi Tian simply asked sideways: "Master Huo is such a person who refines only sixth-level spiritual weapons, why would he like this mere fifth-level treasure material? Is it possible that you have joined forces? cheat strangers?"

The shopkeeper's face changed after hearing this, and he said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist, don't talk nonsense, what we pay attention to when we open the door to do business is the word 'letter'."

"Then how to explain this matter?" Yi Tian asked persistently.

"From now on, it's okay to talk to fellow daoists. Master Huo took the five-level innate fire spirit and put it in the blazing magic furnace of the Tianmomen to cultivate it. I believe that within a hundred years, it should be able to upgrade it to the sixth level. It’s not too late to use it, it seems that he is preparing for the first place in the next local ranking after a hundred years.”

After nodding his head, Yi Tian just smiled, and thought, "Huo Chilian wouldn't have the time to go to the rankings. He must have been targeted by some old guy, so he should make a move." '

Thinking about it, his life in the next hundred years will not be very pleasant, how can it compare to his own happiness.

After clearing up my mood, I turned to the shopkeeper and said, "In this way, I believe you, but right now I don't know if there are any innate fire spirits in your pavilion, even if it is a fourth-level one."

The shopkeeper said in embarrassment: "It seems that there are no more. It's because the attributes don't match. If you want an ice spirit, you can have a share. The icicles produced in the ice crystal cave are thousands of years old."

Yi Tian was quite moved when he heard it, he can wait for the matter of Chi Yanju, this ice elf can be used on 'Fat Dog'.I have seen the refining method of Pang Jina's special Yushou pill before.For spirit pets of different attributes, attribute materials can be mixed in accordingly, so that after the spirit pet eats it, it can help it advance.

After pretending to meditate for a while, Yi Tian said, "It's okay to change to Ice Spirit, but there must be some discount on the price, or we won't talk about it."

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Yi Tian's storage ring has a fifth-level treasure of innate ice spirit spirit, and it is funny to think about the aggrieved face of the shopkeeper.

Although the main purpose was not achieved, there were still some gains due to the mistakes.Immediately, Yi Tian began to wander around, and if he had the main thing, he might as well buy all the refining materials in his free time, and then consider the matter of the fire spirit.

Fortunately, his cultivation level is not low. After spending half a day wandering around the Demonic City, Yi Tian fulfilled his wish and collected all the supplementary materials of the 'Yu Beast Pill' and 'Beast Spirit Bu Tian Pill'.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he directly went to a home refining workshop to rent a refining master, and then started his own alchemy plan.

Seven days later, there was a burst of alchemy from the noisy refining workshop, and now even the workshop owner was dumbfounded. The tenant who came here said he was a craftsman, but why did he change his career to refining pills.

At this time, in the refining room, Yi Tian looked at a batch of crystal clear snow-through pills in the pill furnace in front of him, and felt a little proud in his heart.Previously, the Xiantian ice spirit hadn't shown any signs of softening under the ordinary fire in the alchemy furnace. Knowing that Yi Tian mixed a trace of Xuanyang real fire, it melted into a ball of white water in less than half a day. .

Fortunately, this elixir is only at the fourth level, and he has experience in refining different elixir, so the whole process is not very troublesome.What's more, the refinement of 'Yu Beast Pill' this time is just a warm-up for the subsequent refinement of 'Spirit Beast Pill'.

After Yi Tian left the customs, he found that the eyes of everyone in the refining room became a little strange, but due to the status of Jindan cultivator, no one dared to say anything in person.

That's the end of the matter at hand for the time being. When Yi Tianzheng was about to leave Tianmo City, he suddenly found a message.After reading it carefully, he couldn't help laughing. It seems that his luck has not run out. This thing that was missed in Jubao Pavilion appeared again in the auction.

According to the news from there, there will be a large-scale auction two days later, and there happens to be a congenital fire elf in it, but it's only level four.

But it was enough to refine the pills by himself, and Yi Tian smiled wryly when he thought about the pill furnace that was burned out by Xuanyang's real fire, did he have to use a specially refined pill furnace like Yan Zhaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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