
Chapter 289

Chapter 289
Half a day later, in the entire apse, only Yi Tian was seen sitting cross-legged in a spirit-gathering formation, holding a spirit stone in his hand to recover his spirit power.

Not far away was the corpse of Shen Tulie. At this time, his whole body was blasted into a charred shape by the fireball technique, and several holes were blown out of the dantian and head of the corpse under the focus of attention.

Yi Tian recalled the previous situation still fresh in his memory, if it weren't for the secret treasure of the sect here, maybe he would be the one lying down now.

This is the first time to face the Nascent Soul cultivator, but it also makes Yi Tian have infinite yearning for the Nascent Soul Stage.Even if a monk like Shen Tulie who has just seized his house can beat himself and Sima Wubai, the best monks of the same level, to escape, this strength is really nothing to say.

After using Liangyi spectroscope to fix Shen Tulie in the previous fight, it was discovered that he was restrained to death, and even the location of the opponent's Nascent Soul was clearly photographed.

Moreover, after being illuminated by the mirror, the Nascent Soul in Shen Tulie's body seemed to be frozen suddenly, completely motionless, and then his body also froze, and even the magic weapon of the golden awl fell down.

Yi Tian raised his hand unambiguously when he was sick and dying, and used up the last bit of spiritual power to sacrifice a few purple fireballs and shoot at Shen Tulie.These spells, which contained a large amount of natal real fire, easily penetrated his armor, while Dantian and Yuanying were directly wiped out.

Seeing Shen Tulie's body straightened and fell down, Yi Tian withdrew his spell. The fierce battle just now directly emptied the spiritual power in his body, so he had to sit down and recover first.

Sima Wubai, who slipped out before, probably didn't have the guts to come back, so Yi Tian doesn't have to be afraid that someone will disturb him.

Continuous recovery and the assistance of pills can only allow Yi Tian to replenish [-]% to [-]% of his spiritual power, but this is enough. I believe that even Sima Wubai will have the strength to fight back.After taking out the hourglass and looking at it, I realized that another half day had passed.

Lin Lin always spent a few days here, and Yi Tian also felt that he wanted to investigate this place completely.

First of all, this is definitely not a treasure left by Qin Mingyue. According to the stone materials on the four walls of this palace, it must have a history of more than 2000 years.

Secondly, the patterns engraved on the stone platform and stone table are obviously a kind of formation, and it is the kind that was lost in ancient times.For this reason, Yi Tian also directly recorded these inscriptions on the Formation Jade Slip, and will have the opportunity to visit Tianlan Continent in the future to see if he can find the types and uses of these inscriptions.

As for the biggest achievement, it is to find the treasure of Lihuo Sect's township 'Liangyi Spectroscope', which should be called 'Haotian Mirror' now.Holding this one-foot-sized bronze mirror in his hand and looking at it for a while, he found that its front was exactly the same as an ordinary mirror, with a copper frame around it, and the word 'Haotian' was written in ancient seal on the back of the mirror.

Now Yi Tian has the two inherited treasures of the 'Li Huo Sect', Zixiao Zhan and Haotian Mirror, and he can try to go to the Zhongzhou ruins after he has practiced to the Nascent Soul stage.

Yi Tian still had lingering fears when using the Haotian Mirror. After all, Xuanyang's ancestor Yunzhong forcibly activated this treasure and ended up exhausted.

But after manipulating it once, he found that it was not like this, and then he looked at the complete mirror before he was relieved.At that time, what Yun Zhongzheng activated was only a palm-sized mirror, which used several times the spiritual power to activate the normal effect, no wonder the spiritual power was exhausted.

Moreover, the method of using the Haotian Mirror is also very simple, as long as it is driven by the real fire inherited from the 'Li Huo Sect'.Yi Tian calculated that there are only a few people in this world who can use it, but the thing of not exposing wealth involves too much.

In the end, Yi Tian still tried to put this thing in his dantian after thinking about it, but he didn't expect that the seal in his dantian didn't mean to reject it, and he finally put the thing into it smoothly.

Now look inside the alchemy hall and see that the seal is still hanging high above the golden core, while Zixiaozhan and Haotian mirror are lined up on both sides, and the bottom one is a substitute doll who has been baptized by lightning, quietly lying down.What's interesting is that the appearance of the stand-in doll has gradually become more or less similar to Yi Tian, ​​which should be the result of constant nurturing over the past hundred years.

Looking back at the surrounding buildings, it is obvious that the facilities here are twice as large as the normal facilities, whether it is stone tables and chairs, or the entrance and exit gates.

Suddenly a thought flashed in her mind, remembering that Qin Mingyue once said that the fall of Zhongzhou Lihuozong was related to the two great powers descended from the upper realm.One of them belonged to the Asura tribe. From this point of view, it is likely to be the temporary residence of the mighty one.Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt that the explanation made sense. No wonder the styles of these buildings are weird, and they all come from the Asura tribe.

And the broken Haotian mirror, who else can break it into two pieces with such strength, except for some powerful person.The other great human race seems to have lost the battle. If not, these spirit treasures should have been taken back to Zhongzhou Lihuozong long ago.

Since it is the place where the powers of the Asura tribe temporarily live, there must be a lot of valuable things left behind.For example, Qin Mingyue found [-]% of the skills of this Asura Bian here.

It's a pity that the three of them had internal strife when they came in. In the end, Qin Mingyue was the fisherman who got the treasure, but why didn't he take away the spirit treasure on the stone table at that time.

Yi Tian came to the stone table while thinking, looked at the engraved inscription underneath, and was shocked.The lines of these inscriptions were obviously engraved with the real fire of Xuanyang. Could it be that the great master Asura has also practiced the real fire of the Lihuo sect?One must know that one must use Li Huo Sect's unique technique to break the ban. As Shentu Lie's golden awl has been attached with his own Xuanyang Zihuo just now, it shouldn't be difficult to break the ban.

At this time, Yi Tian really regretted it for a while. If he knew this was the result, wouldn't he be able to get the treasure directly after taking it in with a little trick?However, even though there was no danger after a lot of trouble, he was finally satisfied to be able to obtain three spirit treasures alone.

The aura fluctuations on the three feathers must not be underestimated. Presumably this is the result of the Asura's power coming down from the seventh-level monster. Even after more than 2000 years, the spiritual power on the feathers has not weakened at all.

For this reason, Yi Tian specially took out three jade boxes and packed them separately. Among them, he could only recognize two kinds of tail feathers, which were the fire phoenix and the green luan, and one gray feather was filled with torrent wind elements. But I don't know.

As for the bottle with the seal on it, Yi Tian didn't dare to open it rashly for the time being, if a thousand-year-old monster sprang out of it to take him away, the gain would outweigh the loss.

After putting away the three spirit treasures, Yi Tian wandered around the apse with great interest, trying to find something of value.

(End of this chapter)

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