
Chapter 277 Deduction

Chapter 277 Deduction
After an episode in the auction house, there was no sound from the box on the third floor, and no one is bidding with the person on the second floor now.

The host Lou Yujie couldn't wait to knock down the hammer in his hand, and then said: "deal".Although I offended the other party just now, it is still too late to make up for it a little bit now.

Then he lowered his head and underestimated a few words, and when the door next to him opened, Dugu Chong came out to preside over the next auction temporarily, while Lou Yujie hurried to the backstage with the Fengpeng tail feather.

Yi Tian knew that he must have come to deliver things in person, so he probably wanted to have a relationship.Sure enough, half a quarter of an hour later, I heard a knock on the door, and then I saw Lou Yujie pushing the door in with a storage bag.

Yi Tian stood up and said with a smile: "How dare I let fellow Taoists come to deliver the goods in person, it's a sin."

Lou Yujie smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, fellow daoists are the ones with superb cultivation, it's only because I don't know how to see, and it's no reason to let fellow daoists get angry."

After the two complimented each other, Lou Yujie put the bidding goods on the table, indicating that it was ready for inspection.Yi Tian directly opened the storage bag, stretched his consciousness in and scanned it, nodded in satisfaction after a while, and put the storage bag on his waist.

Turning around and asking: "I know that there is a rule in the auction house, if you don't have enough spirit stones, you can use spirit weapons or pills to pay off the debt, right?"

"It's true, but it can only be discounted by [-]%, fellow daoist, forgive me." Lou Yujie replied with a mature look.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian took out a storage bag and put 20 spirit stones into it, and then took out a fifth-level mid-level thunder fire drill and handed it to the other party, saying: "This thing is refined in the next, and a little Geng The gold and tungsten ore fragments are now a fifth-level intermediate spirit weapon, how about the price for the remaining spirit stones?"

Lou Yujie also experienced Jianghu for a long time, and after holding the things in his hands and scanning them carefully with his spiritual sense, he was secretly surprised, thinking that the monk dressed as a ranger in front of him actually had such skills.

The whole Leihuo drill is integrated into one piece, showing a faint color of tungsten ore, probably a lot has been added in it.It can be seen that the shaping and the inscription are carried out at the same time, and few of the refiners in Xihuang can do this kind of technique.

Putting such a fifth-level mid-level Thunder Fire Diamond on the market can be used to refine the magic weapon of cost and life. It is conservatively estimated that it will not be less than 30 spirit stones. It is still quite surplus to pay off debts. The eyes light up.

He just saw a flame mark on the end of the spiritual weapon and asked, "Friend Daoist, why is there such a mark printed here?"

"That's my unique mark, only with this can I sell it at a price," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

It was inconvenient for Lou Yujie to ask more questions, and after thanking him repeatedly, he left the room.

Seeing that the matter was done, Yi Tian didn't dare to stay for a long time.After the person left, he pushed open the door and greeted the maid to lead the way out of the auction from the side hall.

He hurriedly left the city from the west gate of Tianmomen, then took off his disguise and flew towards the Melting Mountain Range.

At the same time, an auction item came in at zero o'clock in the large-scale auction in Tianmo City. The host Lou Yujie also made it very clear that it was a fifth-level spiritual weapon refined by the monk on the second floor just now, because there were not enough spirit stones. Therefore, the asking price is 18 for debt repayment.

When the Leihuo Diamond appeared at the venue, none of the monks in the hall made an offer. On the contrary, Yan Zhaoxue on the third floor recognized it at a glance, and then said with tears of joy: "You are the only one who will make me angry."

Hong Luanjing, who had been keeping her eyes closed all the time, opened her eyes, inspected the spirit weapon in her spiritual sense, and then said with a shocked expression: "If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have to fight so much."

In the end, after some bidding, Yan Zhaoxue still bought it at a price of 38. Just when everyone was not worth it, a voice sounded from the other end of the third floor: "Hong Daoyou, you bought the number one refiner on the West Wasteland List for 38." His work can be regarded as a big bargain."

Everyone at the scene looked at the talking box in puzzlement, only to see a figure was exposed after the window of the box opened, and the sharp-eyed monk blurted out: "That's Huo Chilian, enshrined by the craftsman of the Heavenly Demon City."

Now the people in the hall suddenly realized that Lou Yujie was the most aggrieved, and only now did he know the meaning of what Yi Tian said just now.Emotion is a mark of unique certification. If I had known that the price would start at 40, I wouldn't worry about not being able to sell it.

Anyway, the matter of Tianmo City has nothing to do with Yi Tian, ​​and there is no obstacle along the way now, and the materials on his body are well prepared.After two days of flying, he finally arrived at his own cave in the Melting Mountain Range.

As soon as he returned to the crater, Yi Tian released his spiritual consciousness to investigate the boundaries of nearly a hundred miles around the entire mountain range.Then he pointed to the mist trapping disk, and the billowing white mist was thrown out, extending the coverage to a range of eighty miles.

After returning to the cave, he sacrificed the spirit beast bag in his hand and let the fat dog out.He took out a bag of supplemented animal cultivation pills, poured out one and fed it.

It seems that Fat Dog's cultivation base has grown very slowly during this period of time, and he has only been promoted to the middle of the fourth level.However, after taking Yu Beast Pill, it was uncharacteristically, found the shady place in the cave and began to doze off.

Yi Tian also knew that it was too hot here, and Binglihu liked cold places, so he had no choice but to order it to stay well, and left ten Beast Breeding Pills for him to eat one every ten years.

Then he went to the deepest Lingquan and sat down on the ground, and took out the fire elf and ammunition.

With the previous experience, Yi Tian was also very familiar with refining the Beast Spirit Pill. He took the fire spirit out of the ice, refined all the auxiliary materials into a ball of juice, and finally mixed the main medicine into it. Put it in the alchemy furnace and smelt it repeatedly with civil and military fire until all the medicinal properties can be dissolved together.

Half a month later, I saw that the Red Flame Horse could run outside the cave without any scruples. Although it still looked like a second-level spirit beast, the fur on its whole body became bright red, far from the thin-haired consumptive disease it used to be. Ghostly comparable.

A month later, a thunder calamity gathered in the crater, which seemed to be very small in scale, not even half the power of the foundation-establishing thunder calamity.

The fat dog sleeping on its stomach in the hole just opened its loose eyes, glanced at them in a daze, and continued to doze off with a look of disdain.

Yi Tian was also secretly happy to see that the beast spirit mending the sky pill was so effective. After the red flame horse had just been promoted to the third level, it was obvious that his running speed could catch up with the fat dog at the fourth level.It's no wonder that spirit beasts, which are known for their speed, are still very impressive once their natural advantages are brought into play.

In this way, Yi Tian intentionally started planning to refine Yunxiaoyu. As long as the Chiyan horse evolves to the late stage of the fourth level, he can barely pull it.

Thinking of a better life in the future, Yi Tian decided to go back to the cave to think about how to use the holy spring water and advance to the middle stage of the golden core.

(End of this chapter)

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