
Chapter 283

Chapter 283
After a month of continuous flying, the three of them finally arrived at the place indicated on the map to mark the Treasure of the Holy Child.Fortunately, Yi Tian led the way, and along the way, the three of them passed through the territory of several sixth-level monsters.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the flight route had to be corrected constantly, detouring as much as possible.One of them cannot be detoured, and the three of them can only pass through on foot after restraining their breath at night.

Originally, the estimated ten days and a half months' journey has more than doubled. Fortunately, they did not fight monsters along the way, and all three of them arrived at their destination in top condition.

Stopping over a dry valley, Yi Tianzheng compared the terrain under his feet with the map in his hand.Although the landform here has changed over the millennia, the contours of the terrain cannot be concealed.

The treasure map records that the entrance is on a cliff in the river valley, but now it can be confirmed that it is on a cliff with a radius of fifty miles, and the exact entrance to the secret treasure needs to be searched for.

Yi Tian took out the sundial, Luo Geng, to measure the direction of the sun, and at the same time used the pupil technique to scan the terrain below.

After confirming his location, he turned his head and said to the two people: "It's right below, but I didn't find the entrance, so please help me find it."

In the past month, Jia Fei has admired Yi Tian a lot, and he himself knows in his heart that he needs to work together to succeed, not to mention that the Great Elder has said that he should try his best to win over the last successor of the "Brahma Curse Heaven" Department.Xin Ran replied: "Okay", and slowly went down to check.

As for Sima Wubai, although he always kept a look of disdain on his face, he would consider Yi Tian's suggestion more or less, after all, he was only here to share a share of the pie.

After going deep into the wilderness, he also knew that the chances of survival in a group were much higher than those who were alone, so he still snorted coldly, picked up the engraved jade slip of the map and looked it up, and nodded slightly as he recognized Yi Tian's words, and followed Yi Tian said that he stayed in mid-air and dispersed his consciousness to start looking for suspicious places.

Seeing that the two cooperated so well, Yi Tian didn't say much and quickly flew to the other side of the valley to start a carpet search.

An hour later, the three of them gathered in mid-air and looked at a cave directly below with unwilling expressions on their faces.After searching the valley just now, Jia Fei was the first to discover the exact location of the entrance, but when he went in with his spiritual sense, he was so frightened that his back broke out in cold sweat.

In the cave at the entrance lived a level [-] dry land dragon. Even though it was only level [-], the dragon was actually a mutated monster with two heads.

Jia Fei took back his consciousness in an instant, and immediately notified the two of the situation here.After the three of them got together, they confirmed the situation in the cave, and found that the mutated earth dragon had built its nest at the entrance of the treasure.

It would be impossible not to solve the immediate trouble now, the three Gold Core monks decided that it was impossible to flow into the entrance of the treasure without disturbing the Tujiao.

After summing up, Sima Wubai suggested: "Since the entrance is right in front of you, you can't just return empty-handed. The most direct way is to kill the earth flood dragon directly."

This proposal was also agreed by the two, but both Sima Wubai and Jia Fei objected to the assignment.Jia Fei thought it would be most appropriate for the three of them to work together to kill the monster after it was lured out.

But Sima Wubai vetoed it: "The cave below is not too small for a monk, and the three of them can handle it as long as they cooperate properly. Moreover, the monster can't be used in a small space. If you let it go After it comes out, the sixth-level monsters are comparable to the strength of Jindan late-stage monks, once they occupy the ground, it will be difficult to make a quick victory."

The two looked at Yi Tian at the same time, hoping to get support.After pondering for a while, Yi Tian said lightly: "I agree with Jia Fei's suggestion. If you go in rashly, you can be caught off guard, but your own safety must be worrying."

"Then after you lure the sixth-level monster out of the cave, it will be even more difficult to deal with the earth flood dragon relying on the favorable location." Sima Wubai replied disdainfully.

After quickly going through the stories of the strange beasts of the Western Wilderness in his mind, Yi Tiancai realized that what Sima Wubai said was also reasonable.

Once the earth flood dragon enters the river valley, it can cast earth escape and various earth-type spells by virtue of its location. At that time, it will be difficult for the three of them to kill it quickly when the most unfavorable space factors are eliminated.

Even if it can be resolved in the end, I'm afraid it will be expensive.After thinking for a while, Yi Tian looked around and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and expressed his thoughts to the two.

After hearing this, Jia Fei first showed joy, but then looked at Yi Tian suspiciously, as if he didn't have much confidence in the proposal.Instead, Sima Wubai bowed his head and thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.

The three immediately assigned tasks, Yi Tianfei took out a set of array disks in the air, and started measuring with the entrance cave as the origin.

Immediately after laying the formation foundation in eight directions, after injecting spiritual power into the formation plate in his hand, he murmured "Get up".

Immediately, a formation within a radius of three miles was laid out, and a handful of spirit seeds were taken out in his hand. After the seal was sealed, the spirit seeds were sacrificed, and then the spirit seeds were ejected one after another with his fingers.

After the spirit seed was shot into the valley, it took root and grew trees. After a while, palm trees as thick as an arm erected in the bad soil within the range of the formation.

After the preparations were completed, he raised his hand and summoned a level five puppet to rush into the hole.

In less than ten breaths, a roar was heard from the cave, and then a puppet covered in green liquid quickly rushed out of the cave, followed by a two-foot-long mutated earth flood dragon.Its head is khaki, with a pair of foot-long horns growing on its head, it is undoubtedly a sixth-level monster.

And there is a dark green head on Qicun's neck. The scales on the head have not completely degenerated, and there are no horns. It should look like a fourth-level peak.

It is estimated that the venom was sprayed out by this snake head. Fortunately, Yi Tian also worked hard when refining the puppet and did not cut corners.Although green venom was attached to the panel, there was no leakage, and the puppet operated smoothly.

After leading the Tujiao out of the cave, Yi Tian directly manipulated the formation disk, turned the eight gates upside down, and the formation started to work in an instant.The trees on the ground were moved by Yi Tian to the vicinity of the cave entrance, and then several vines and trees sprang out from the soil to seal the entrance of Shandong.

Immediately after Sima Wubai and Jia Fei saw Yi Tian's hand, they also cast spells to attack it.

Both of them majored in earth metal aura, and the effect of the spells in the five-element reversal array set up at zero hour was not very satisfactory.But the earth jellyfish was restrained even more, and the earth spells in his body could only exert [-]% of his strength.

Even those who wanted to drill into the rocky bottom of the river bed were fettered by layers of lurking vines, and those nanmu tree roots firmly grasped the originally loose soil.So much so that it was difficult for the main body of the earth flood dragon to cast earth spells by taking advantage of the geographical advantage, but the green snake head spit out some venom from time to time.

Fortunately, the large difference in levels did not pose a threat to the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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