
Chapter 281

Chapter 281
Not only is the holy city second only to the three main cities because it is close to the Temple of Rain, but also some main cities have no functions at all, which is why they are so prosperous.

Walking on the streets of the holy city, Yi Tian looked around, and visually judged that at least half of the monks in front of him were spies from the three major sects, or people who specialized in collecting information to make a living.

Therefore, it is the most suitable place to inquire about the news of the Western Wilderness Continent in the holy city, and after the three factions divide and rule, the control over the casual cultivators of the aristocratic family is not enough, so gradually a group of casual cultivators has formed here. Influence, the monks of the three sects call it the 'Alliance of Loose Cultivators'.

With the passage of time, the Sanxiu Alliance has also gained greater rights and interests in the Holy City, becoming the fourth local force that can sit on an equal footing with the three factions.

Sitting in the box on the top floor of the highest "Dexing Restaurant" in the holy city, Yi Tian quietly extended his spiritual consciousness to the rest area of ​​the monks in the foundation period on the lower floor with great interest, listening to the gossip about the exchange of people from all walks of life.

Today is the day agreed with Wen Xin, the Great Elder of Gongli Tian years ago, when Jia Fei will be in charge of meeting and exchanging the things agreed in the agreement.

In the past year, Yitian has searched almost all the material dealers and auctions in the Holy City, directly found all the materials for making five-level humanoid puppets, and then rented a refining room to directly refine them into combat puppets, including the spirit weapons used. They have all been re-sacrificed.

It wasn't until I checked the hourglass two days ago that I realized that it was time to meet with the other party.Originally, it would be fine to find a place with few people to hand over, but if you often walk by the river, you have to take some safety measures. Who knows, maybe the other party will come to a Nascent Soul cultivator, and then you will be called incompetent.

It is also good to choose a place with a lot of people and noise. 'Dexing Restaurant' can be regarded as a quiet place in the middle of the noise, and the top floor is the gathering place for Jindan monks, and there must be elders and deacons from the Loose Cultivation Alliance sitting in this restaurant, so it is easy to Tian is not afraid of the other party's sudden violent attack.

After sending a message to Jia Fei at the agreed place, Yi Tian came here one day earlier, rented a wing room, and waited here after paying for the Lingshi for three days, eavesdropping The exchange of those foundation-building monks downstairs.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's spiritual sense found that two Jindan monks were slowly walking upstairs, one was Jia Fei who had a relationship with him before.Another cultivation level is similar to his, but this person gives Yi Tian an extremely dangerous feeling.There was a similar situation in his memory, and Yi Tian recalled that it seemed that he was facing the arrogant Ximen of Tianmomen, but the feeling was even stronger at this time.

After three knocks, the door opened, and it was those two people who came.After saying hello to Yi Tian, ​​Jia Fei casually sat on the main seat opposite.The other person seemed to be a young monk in his 20s, with only the early stage of Jindan, he found a seat next to Jia Fei and sat down without saying a word.

After the three sat down, it was Jia Fei who stretched out his hand to open the sound-proof barrier, and then said, "You Daoist Yi, I came here with sincerity this time. I hope you and I will put aside our prejudices and cooperate sincerely."

But Yi Tian locked his spiritual consciousness firmly on the young monk, and Jia Fei just left it aside.The atmosphere was a bit cold, Jia Fei continued: "Yi Daoyou, do you think we have started the handover?"

Yi Tian didn't reach out to check, but just scanned the young cultivator several times with his spiritual sense, and then said with a straight face: "Do you think I'm too ignorant of you, the real person in charge hasn't spoken yet? What about it? Isn’t it Elder Wen Xin?”

As soon as he blurted out, Jia Fei turned his head to look at the attendant behind him with a face of panic, stared at Yi Tian for a long time before saying: "Friend Daoist Yi, did you make a mistake?"

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian ignored him, and said to the young monk: "If the elder doesn't speak again, then our cooperation this time will be cancelled." After speaking, he sat up and left.

The young man smiled and said, "How did you find out that I followed Jia Fei all the way from Southern Xinjiang to Western Wilderness without showing my feet?"

When the young man finished speaking, Jia Fei's face flushed red, and he hurriedly got up to salute in fright, and at the end he didn't forget to sneak a few glances at the monk.

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Will the Great Elder borrow someone's hand for such an important matter as handing over the relics of the Holy Son? And I guess the cultivation of the Great Elder should be in the late Yuanying period."

"It seems that you have faced the Nascent Soul cultivator before, so you can confirm my cultivation level. In fact, this is a clone of me."

"The Great Elder's cultivation is too hard to suppress, right?" Yi Tian sneered.

Unexpectedly, the other party said indifferently: "The Nascent Soul cultivator of the Casual Cultivation Alliance sits in the holy city, and it is inconvenient for me to reveal my cultivation, so as to save trouble."

After listening, Yi Tian nodded, then raised his hand to summon the Rihui Wheel and put it on the table, and then took the token of 'Brahma Curse Heaven' and a jade slip with the complete Ming King's technique engraved on it. come out.

Wen Xin's avatar scanned the Ri Huilun and the jade slip with his spiritual sense, then nodded, stretched his divine sense into it for a rough look, and then put away the spirit weapon with one finger.Then his eyes were fixed on the token engraved with the words "Brahman Mantra Heaven" and he stared for a long time without speaking.

Jia Fei didn't dare to say much when he saw him at the side, but just silently waited for the two to continue their conversation.

After a while, Wen Xin took out a token and put it on the table, then signaled Yi Tian to take a look.

After scanning his spiritual sense, he found that the token was exactly the same as his own, except that it was engraved with the word 'utilitarian heaven', and then Yi Tian looked at Wen Xin puzzled, hoping for an explanation.

Only Wen Xin sighed and said: "The four tribes all have the same token, which was refined by the son of the former Ming king and handed over to the leaders of the tribes for preservation. Back then, I stayed in southern Xinjiang and did not go to Dongao. When Lord Shengzi died, all the ministries lost their restraint and quickly fell apart."

Yi Tian went on to say: "This matter was told to me by Jianfeng, the master of the 'Vatican Curse Heaven', before his death."

"Well, kid Li didn't listen to me back then and insisted on going to Dongao to search for clues about the Son's relics. I think he died in a foreign land in the end." Wen Xin said thoughtfully, then took out a storage bracelet and put it on the table Push it in front of Yi Tian.

Since the other party confirmed it was correct, Yi Tian also put away the token, then picked up the storage bracelet and probed it with his spiritual sense.Afterwards, his face was startled suddenly, there were no less than dozens of level 100 treasure materials, and even more level [-] materials.The [-] million spirit stones were all converted into middle-grade spirit stones and piled up neatly.

After nodding his head in satisfaction, Yi Tian said: "No problem, I have fulfilled my promise, next, will the Great Elder go with us to the depths of the Western Wilderness to search for the treasure of the Son of God?"

"I'm not going, I have to rush back to southern Xinjiang to deal with things. This time I found a helper for you, whose cultivation level is similar to yours. I hope you can sincerely cooperate to retrieve the treasure," Wen Xin said lightly.

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't care, on the contrary, Jia Fei looked embarrassed, not knowing what kind of helper he had found.

(End of this chapter)

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