
Chapter 286

Chapter 286
In the treasure palace of Prince Ming's Holy Son, Sima Wubai and Jia Fei suddenly made a move and were knocked into the air by a sudden restraint.The two hit the surrounding walls directly. Fortunately, they both opened the protective cover, and there was no damage to their bodies.

However, under this blow, the faces of the two showed unwillingness. They couldn't get the relic of the Holy Son clearly in front of them, and they felt very itchy.

After trying the stone table restriction, Jia Fei obviously had some scruples about it, so he ran directly to the two skeletons, trying to get rid of them.After sacrificing the spirit sword to smash the two skeletons, they put them away directly.

Suddenly the three of them panicked for no reason, and then they saw that the surrounding environment changed.When Yi Tian reacted, he saw that he was at home in Hewan Village. His father Yi Er, his mother Chen Shi, his uncle Yi Da and his grandfather Yi Old Master were sitting at home, surrounded by relatives who came to congratulate him.

I was in a daze and suddenly saw the sound of firecrackers outside. After a while, the second brother came in and shouted: "The bride's sedan chair has entered the big courtyard, and the elder brother has come out to pick her up."

Old Mr. Yi smiled and said: "Hurry up, you are married today, why are you still standing there stupidly?"

At this moment, the parents also smiled and echoed: "Why don't you go quickly, child."

Looking back, I saw that I was wearing a groom's gown. Could it be that I was the one getting married today.After being driven out of the house by the family for a while, I saw a red wedding sedan chair carried by four people parked in front of the door.

The matchmaker hastily stepped forward and shouted: "The high officials come out quickly to greet the bride."

After half pushing and half pushing, the bride was finally invited out of the sedan chair, Yi Tian stepped forward to support the bride's hand, and then heard Liu Piaopiao's soft voice saying: "Yi Lang, I finally got my wish gone."

After the two walked slowly into the mansion with their arms, they began to worship and get married in front of their parents.

After the gift was completed, when Yi Tian was about to send Liu Piaopiao into the bridal chamber, suddenly there was another burst of firecrackers at the door.Without knowing it, Yi Tian turned around and asked: "What's going on here, is my second brother also married with me?"

Mother Chen said with a smile: "Have my son forgotten what he has done in the White Horse Gang these past few years? Today is a double happiness, and we are going to marry Qianjin, Nangong Qianyun, from the Nangong official's mansion. These two daughters-in-law The last one is coming, you have to divide the big and small in the future, so don't mess with the rules."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was dragged out by the crowd to marry Nangong Qianyun again, and then he knelt down and bowed in the same way.

With the hands of the two women at the same time, Yi Tian was constantly receiving congratulations from the folks and elders. In addition to the squire, there were also people from the White Horse Gang, his master Ning Qingyuan and the ancestor Chi Yangzi, and even the people from the Chi Yang Sect. All listed.

Suddenly a figure flashed at the door, Yi Tian turned around and glanced at a pregnant woman standing outside the door, and upon closer inspection it turned out to be Shi Qianwei.

I saw her crying and rushing into the door, complaining loudly, and she kept saying that she abandoned her wife, disregarding the relationship between husband and wife, and told them how to live in the future.

The atmosphere of joy was broken in an instant, and Liu Piaopiao and Nangong Qianyun also took off their red hijabs and pointed at Yi Tian and started cursing.Then someone yelled: "Yi Tian abandoned his wife and son", and the originally joyful crowd suddenly changed their faces and all of them stared at them fiercely.

Suddenly a salted fish flew over and almost hit Yi Tian, ​​and the crowd became excited in an instant, and many villagers began to rush forward to beat him up.

Yi Tian smiled coldly, and silently recited the Concentrating Mantra in his heart, and instantly those who rushed up turned into phantoms.Then he wiped his hands in front of his eyes and used the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye', only to see his eyes flashing blue, and he returned to the palace.

The surrounding environment has not changed, and even the position where I am standing has not moved a bit.Turning around and looking at Sima Wubai who was on the side, his eyes were tightly closed and his brows were tightly furrowed, and he used King Ming's hand frequently, shouting incessantly: "Shangguan will win, Zhuge Wudi will never lose even if the two of you join forces." Can't beat me."

Jia Fei sat on the ground crying and laughing loudly and said: "I have finally become the Great Elder of the Utilitarian Tianbu. One day after unifying the four ministries, I will subdue many sects in Southern Xinjiang one by one. Then I will be No. 1 in Southern Xinjiang."

Although these two are ambitious people, Yi Tian would like to take care of them earlier, but the enemy lurking in the dark at this time is even more terrifying.Immediately, with spiritual power in his mouth, he snorted coldly.

A spiritual pressure was stimulated from Yi Tian's body, directly awakening the two of them.After his dream was suddenly broken, Sima Wudi was angry at first, and after looking around, he realized that he was trapped in an illusion just now, but luckily he was rescued by Yi Tian.

On the other hand, Jia Fei came back to his senses after crying for a while, and when he realized something was wrong, he prepared to quickly move closer to the two of them.

Being able to instantly make three Golden Core cultivators catch the Dao unsuspectingly, this spellcaster can be regarded as a master of Dao.

At this time, the three of them were still in fear. If they were trapped in the hallucination and couldn't extricate themselves, they would definitely die here.

They looked at each other, only to hear Yi Tian shout: "There is something wrong with that golden cone."

Sima Wubai continued: "Destroy it."

Jia Fei looked at the gold cone in his hand and suddenly wanted to throw it on the ground, but the gold cone seemed to be stuck to his hand, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he shook it.

Just when Jia Fei was helpless, a blue light flashed in Yi Tian's hand, and instantly a thumb-thick rattan stretched out to wrap around the golden awl.

When he was about to pull the golden awl with all his strength, suddenly the awl seemed to vibrate, and then a layer of light film covered Jia Fei's whole body.A fist-sized ball of light flew out from the golden cone, and there was a villain sitting inside. Before the two of them could react, they saw the ball of light directly entering Jia Fei's forehead.

Sima Wubai shouted in shock: "Yuanying seizes the house," and then he shot towards the light film with full firepower without stopping.

Yi Tian also understood that the golden awl was what the Nascent Soul cultivator entrusted. Now that he found a suitable body, he must want to occupy the magpie's nest.If he was completely fused with him, he and Sima Wubai would definitely die.

After thinking about it, he moved his hands directly, and controlled the vine veins with both hands to wrap Jia Fei's body and the light film together, and then gradually tightened with a pull, as if to squeeze the light film off.

At this time, Jia Fei heard the voice of Great Elder Wen Xin, "Where is the monster, dare to occupy the body of my Ming Wang Dao disciple."

It seemed that a divine sense left by Elder Wen Xin on Jia Fei was fighting with the person who took the home.

Suddenly a burst of laughter came out of Jia Fei's mouth: "A mere trace of Nascent Soul cultivator's spiritual will can do nothing to me. If your body stands in front of me, I might be afraid of you, but now you have no chance."

Following Jia Fei's screams in the air, mixed with Elder Wen Xin's furious voice and that strange tone, the other two voices could no longer be heard within an hour.

The entangled vine veins also instantly swelled, and were directly broken by the light film inside.

A monk with long flowing hair came out slowly, glanced at the two of them and said, "My seat, Shen Tulie, is about to thank the next two little friends."

(End of this chapter)

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