
Chapter 278 Grade 6

Chapter 278 Six Grades
In the spiritual cave in the crater of the Fuduan Mountains, Yi Tian separated the fat dog and the black red flame horse into the cave next door, and then gave two copies of Yushou Pills to the fat dog.And told it to eat one every ten years and remember to feed the Chi Yanju once, and it must not eat it wrong, or it will be responsible for any accidents.

Under the coercion and temptation, Fat Dog finally nodded in agreement, and agreed to take care of Chi Yanju.After the arrangements were made, Yi Tian could finally practice in closed-door training in the inner cave.

After this retreat, I plan not to impact the Jindan mid-term and leave the retreat, and the preparation work has been done very well.According to Yi Tian's current state of mind and strength, it is not impossible to advance to the mid-term immediately.

But after thinking about it, it is better to keep laying a solid foundation. The key is that I have cultivated too fast, so I have lost a lot of accumulation.

Furthermore, the progress of Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue has been very slow until now, mainly because Yi Tian has devoted all his energy to strengthening Xuanyang True Fire.

Speaking of strengthening the true fire of natal life, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the color of the flame he practiced was quite different from that recorded in the secret books of the sect after using the Zixiao Zhan for sacrifice.

I didn't notice it at first, but after the last retreat, nearly [-]% of the natal real fire was strengthened, the real fire in the dantian slowly changed from golden to slightly purple.

And from time to time, there will be purple arcs wrapped around the real fire, which is exactly the same as the purple electricity contained on the seal.

Even when taking out the Zixiao lamp to sacrifice the real fire, there will be residual purple electricity on the lamp.

Fortunately, no damage was done to the spirit weapon, not only that Zixiaozhan's evolution rate was much faster than expected.

The biggest harvest this time is still getting a piece of holy spring water. I heard that it can wash the golden elixir, and if you are lucky, you can also upgrade the golden elixir to one level.

Now that there is no disturbance in the cave, Yi Tian still set up a small spirit-gathering formation as usual, and poured the spiritual energy from the spring water into the formation continuously.

He himself sits cross-legged in the center, showing a statue with three heads and six arms.Then the main consciousness maintains the state of sacrificial refining and strengthening the real fire, and the two sub-senses are respectively practicing the Kaiyun technique and the Jindan Jiuzhuanjue.

After drinking the holy spring water, Yi Tian felt a cool spiritual power filling his whole body, and after circulating throughout Zhou Tian, ​​it gathered in his dantian again.

There was no need to do any exercises, the spring water was condensed into a drop the size of a longan in the dantian, and then applied directly on the golden elixir full of scars.

Suddenly, under the nine rotations of the golden core that was silently practicing, the golden core in the dantian began to spin faster by three points.

Seeing that the holy water was effective, Yi Tian swapped the repairs of the main divine consciousness and the secondary divine consciousness, and the secondary divine consciousness continued to sacrifice the real fire, and devoted most of its energy to the Jindan Jiuzhuan Jue.

I don't know how long after, I saw that the holy water beads wrapped in the outer layer of the golden elixir were absorbed in by the golden elixir that was constantly rotating. The Dan pattern became more and more obvious.

And the shape seems to be a bit like an ellipse, and the original bumps and hollows on it have disappeared.Now Yi Tian found that the spiritual power in his body was running much more smoothly than before, and when he stretched out his hand, he could cast a wooden stab technique three points faster than before.

It is estimated that this is the effect brought about by the advancement of the golden elixir. According to the current appearance of the golden elixir in the dantian, it can definitely be regarded as the sixth rank.

Unexpectedly, the holy fruit really had an effect on him. After passing a level, Yi Tian even felt that he could kill Lunar Xing effortlessly now.

Next, after continuing to practice the Golden Elixir Nine Turns Jue, I found that the progress began to slowly return to the original level. It may be that the effectiveness of the holy water has been exhausted.Yi Tian also knows that there is still no rush to polish the golden elixir, it is all the effort of dripping water through stone and water grinding.

Looking back at the hourglass set up next to it, I was taken aback. Everyone said that there is no sun and moon in the cave. It took me nearly seven or eight years to raise the golden core to one level after absorbing the holy water.

And the other time of practicing the Enlightenment Technique also seemed to have achieved a little success. With the continuous deepening of luck, Yi Tian could clearly feel some subtle changes in himself, but he couldn't tell.

According to the description of the secret of the Apocalypse Technique, it usually takes more than a hundred years to refine the effect.Afterwards, the main consciousness was restored to the sacrificial refining and strengthening of the real fire. Now that the rank of the golden elixir has been improved, the next thing that is imminent is to continuously compress the real essence and strengthen the real fire three times.

As a result, after several years of continuous use of Zixiaozhan, the color of the entire spiritual weapon is dark gold with a little purple, which may be the result of the mutation of the real fire of life.After seven years of uninterrupted sacrifices, the first round of sacrifices was finally completed.

The flame in the dantian was now golden on the outside, but a lavender core appeared inside.

Stretched out the tip of his right finger and lightly flicked out a wisp of flame, which was exactly the same as the real fire in the dantian, with a slight purple light glowing inside.

Randomly take out a fourth-level elementary spirit weapon, and after lighting it with this ray of flame, you can see that the fingers on the flames chopped off the spirit weapon piece by piece like cutting tofu.

In the interest of playing, I was testing the fifth-level spiritual weapon, but I didn't expect to disassemble the whole spiritual weapon just a few breaths later than before.

Now my mind is high, and I took out some spiritual weapons from the storage ring. After trying it one by one, I found that the spiritual weapons of the sixth level and below can be easily disassembled. Yi Tian really wants to try this effect.

After playing for a while, Yi Tian cleaned up all the garbage in front of him, and returned his energy to sacrifice and strengthen the real fire again.Since the effect of one time is so objective, according to the records in the secret art of the sect, I don't know how strong it will be after three times.

But when the second strengthening started, it was discovered that the difficulty was ten times more difficult than the first time.Simply speaking, the amount of strengthening the natal real fire this time is only one-third of the previous time, and the time of the sacrifice has also been lengthened accordingly. The most terrible thing is that the spiritual power digestion in the body has also risen linearly.

If it weren't for the good foundation laid during the foundation building period, I'm afraid that at this time I still stop to meditate from time to time to recover my spiritual power.Even if you sit in the spirit-gathering array next to the eyes of the spirit veins, you will feel that the spiritual power is weak.

I don't know that the time is like an arrow outside the cave, and in the cave as usual for decades, Yitian has maintained a cross-legged state, each of the three is practicing different secret arts separately, and the six hands are manipulating the spells in pairs.

Until one day Yi Tian suddenly felt a little restless, and he didn't have any signs of madness.While wondering, he suddenly heard the roar of clouds gathering outside the cave.

Positive hands will find behind him, Yi Tian jumps to open the restriction of his own retreat and comes out of the cave.When I looked up, there were really thunderclouds gathering, but below were a group of red ponies standing upright in the air.

It turned out that after many years of retreat, Chi Yanju had survived until the moment of promotion after eating several times of animal cultivation pills.Fortunately, the fourth-level Thunder Tribulation is comparable to the monk's Foundation Establishment Tribulation, and Yi Tian is not prepared to help. There is no reason why the Red Flame Horse can't get through this crater due to its favorable location.

Even if he really can't survive the catastrophe, it can only be said that Yi Tian was wrong.

In an instant, a red thunderbolt with a thick wrist struck down, and after a flash of flames all over the Red Flame Horse, it went towards the thunder and lightning, and a red electric spark flashed out.

(End of this chapter)

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