
Chapter 285 The Palace

Chapter 285 The Palace
Half a day later, two streams of black air suddenly appeared in the sky above the valley, and a double-headed mutated earth dragon could be vaguely seen in the black air.

At this time, a crossbow arrow was stuck in the yellow dragon's head of this earthy dragon, but the blood scab on the wound had stopped bleeding.It may be due to blood loss, but the aura of the earth dragon is not as strong as before, and the spirit pressure can only be maintained at the top of the fifth level.

And the fourth-level cyan snake head was dozing off boredly at this moment, as if the matter in front of him had nothing to do with him at all.Although he took the opportunity to gain control over his body temporarily, but now it remains the same.

A pair of corners were faintly exposed in another black air, but the whole body was hidden in the air and could not be seen clearly, but judging by its size, it was much bigger than the earth dragon.

After a while, I heard the earth dragon saying in the air: "The smell of the three human monks has not dissipated, they should still be in my cave."

Immediately, a deep howl sounded: "These three monks must have come here for that thing. We have guarded here for a thousand years, but we didn't expect that the human monks would get there first. This time, we can't come out like 1000 or [-] years ago." Mistake."

"It's okay, we can ambush them at the exit, they can only come out from here." After speaking, the earth dragon flew into the cave, and then followed after a few replies from another black air.

After entering the light gate, the three people had no idea that their back road was blocked by people. After rushing into the stone wall, they came directly to a passage intertwined with light and darkness. There was no other direction in this space, so they had to keep going all the way. Fly forward.

I don't know how long it lasted to fly, and suddenly saw a small light spot in front of his eyes, Sima Wubai turned his head and screamed, and then his whole body was filled with spiritual energy, and he accelerated to fly forward.

The two people behind also showed joy, and followed closely.However, Jia Fei's speed was obviously lagging behind, and he was gradually caught up by Yi Tian.After looking at each other, the two exchanged positions without saying much.

Finally, the three of them arrived at the spot of light after flying continuously for a whole day. After flying in, they saw that it should be the exit of this passage.Although they didn't know what was behind the light gate, the three of them looked at each other and rushed out at once.

After being dazzled for a while, Yi Tian stabilized his figure and looked around, only to realize that the three of them had come outside a dilapidated palace.The architectural style of the entire palace is very strange. I went through the annals of Tianlan Continent in my mind, but I didn't find any similar buildings.This palace is nothing like what was recorded in the Tianlan Continent. The front gate is actually more than one foot high, and judging from the surrounding decorations, it is much larger than normal. .

Sima Wubai said, "This should be a Xumi space, and the stone wall is just a node leading to this space."

Jia Fei said excitedly: "It never occurred to me that the former Holy Son of Ming Wangdao could create such a space with such means."

On the contrary, Yi Tian frowned, and kept thinking in his heart: "Looking at the traces of the building, it doesn't seem like there are only a thousand years of history, and the time of completion should be even longer."

Yi Tian quickly stepped forward, took out a measuring ruler, and Luo Geng began to measure the size of the entire palace.But Sima Wubai glanced at him and said: "Let's go in, don't do unnecessary things."

Jia Fei also echoed, "Fellow Daoist Yi, follow up quickly," and then the two strode in.

Seeing this, Yi Tian replied helplessly, then put away the measuring instruments in his hands and followed them into the palace.

After entering the hall, the walls around the hall shone with little lights, making the hall as bright as daylight. The three of them looked at a round platform that protruded more than ten feet in the center, about ten feet in radius.There are different runes engraved all around, and Yi Tian is also a little proficient in the formation, but he can't tell what kind of these runes are and what they are used for.

After looking at it, Jia Fei directly sacrificed his flying sword and slashed fiercely at the stone platform. He only heard a "click", and the fifth-level spirit sword was bounced away with one move, and the stone platform was completely untouched. There was no damage, and no defensive facilities were activated.Just relying on the hardness of its own material alone can completely compete.

Sima Wubai said inappropriately: "Let's do it slowly first, let's go down and look for other valuable things." Then he called the two to look behind the palace.

Looking around at the stone steps of the high platform, each step is twice as high as the normal one, and what Yi Tian finds most suspicious is the few steps directly behind the high platform.There is also a chair on the top, but it is too spacious to sit on according to Yi Tian's body shape.

After frowning, an uneasy thought gradually emerged in his heart, this place is not like Qin Mingyue's treasure.Judging from the style of these buildings and the utensils inside, it is definitely more than 2000 years ago, or even older.

After putting down the things in front of him, Yi Tian followed the two into the back hall, which is much more spacious than the front hall, with a space of about thirty feet.There are still traces of monks fighting in the surrounding circle, but it is already a long time ago.

The surrounding walls are made of five-foot-square stones, and in the center is a stone table more than one foot high, with a five-inch bottle placed on it, and a seal is pasted on the lid.

The three of them also found two petrified skeletons in a corner, one of them had a gold cone stuck in its head, and the other had its entire sternum pierced by a rusty spirit sword. All the skeletons were hung on the spirit sword.It seemed that the cultivators who had arrived here earlier had an internal strife, and in the end, both of them died.

But Yi Tian twitched a smile, and said in his heart: "It should be three people who came in at the beginning, including Qin Mingyue who has not cultivated into the Dharma body of Asura. The three of them practiced the three-style Mingwang hand outside, and then joined forces to come here He explored everywhere, and in the end, he got all the benefits, and finally fled to the southern border to establish the King of Ming Dynasty, so the explanation makes sense."

Bowing his head and thinking for a while, Yi Tian felt that there were many mysteries unsolved. If it was really the treasure left by Qin Mingyue, he should have said it before solving it.In this way, there should be things he didn't want to mention here. The two skeletons on the ground must be his best friends.

Turning back to look at the broken bronze mirror next to the bottle, the entire mirror is about a foot in size, but the center seems to have been broken by someone, and on the other side are three feathers of three colors.

After Sima Wubai and Jia Fei were overjoyed, they said in unison: "The relic of the Holy Son," they looked at each other and rushed forward to grab it at the same time.

Suddenly a white light flashed and directly wrapped the stone table, while Sima Wubai and Jia Fei were restrained by the white light at the same time and ejected three feet away.

(End of this chapter)

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