
Chapter 282 Departure

Chapter 282 Departure
281 departure
Three people were hurrying on the Western Wilderness Plain, and Jia Fei was the leader, holding two maps in his hand and comparing them constantly.

Immediately behind him was a monk in his thirties who was dressed in southern Xinjiang costumes.When flying, he didn't restrain his spiritual pressure, and let it scatter, causing all the low-level monsters along the way to scatter and flee.

And Yi Tianfei was at the end, visually observing the two people in front of him felt like something.Jia Fei was defeated by his subordinates, and he knew the importance of this after receiving the order from the Great Elder Wen Xin.

As for the person in the middle who met in the holy city seven days ago, when they first met and introduced him, the other party looked superior, and even Jia Fei was left aside by him.

It was only after the two parties introduced that this person turned out to be the number one candidate for the Southern Border Emperor Yutian, Sima Wubai.

His own strength is superb and he has always been aloof since he was born, so he is not polite to people like Yi Tian who are not as good as him.

They often point fingers in an orderly tone, Yi Tian can ignore him, but it also hurts Jia Fei and needs to be coordinated.

Elder Wen Xin also mentioned before that he would find someone to help, but he did not expect such a helper.And Wen Xin also told Yi Tian the reason in private, don't look at the two parts of Nanjiang Jiletian and Di Yutian are fighting fiercely, in fact, the old monster Sima Tengyun among the three Nascent Soul monks in Di Yutian is still not optimistic about the two party cooperation.

But the three Nascent Soul cultivators in Di Yutian, even the old monster Sima, couldn't make the decision of the whole part, and finally had to reluctantly cooperate with the girl of bliss.However, it is said that he kept in touch with Wen Xin secretly, and he still wanted to train his nephew in the next generation to be the next Ming King's holy son so that he could control the Emperor Yutian Department in one fell swoop.

Xinxin also took a fancy to this point and dared to let Sima Wubai participate in this treasure hunting trip. Firstly, he wanted to win over the Emperor Yutian Department, and secondly, he wanted to see how strong Yi Tian and Sima Wubai were.

In fact, Yi Tian has been dormant in front of Wen Xin, there is no way, he dare not play any tricks in the face of a clone of a great monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and he is practicing the most authentic Ming Wangdao Asura transformation method, Wen Wen There is no reason for the letter not to know.

I'm afraid that if I expose myself a little bit, the other party will involuntarily take me back to Southern Xinjiang and put me in the Ministry of Utilitarianism, and then I will suffer a lot.

Sima Wubai brought the last missing part of the map. After stitching the map together in the holy city, several people were dumbfounded. The place indicated above could not be found on the map of Xihuang.Fortunately, Wen Xin said something aside, this is a map preserved thousands of years ago, it is definitely not in line with the current one, but the few landmarks drawn on it will not change much.

It is easy to find with a reference, Yi Tian directly extended the map, and then compared it with the current map.The similarities can be found at a glance. The most interesting thing is that the melting volcano in his hidden cave is actually the first stop marked on the map.

After flying for a few days, the three of them gradually approached the Molten Mountain Range, but Jia Fei saw a white mist tens of miles ahead, and could not find the exact location of the Molten Volcano.

On the contrary, Yi Tian looked at it and flew forward to inform Jia Fei of the approximate location. The three of them passed the Fusing Mountain Range and flew towards the second marked location.

After thousands of years of baptism, many landforms will change, and even those rivers will have the possibility of diverting.Whoever called Jia Fei can be regarded as an outsider, so he had to keep asking Yi Tian for advice.

As for Sima Wubai, he gradually followed at the end. He came to Xihuang for the first time. Although he was still a bit of a young master before, he saw that Yi Tian corrected his direction from time to time, and found the following marks one after another. is much better.

After that, he directly suggested that Yi Tian lead the way, but Jia Fei was directly ignored by him.

After adjusting the formation, in the next few days, Yi Tian will take the lead, Sima Wubai is still in the middle, and Jia Fei is at the end with a depressed face.

Looking at the map in his hand, Yi Tian also had lingering fears. Obviously, many places recorded on it have hardly been seen from the current map.

Forget it, the three of them have now been flying towards the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain for about ten days. Although they found each marked location in turn according to the marks on the map, the straight-line distance from the Holy City is at least two thousand miles.

After scanning the map, Yi Tian also trembled in panic, roughly reckoning that the three of them had only walked about half of the distance.

The next journey will not be as easy as before, because Yi Tian has clearly noticed the existence of a sixth-level monster not far away through his spiritual consciousness half a day ago.

Fortunately, he led the team by himself. If Jia Fei behaved like that, he estimated that a person who strayed into the monster's territory by mistake would be enough to drink a pot by then.

After quietly performing the Qingling Dharma Eye, Yi Tian found a bare rocky mountain fifty miles ahead on the right, and turned his head and said to the two of them, "Follow me to the front for a rest, and then we need to plan the flight route."

Sima Wubai nodded expressionlessly, while Jia Fei said helplessly, "Agreed." It is probably because he has been suffocated these days, but he just has nowhere to vent.

After arriving at the resting place, Sima Wubai directly took out the spirit stone and held it in his hand and began to meditate to recover his spirit power.Yi Tian, ​​a monk like this, did not dare to underestimate him. It is the only way to explore when he is in the wilderness where he has been surrounded and kept in his best condition.

And Yi Tian first took out a jade slip map to recall all the roads he had passed before, and then gradually completed the map on it.

Jia Fei, who was on the sidelines without knowing it, said, "You Daoist Yi, since we have a map, why do you need to record it?"

Without waiting for Yi Tian's reply, Sima Wubai sneered, "Fortunately, it wasn't Jia Fei who led the way. We passed through several high-level monster territories along the way. If you don't avoid the trend, you will definitely get into trouble."

After speaking, he took out a jade slip and turned around and threw it to Yi Tiandao: "Make another copy for me."

I heard that his tone was not as tough as before, but this attitude also displeased me.But Yi Tian had no choice but to endure it, and wait for the next opportunity to settle the old and new accounts together.

Half a day later, all three of them recovered to their best condition and then continued on their way to the depths of the wasteland.

But before departure, Yi Tian said with a serious face: "Next we may pass by a higher-level monster territory, so you all have to restrain your breath and try not to provoke each other. If there is any trouble, you can solve it yourself and don't get involved other people."

After hearing this, Sima Wubai snorted coldly, but the spiritual pressure on his body was slowly put away.Jia Fei just smiled, and then came up to smooth things over and said, "That is, that is, you are right, Daoist Yi, everyone is sincerely cooperating."

Ignoring the two's replies, Yi Tian directly used the wind escape technique and flew towards the southwest, and the two followed without saying much.

(End of this chapter)

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