
Chapter 287

Chapter 287
Since the three of them jointly explored Wang Shengzi's treasure, Yi Tian's impression of Jia Fei is not bad, it is much better than that of Sima Wubai.But this guy is also sloppy, if he touches a dead person's things and makes himself robbed, that's his own fault.

But to get rid of these, not to mention that the monk who seized the house in front of him is definitely not an easy person, and he blocked the road to the front hall as soon as he came up.As if he had already seen the plan of the two of them, Shen Tulie sneered and looked at him for a while, then said: "You are all the disciples and grandchildren of Qin Mingyue, as long as you submit to me and hand over a trace of your spirit, I can let you live, and serve you on the saddle. I'll do it."

After hearing this, Sima Wubai said angrily: "My Sima family will never be threatened by anyone in my life, so you should give up on it," and then he was about to step forward.

Suddenly Shen Tulie smiled, and saw Yi Tian stretched out his hand to hold Sima Wubai to prevent him from making a move, so he asked, "You know the times, I can let you be the number one general under my command."

"I'm not interested in doing anything, but after you have waited for thousands of years, how much spiritual power do you have left to deal with the two of us?" Yi Tian said with a look of disdain.

Suddenly Shen Tulie's face changed a few times and he shouted: "The two brats who don't know how to live will die," and after speaking, he sacrificed the golden awl and shot at the two of them.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's whole body was full of aura, and he displayed his kamikaze, moving left and right in the small space of the apse.Sima Wubai also used both hands frequently to show the King Ming's hand.

Who would have thought that Shentu Lie just sneered when he saw it and said: "Didn't Qin Mingyue tell you disciples and grandchildren that King Ming's hand can only be powerful if it combines three moves, and it's useless just by you alone?" Said Let's pay back the past with the same trick.

I saw the opponent condense two real fists in the air, with howling fist strength, they only swallowed Sima Wubai's spell, and then counterattacked.

And Yi Tian was watching from the sidelines, terrified, the seemingly ordinary fist missed Sima Wubai and hit the light film on the outer door of the stone table in the middle, buzzing loudly.

According to the visual inspection, the opponent is at least at the initial stage of Nascent Soul, and has an absolute advantage in this small space.

Afterwards, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his hands anymore, and directly took out the defensive shield and spirit sword, compressed the sword energy into a bond-like shape with his right hand, and shot towards Shentu Lie.The left hand also kept taking out a few seeds and secretly injecting spiritual energy, then sacrificed vine veins and wrapped them around it.

Shen Tulie snorted coldly, his figure was also the sword energy that he avoided with a slight movement, and then let the vine veins wrap around the protective cover.

Yi Tian's face was overjoyed, he abandoned the Yao sword technique in his hand, and hurriedly cast a spell to make the vines tightly entangled again, and flicked the ten fingers of his left hand to shoot the aura-infused seeds at the opponent.

Sima Wubai also took this opportunity to take out a sharp thorn in his hand, inject mana into it, and said "Go," to Shen Tulie, only to see the sharp thorn turn into a flash of light and hit the opponent instantly.

The two hit each other with three or four spells at the same time, only to hear the sound of crackling in the apse one after another.

Before Sima Wubai finished casting, Shen Tulie's protective cover suddenly inflated, like a blown balloon, blocking all the menacing spells.

After the smoke cleared, he looked at the two of them with contempt on his face, holding a newly sprouted seed in his hand and smiled strangely at Yi Tian: "It seems that your mind is different from ordinary people, and you don't have any brains at this time." There are layers of nested spells that are messed up, open attack and sneak attack. I will never be able to do what you do when I am at your level of cultivation," after speaking, he raised his hand, and another golden fist struck.

Knowing that such a short distance is basically a must, Yi Tian hurriedly opened the shield to protect it in front of him, and then cast the spiral magic shield to bless it.

The sudden sound of attack made the hall tremble, and Yi Tian was pushed ten feet away with his shield.

With a 'bang bang', the shield of the fifth-level spiritual weapon shattered. Fortunately, Yi Tian also cast a spell on it, otherwise it would be terrible.

Sima Wubai on the side took advantage of the interval between Shen Tulie's attack on Yi Tian and made a decisive move. He also knew that the chance of surviving in front of the monk Nascent Soul just because he wanted to retreat completely was less than [-]%.

It is only possible to break through when the right time appears, so there is no way to keep your hands now.With a pat on the forehead, a round golden wheel was sacrificed by him, and then the whole golden wheel was controlled to turn very fast by the seal of both hands.

After three breaths, he only heard him shout "go", and the spinning golden wheel roared and drew an arc to attack Shen Tulie's back.

And Yi Tian took a breather and hurriedly cast spells, flicking his fingers with both hands, controlling ten balls of fireballs to attack Shen Tulie's face.

Faced with the front and rear attacks of the two, Shen Tulie only sneered, and manipulated the golden cone to face the golden wheel head-on.In the air, he teased: "Boy, your golden wheel is a fake copy of Yueyao wheel. I don't even pay attention to the genuine one, let alone your Xibei product."

As for Yi Tian's ten-finger flick, he didn't even notice him. He just raised his hand to open the protective cover and turned to deal with Sima Wubai.

Sparks flashed from the two instruments in the midst of the violent collision in the air. Suddenly, Sima Wubai yelled, vomited blood, and quickly fled backwards.

The golden cone smashed the golden wheel head-on, and even pierced a one-inch hole in the surface of the golden wheel.It seems that this golden wheel is Sima Wubai's talisman that is connected with his mind and mind, and it directly caused backlash against him when it was broken.

After the ten fire bombs hit the halo, there were crackling sounds. Seeing that Shen Tulie was still paying more attention to Sima Wubai, Yi Tian couldn't help but smile.

After slamming nine times in a row, Shen Tulie suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and hurriedly swept away to find that a fireball had pierced through the protective shield and was only three feet away from his body.

This trick is Yi Tian quietly mixing a trace of Xuanyang real fire into the fireball bomb. He wanted to try it, but he didn't expect to break through the protective shield so easily.Then he pointed his finger, only to hear a loud noise, and then a spark erupted inside Shen Tulie's protective cover.

After three breaths, there will be a result. What surprised Yi Tian was that Shen Tulie stood there intact, and then turned his head to stare at him viciously, like a hungry wolf on top of a flock of sheep.It wasn't completely ineffective, at least a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Shentu Lie's mouth.

At first glance, he was still wearing the precious armor, which should have been given to Jia Fei by Elder Wen Xin to protect him, but now he helped Shen Tulie resist most of the attacks.

Turning his head, Shen Tulie was also full of anger, and with one finger he manipulated the golden cone to stab towards Yi Tian.With Sima Wubai's lesson earlier, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and directly pulled out his hands to sacrifice the spiral fire shield, and then wrapped around his body with fire aura, instantly covering his whole body with a true flame armor.

After doing this, the whole person quickly backed away, and didn't stop until near the protective barrier of the central round table.I saw that the golden cone obviously paused after hitting the spiral fire shield, and then it was stuck in the vortex and it was difficult to approach.

But Shentu Lie said calmly from the side: "Childish," he pinched the formula in his hand and pointed to the golden cone.I saw that the golden awl directly broke through the magic shield and hit Yi Tian.

Instantly felt a bone-piercing pain on his shoulder, even if Yi Tian practiced the Jin Yang Immortality to the Xiaocheng level, he could only watch the golden awl piercing the True Flame Armor and his own golden skin.

Another flash of light flew by, this time Shentu Lie took a few steps back in response, and when the flash disappeared, a black crossbow arrow pierced through his protective cover and directly hit his abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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