
Chapter 279 Interrupt

Chapter 279 Interrupt
Sitting in the cave, Yi Tian looked helplessly at the two spiritual pets in front of him, and the fat dog was dozing off with a lazy face.No matter what Yi Tian said, he responded in a Buddhist way, nodding and agreeing to everything, and blaming Chi Yanju for all his faults.

On the other hand, Chi Yanju, who had just survived the catastrophe and became a fourth-level spirit beast, obviously felt a little swollen, and even had to look at the fat dog with a provocative look in his eyes.From time to time, he even leaned on Fat Dog deliberately to check for fire leaks, but Fat Dog just opened his misty eyes a little and took a breath. The cold air emitted from his body directly dissipated the surrounding high temperature.

In fact, Yi Tian was also full of fire in his belly, and he was starting the third time to strengthen the sacrifice of the real fire of life, but he didn't expect to be interrupted by the sound of thunder from the outer door, but fortunately, it didn't have any negative effects.

It wasn't until after the Red Flame Horse crossed the catastrophe that it was discovered that it now faintly had the aura of the nightmare beast back then, but the spirit pressure was still not as good.But after weighing his current strength, he wouldn't be afraid to face the fifth-level mid-level nightmare beast at that time, let alone the current fourth-level Chiyan horse.

Seeing that it started to look a little arrogant, Yi Tian decisively stopped its rations, and then directly handed over its share of 'Beast Pills' to Fat Dog for safekeeping.

After dealing with these trivial matters, he went directly back to the secret room to continue his cultivation.This time, taking advantage of the interruption of his practice, Yi Tian also stopped cultivating the real fire of his life, and started to recover his aura while maintaining his meditation posture.

After checking Shisha Hourulu, I found that this retreat took nearly a sixty years, but the effect was indeed very gratifying.After strengthening the real fire for the second time, the flame in the dantian has already shown a deep purple color in the core. If the third strengthening is completed, it is estimated that the whole group of real fire will be completely alienated into purple thunder real fire .

I wanted to finish it in one go, but after one-third of the sacrifice, I obviously felt a little out of balance, and my mood became a little irritable.

Shocked, he hastily took out the Zongmen classics to check, and then suddenly realized that it was recorded in the Xuanyang Secret Canon that after the Golden Elixir Stage, it is necessary to reconcile the 'Kuiyin True Fire' and 'Xuanyang True Fire' to achieve a balanced state of Yin and Yang , if one of them is practiced too much, it will inevitably cause instability of internal breath, which will also affect the future path.

After reading it, Yi Tian also had cold sweat on his forehead. No wonder the ancestor of Xuanyang, Yun Zhongzheng, has never seen any powerful people. Presumably, the patriarch Chi Yangzi must have noticed the flaws in this after he reached the Nascent Soul stage, but he suffered from it. Unable to bring himself to a balanced state, that's why he was trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the sect.

Presumably, the seniors of Chiyang Sect must have been aware of these flaws long ago, and only after improving the Xuanyang cheats can the Jindan monks of the sect continue to practice to the Nascent Soul stage.But even if it is further improved, there will always be loopholes, so this is the real fuse that caused the Xuanyang faction to fall behind the three-point sect.

With such a thought, Yi Tian had no choice but to stop and focus on consolidating his cultivation for the time being.Thinking about the middle stage of the golden elixir that he has broken through in the past 60 years, the golden elixir that has been polished for more than 60 years in the dantian also faintly shows signs of upgrading.

It's time to go out and talk to Yan Zhaoxue and Hong Luanjing from the Girls' Faction. Although Bing Xing never thought about kidnapping them, it was only a last-minute solution.

As for those two, Yi Tian thought it would be more appropriate to find Hong Luanjing as a breakthrough point. After all, Yan Zhaoxue had cooperated twice, and he always felt that the way she looked at him was weird, and every time he thought about it, he felt a little confused.

Put these things aside first, and after practicing the 'Enlightenment Technique' for a long time, Yi Tian can vaguely feel that his luck is slowly increasing. You can feel it in the dark.

It's just that I haven't left the customs yet, so I can't show it for the time being.

Thinking of this, the dharma body appeared again, the main spiritual consciousness entered a state of sedation, and the two secondary spiritual consciousnesses practiced the 'Enlightenment Technique' together.

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian felt that there was a communication talisman in the storage bag receiving information, opened his eyes and took out the communication talisman, and frowned immediately.

The message came from Jia Fei from the Southern Xinjiang Ming Wangdao Gonglitian Department. The general content was: After returning to Southern Border, he met with the Great Elder and reported everything that happened in the West Wilderness.

Elder Kung Li Tianda read the jade slip in King Naming's hand and listened carefully to the report, and he was quite moved at first.It wasn't until Jia Fei finally revealed the whole thing about Yi Tian's possession of the Rihuilun that the Great Elder couldn't sit still anymore, and called a group of people to check it in person in public.

Jia Fei sent out this news to ask Yi Tian to send a picture of the shadow of the Rihuilun in the past, so that a group of people can be convinced, so that the next strategy can be determined.

Although Yi Tian was not interested in this kind of situation, but thinking of the need to cooperate with each other, he had no choice but to agree to the other party's request.

Taking advantage of the spare time, he laid a multi-layer barrier in the cave, and then first sent the token pattern of the "Brahman Mantra Heaven" department over.Then the sun glow wheel was sacrificed, and the multi-angle images of the spiritual weapon were transmitted together.

After receiving the message, Jia Fei also asked Yi Tian to wait for a while and discuss with the elders and deacons before replying separately.

After stopping, Yi Tian also thought about it a little. The time agreed with Jia Fei was a hundred years later, and it was also the time when he initially predicted that he would reach the middle stage of Jindan.

Fortunately, these years have been going well, and after sixty years, the original expected goal was still achieved.But the other party contacted him in advance now. Could it be that the situation in southern Xinjiang has changed, and it is estimated that it will not be in a direction that is beneficial to the utilitarian Tianbu.

It is expected that Ji Le Tian and Di Yu Tian have been cooperating with each other for a hundred years, and it is tantamount to a fatal blow to Gong Li Tian, ​​who was originally the second child.

Le Tongxuan mentioned back then that Emperor Yutian wins with essence, and the whole department is not many, but the victory lies in the fact that they are all highly cultivated congregants, while Utilitarian Heaven has a large number of people and advantages.

As for the girl of Blissful Heaven, it is definitely a variable. Le Tongxuan has the lost spiritual weapon of Blissful Heaven and half of the weapon used to recover the Holy Son, so the chips are definitely the most lucrative.

Thinking of this, I can't help recalling that Li Xingfeng said that the Blissful Heavenly Girl is cheaper than himself, and that the former saint Qin Mingyue saw his strange eyes, and Yi Tian felt like a prey being stared at by a hunter. .

It didn't take long for a message to come back from the Jade Messenger Tablet, and it turned out to be a message from Elder Kung Li Tian Da.A halo of light shot out from the jade tablet and projected onto the stone wall of the cave, and then a white-haired old man appeared.I only heard the phantom say: "You are the last descendant of the 'Brahma Mantra Heaven' department, I am gentle from the 'Guili Tian' department, the Ming Wang Rihui wheel in your hand is indeed a relic of the Holy Son back then. You can join my Utilitarian Heaven Division, and after the merger of our two divisions, we can sweep the southern border and unify the four divisions, and regain the glory of the Holy Church."

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Old man, you half-spoken, things are not so easy, and you have to ask for a lot of money to pay back the money when you talk about business?"

Wen Xin's phantom smiled and said: "Okay, my bottom line is that Rihuilun must be handed over to me, how about it?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian also laughed, and said in his heart: "The tail of this old fox is finally exposed." '

(End of this chapter)

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