
Chapter 280 Achievement

Chapter 280 Achievement
Inside the cave, Yi Tian looked at the phantom of the utilitarian elder, thinking about something.It's just that the conditions raised by the other party were a bit too much. Giving the Holy Son's relics directly to Gonglitian is tantamount to losing the biggest bargaining chip in his hand.

Although I knew in my heart that even if they got the Sun-Moon Wheel, it was just a show, and monks who had not cultivated into the body of Asura would not be able to display their real power even if they got the Sun-Moon Golden Wheel.

But you have to express your dissatisfaction on the face, or the other party will become suspicious instead.Immediately, Yi Tian pretended to be deep and said: "Senior Wen, I respect you as the elder of the Shengjiao, and you are also very courteous to the Utilitarian Tianbu, but do you think it is possible for me to accept such a condition?"

Wen Xin seemed to have understood Yi Tian's reaction, and said with a smile, "It's true, otherwise I would think the conditions are too harsh."

"Then you still mention it, doesn't it seem too insincere?"

Wen Xin turned serious and said: "Everything has a price, as long as you can afford the price and I can meet your requirements, I'm afraid that nothing can be negotiated."

After hearing this sentence, Yi Tian felt that there seemed to be a turning point, so he said with a smile: "I want to know what price the Great Elder is offering?"

Seeing that Yi Tian was a little moved, Wen Xin directly stated his conditions and price without wasting time: "

First of all, you have to join the 'Utilitarian Heaven' as the sole descendant of the 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' department, but keep the original name.

Second, hand over the Rihui wheel to the Department of Gongli Tianbu for safekeeping by me.

Third, appoint you as the second of the four major deacons of the Ministry of Utilitarianism, and contribute to the restoration of the Holy Cult in the future.

Fourth, hand over the full set of the magic formulas in the hands of King Ming.

Fifth, the two families took out the fragments of the map, and took out the treasure hidden in Xihuang by the Holy Son of King Ming, and I divided it into seven and you three. "

As for Wen Xin, he also gave corresponding bargaining chips, nothing more than resources for cultivation, and there are all kinds of wealth and law.

But what interested Yi Tian very much was the last requirement.Although there are two map fragments in hand, they are still missing crucial information.If the other party can complete the map, maybe they can find something valuable after jointly exploring the treasure.

However, Yi Tian is still scolding Qin Mingyue in his heart now. There is such an important thing as a treasure in Xihuang and he has not disclosed it to himself, but looking back at his appearance at that time, there is really no need to hide anything. unknown.

However, Wen Xin explained why he contacted Yi Tian in such a hurry this time. The reason was that he calculated that the treasure of King Ming Shengzi would be opened at a certain point in three years. If he missed it, he would have to come again Wait for a year.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't feel pity for the relics of the Holy Son. If you can't make up a complete set of this thing, you can't use it. Instead of keeping it by your side like a chicken rib, it's better to hand it over to Utilitarian Heaven for a hundred years. Just take it back.

As for joining Utilities Heaven, I never thought about it.After thinking for a while, he said, "Your asking price is a bit high," and then briefly explained what he meant.

Wen Xin couldn't help but twitched for a long time after hearing this, and the conditions mentioned earlier were a bit harsh, and he didn't expect the other party to agree to them all.

But Yitian actually asked to keep the independence of "Brahman Mantra Heaven" and not to serve in Gonglitian. The treasures of King Ming and Shengzi were divided equally.

Fortunately, he still agreed to hand over Rihuilun and the complete set of Mingwangshou's formulas, which made Wen Xin feel the sincerity of the other party.

Shuangfa talked for nearly half an hour before finally finalizing the details of the cooperation. The two parties also made concessions. Yi Tian joined Gonglitian in name, but he did not hold any position. At most, it is to help out in the southern border.

On the contrary, Yi Tian asked for a [-]% discount on the spirit stones and heaven and earth treasures, and Wen Xin also said that if Yi Tian asked for it like this, the development of Gonglitian in southern Xinjiang would have to stagnate for at least ten years.

However, both parties were surprisingly unanimous in finding the treasure of King Ming's Son, and they agreed to meet in the Holy City a year later, when the Ministry of Utilities and Heaven would send someone to receive the relics of the Son.

As for the people who went to the treasure hunt together, besides Jia Fei who had helped Yi Tian matchmaking before, there was another person whose cultivation base was in the middle stage of Golden Core.

It is estimated that Wen Xin was also afraid that there would be too many people, and Yi Tian would feel that his power was too weak and flatly refuse.

After making an agreement with Gonglitian, Yi Tian also found that there seemed to be something to do at hand.If you want to take out the treasure of the former Holy Son, you can't do it rashly. If you think about it, you should focus on the humanoid puppet. This thing is absolutely perfect for throwing stones to ask directions.

There are not many materials on hand, but the other party said that we will meet in the Holy City in a year, so why not prepare yourself while waiting.

After thinking about it, he got up excitedly, and after opening the restraint, he saw that the fat dog was still lying on the ground sleeping, while Chi Yanju was running excitedly in the cave.It's a pity that there is limited space inside, so it can't be fun.

The two spirit pets ran over immediately after seeing their master leaving the customs. The fat dog has been by his side for a long time and knows what to do when.

After glancing at the two guys, Yi Tian took back the pill bottle, then summoned the fat dog into the spirit beast bag, turned around and led Chi Yanju out of the cave.

The fourth-level nightmare beast has grown as big as an adult horse, no wonder it is full of confidence.Yi Tian was also about to tap at the right time, and he jumped on the back of the horse lightly and felt that the position was just right.

Then he patted Chi Yanju on the back, meaning he was leaving. It might be the first time Yi Tian rode on his back, Chi Yanju didn't know what to do, and stood on the ground stupidly without moving.

After failing to shoot it one after another, Yi Tian was also annoyed for a while.Turned over and gestured according to the size of the Chi Yanju, then raised the sole of his foot to measure the size, nodded his face, and was still talking to himself about several things that the Chi Yanju had never heard of. The old words, such as horseshoe, harness, leather whip, etc., will scare Chi Yanju in the future.

After instructing Chi Yanju not to run around, Yi Tian quickly went back into the cave to make a complete set of harness.Half a day later, when Chi Yanju saw Yi Tian coming with a smirk on his face, and holding some leather artifacts in his hands, he also acted cutely.

Knowing that Yi Tian fully armed the Chi Yanju after an hour, it didn't feel much.But when Yi Tian rode on the horse's back again and waved the whip in his hand, Chi Yanju finally tasted the pain, and had to let Yi Tian pull the rein at the mercy of the pain.

After a few laps in the sky, Yi Tian felt that he had almost regained the feeling he had when he was in the White Horse Gang. Excited, he waved his whip and urged Chi Yanju to head towards the holy city.

(End of this chapter)

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