
Chapter 288 Relics

Chapter 288 Relics
To injure a Nascent Soul cultivator, you generally need to use at least a spiritual weapon of level six or above. Sima Wubai took advantage of the gap between Shen Tulie and Yi Tian to secretly take out the dark crossbow, put the crossbow arrow on it and infuse it with spiritual energy, and hit it with one move.

Seeing that he succeeded, Sima Wubai also turned around and ran out from the side of the entrance, grabbing this rare opportunity and running away alone.

Shen Tulie, who had the crossbow in his body, was also full of anger. At this time, he didn't care about the fleeing people, so he stretched out his hand and pulled out the crossbow, and then tapped the wound a few times, stabilizing the injury in an instant.

Originally, he was wearing a high-level armor, and the protective shield of the Nascent Soul cultivator was definitely not so easy to break.But Shen Tulie was also furious that he had been hit by the two of them separately, and he had to pay attention to it.

Yi Tian also had the same calculation as Sima Wubaidai, but who told him to run away first, and now he left behind Shentu Lie who was facing the fury, and suddenly cold sweat dripped from his head.

It is useless to think too much, and you still have to face the disadvantages in front of you in retrospect.Moreover, Shentu Lie on the opposite side would not make a second mistake, even if he faced himself two levels lower, he would try his best to make a move.

Sure enough, after ten breaths, Shentu Lie withdrew the golden awl and finished the breath adjustment.Then I saw him hold the golden cone in his right hand, and spit out a cloud of blood-colored aura attached to it.In an instant, the blood energy was absorbed by the golden cone, and with a 'swish' sound, the originally five-inch-long golden cone became two feet in size, and the sharp blades on both sides also shone brightly.

At this time, Yi Tian knew that he could no longer keep his strength. He put his hands together to mobilize the aura of his whole body, stretched out four hands under his ribs on both sides, and two faces appeared behind the left and right ears.This is the first time that Yi Tian showed the body of Asura when confronting the enemy. The golden yang body that he had cultivated himself sacrificed and turned the whole person into a golden look.

Then the true flame armor covered the whole body, and the six hands unanimously used the three styles of King Ming's hand to attack the opponent at the same time.

Shen Tulie was just stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to become an ancient dharma body, but unfortunately your cultivation base is too low. If you have the strength of the late Jindan stage, you may have a chance."

After closing his hand and concentrating on it, he raised a hand of King Ming, he was going to use his power to overwhelm others.I saw a gray fist collided with the three styles of Ming Wang's hands at the same time, and the spells were evenly matched after the stalemate in the air.

Yi Tian knew that the spiritual power in his body was gushing out like a flood that broke a bank, and the speed of consumption was faster than ever before, but fortunately, his strong skill could hold it for the time being.

Shentu Lie's face became very embarrassed. He didn't expect that the kid in front of him would have such a surge in strength after he became an ancient master. Although it wouldn't last long, it was enough to hurt him.

Seeing that the move was ineffective, Shen Tulie bent his mouth and raised his right hand, directly sacrificing the golden awl and stabbing towards Yi Tian.

After experiencing the power of this golden cone before, Yi Tian knew that he was invincible, so he scanned the stone table behind him from the corner of his eye and was ready to gamble.

The six hands raised the spiral fire shield two by two, and then lit all the real fire of their own life into it, and the fire shield turned purple in an instant.

After three breaths, the golden cone struck in front of him fiercely, Yi Tian's face was like sinking water knowing that his life was at stake this time, and the three fire shields directly held out the golden cone from three directions.

Although the spiritual power was being consumed rapidly, Ke Yitian was still riding a tiger and had to persevere non-stop.Seeing the stalemate, Shentu Lie pointed his right hand together, and the golden awl caught by the three-sided fire shield spun again.

Yi Tian was not surprised but happy when he saw it, and the three spells with six hands also increased the output of spiritual power, and the whole person really retreated quickly.When he got close to the halo barrier of the stone table, his whole body flashed his spiritual power, staggered away from the golden cone, and pushed it directly to the barrier.

There was only a bang, and the golden awl directly pierced the white halo, breaking the entire barrier.

Shen Tulie was also taken aback, and hastily recalled the golden cone, then glanced at the treasure on the stage, with a greedy look on his face.

At this moment, Yi Tian was panting heavily, the blow just now really cost him a lot, but he finally managed it.

After turning his head to see that there was no restriction on the stone table, he jumped up with the wind under his feet, and was about to grab the treasure.

Seeing this, Shentu Lie's face twitched, and he rushed forward to fight.

Knowing that his speed was definitely not as fast as that of his opponent, Yi Tian decisively discarded the bottle in the middle, then grabbed the broken mirrors and three feathers on both sides and hurried to the side, then flew towards the entrance in a detour.

Seeing the loss of two treasures, Shentu Lie's face turned blue with anger, but luckily there was one left, and knowing that the other party left behind a trick to delay time, he had no choice but to take the treasure first.

After a flash, the two exchanged positions. Shen Tulie held the bottle in his hand, and then turned sideways.

Yi Tian also underestimated the speed of Cultivator Nascent Soul, the other party arrived first, only to see an afterimage flashed by, and Shen Tulie blocked the exit again and looked at himself with a smirk.

At this time, Yi Tian's heart felt cold, and the feeling of being caught in the urn was really uncomfortable.

Up to now, I can only fight to the end. To be honest, if I let myself surrender a little of my soul, it will be more sad than death if someone else controls my life and death in the future.

After retreating a few feet away, Yi Tian looked at the broken mirror and three feathers in his hand, and felt bitter for a while. These are definitely good things, but it is useless to get them now.

Suddenly, a trace of Xuanyang real fire in his hand touched the mirror, and the whole mirror echoed with the flame inscription ring on his finger.To be precise, it echoes something in the storage ring.

Yi Tian hurriedly probed into the divine sense, and found that it was a 'liangyi spectroscope', and then took out the treasure.Putting the two mirrors together, I found that the palm-sized "Liangyi beamsplitter" is the missing core part of the big mirror.

This thing should be the treasure of the Li Huo Sect's township sect, and it seems that the way to awaken it is to use the real fire passed down from the Li Huo Sect.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian injected all of his natal real fire into it, and then the two mirrors were embedded together in the firelight.After being burned by the purple real fire, the fracture became intact as before, and it was completely impossible to see that there were two mirrors before.

Immediately, Yi Tian withdrew his dharma body, sacrificed the true flame armor again, and held the mirror in both hands to get ready to launch.

Shentu Lie who was on the side became cautious. It seemed that the boy on the opposite side must know the usefulness of this spirit treasure.But relying on his own cultivation base far surpassing his opponent, Shen Tulie sacrificed the golden awl again, this time he also made up his mind to make a quick decision. After raising his hand, the golden awl once again sacrificed to stab Yi Tian.

And Yi Tian also showed a resolute look on his face, and the purple real fire in his hands activated the whole mirror. At this time, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual power in his dantian was crazily drawn out by the Lingbao in his hand.

It's useless to think too much, seeing the golden cone coming, so I had to gather the bronze mirror and shine it on Shen Tulie, a white light swept across the opponent's body, and Shen Tulie suddenly froze, and the golden cone also lost its spiritual power The control directly fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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