
Chapter 275 Bidding

Chapter 275 Bidding
The scale of the auction in Tianmo City is divided into three grades, corresponding to Nascent Soul, Jindan and below monks.Usually, only specially invited Nascent Soul cultivators can participate in small auctions, and auctions of this level can only be called exchange meetings.

The medium-sized auctions are places where Golden Core monks gather, and the large auctions are for foundation-building and Qi training monks, but sometimes some Golden Core monks will be mixed in.

But usually they will not overwhelm others with force, after all, the deterrent power of Tianmomen is still there.As for the forced buying and selling in Jubao Pavilion, such things would not have happened if it hadn't been for the Nascent Soul cultivator or the big shot above.

But who told me not to look at the almanac when I went out this time, and after I went to Jubao Pavilion once, I was robbed of my favorite treasure.After receiving the summons for the large-scale auction, he also made full preparations, and was about to bid for the fourth-level innate fire elf.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Yi Tian specially put on a cloak to prevent other people's spiritual sense from prying, and then suppressed his cultivation base to the appearance of the late foundation establishment stage.In this way, even frequent bids will not be suspected, and it will also avoid being said to be bullying.

On the day when the auction was held, many foreign monks suddenly came to the entire Tianmo City, and Yi Tian also took the opportunity to confuse among them.After arriving at the meeting place, the monk who registered in front of the door saw that he was a foundation-building monk, and suggested that he could spend three thousand spirit stones to rent a private room.

After thinking about it, he didn't want to be squeezed into the huge venue, so he happily paid the Lingshi, took the jade token and walked straight into the venue.

Fortunately, the selected box was located in a remote place after all, and the female nun who served at the door when entering the room also gave a list of today's auction items.

Although the auction started at noon, people came in one after another in the morning to grab seats.

Sitting in the private room, Yi Tian looked down at the entire venue, and saw that there were already many monks sitting around the auction round platform with a radius of three feet in the center.

The entire venue is estimated to accommodate hundreds of monks, and there are dozens of large and small boxes on the second and third floors. It is estimated that the number of attendees is at least a thousand. No wonder it is called a large auction.

Ignoring so many things, Yi Tian focused all his energy on the items for today's auction, and the Level [-] Innate Fire Spirit that he wanted belonged to the first batch of auctioned treasures.It may be due to attributes that he was arranged to play in the last third position.

The quality of the second batch of auction items is obviously much higher than the previous ones. There are even some fifth-level spirit weapons and elixirs in it. It will be reduced to the category of fifth-level treasure materials.

These things are usually only used by foundation-building monks and even golden cores, and those low-level monks are just here to feast their eyes.

After reading it, Yi Tian lost interest, and he was going to leave after bidding. The ghosts are too lazy to get involved in the following things.It was useless to think too much, so he closed his eyes and meditated in the room.

An hour later, Yi Tian heard a gong ringing in the middle of the hall, and opened his eyes. He was really surprised when he glanced down. The entire hall was full of people, and even some monks who came late were still casually sitting there. I found a place to stand and stretched my head and neck to wait for the auction.

At this time, a monk in his 20s wearing the clothes of the inner gate of Tianmomen slowly walked forward from the gate on one side.Many people present stood up and gestured to him.Judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power, he should be a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and it is very appropriate for such a cultivation base to preside over the first batch of auctions.

He cleared his throat after he came to the stage, then he opened his mouth and said in a stern voice: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet, the auction will start soon."

The voice mixed with spiritual power resounded throughout the venue, and those noisy voices quietly disappeared in an instant.

Then I heard him go on to say: "My next Dugu Chong is the host of this half of the auction, and now I will show the first auction item."

Hearing the host's self-introduction, Yi Tian also smiled. This person must have something to do with Duguao, but he doesn't know the division of power in Tianmomen, so he really should ask someone.

Thinking that there happened to be a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect serving outside the door of this box, and then Yi Tian opened the door and called him in.

The auction on the scene was mobilized by Dugu Chong from the very beginning, not only those high-level Qi training monks, but even several monks in the foundation building stage began to participate in the auction.

But Yi Tian didn't pay attention to all this, and the things he wanted were too early to appear on the stage.He stopped and asked a few questions, and the maid also answered quickly, but it was impossible to answer when some upper-level things such as Jindan monks were involved.

Yi Tian also knew that a monk of her level could only be connected to the foundation-building period, so he gave her a hundred spirit stones, which could be regarded as labor fees, and then the maid thanked her excitedly and retreated.

Although the information he has learned is relatively one-sided, it is enough, at least let Yi Tian have a general understanding of Tianmomen.

The following hosts, Dugu Chong and Dugu Ao, are cousins, but the difference in cultivation is not one or two points.Fortunately, there was a Nascent Soul monk in the family, Dugu Tianfeng, one of the demons and demons, was also the second monk in the list of outstanding people.

Now Yi Tian finally understood, no wonder so many monks stood up and signaled to him when he came out, it was because the backstage was not ordinary.

After more than an hour, the sound of bidding below began to become less noisy than before, but it was even more intense, and most of them came from the boxes on the second floor.Now Yi Tian knows that the first wave is probably coming to an end, and those who can bid are those monks in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment.

Thinking that the things he fancy should be coming out soon, Yi Tian cheered up and stared at the auction table.

After a while, I heard Dugu Chong say: "The next one is the fourth-level innate fire elf, which is very helpful for the cultivation of the fire system or the foundation-building monks of the Yang Lie system. The starting price is [-] spirits. Shi, the price increases by one thousand each time."

After speaking, he raised his hand and opened a piece of red cloth on the auction table, only to see a bunch of flames floating out of nowhere in a transparent jade bottle, embedded in a piece of cold ice for preservation.

I have read the introduction of this fire elf, it is a part separated from the molten core of the earth.It should have been conceived together with the one in Jubao Pavilion, but it just grew a little slower and didn't evolve to level five.

As soon as Dai Dugu finished speaking, the scene began to be impatient, and people began to shout prices, but they were all added up to a thousand.

In order not to attract attention, Yi Tian also held back his bid in the first half, and waited until it soared to 2000 before starting to raise the price by [-] and [-].No matter who makes a move, every time Yi Tian only adds two thousand, this catches the curiosity of the people below.But when they heard the voice coming from the box on the second floor, they all turned their heads away and stopped paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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