
Chapter 290 Chapter News

Chapter 290 Return
There are only two rooms in the whole palace, the front hall and the back hall, but fortunately, there is a stone bed with a radius of two feet behind the stone platform in the back hall, which should be the place where Asura can rest.

In fact, Yi Tian still hasn't figured out why Asura Da Neng built such a palace for himself, and what is the purpose of the inscription stone platform in the front hall.

These questions are unknown for the time being, but at this time Yi Tian is sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, looking up and carefully reading the words carved on the stone wall above his head by that powerful person.

The whole text is divided into two parts. The first half is a completely incomprehensible written record, which is very long and divided into three paragraphs.The second half of the text completely corresponds to the beginning of the previous part.

After his eyes swept over, his face was overjoyed. It turned out that the entire Asura Transformation formula was recorded in the words of Tianlan Continent, and it was also engraved with the three styles of Ming Wang's hand, and it was indicated that Ming Wang's hand was the last one of Asura's transformation. There is a note next to the primary use method, which states that the entrance to the Sumeru space needs to be opened in the traditional way of the Asura domain, so this powerful man has passed on the three-style formula before.

The so-called traditional method has always been to show the real body and then perform the three moves at the same time, but what he didn't expect was that the combined power of the three of us could still open the entrance.

After Asura's avatar has been cultivated to the third level, he can practice the middle-level spells of covering the sun and closing the moon. Of course, he must have the assistance of the sun glow wheel and the moon glow wheel.This is exactly the same as Qin Mingyue once mentioned. After reading it carefully, I found out that this powerful person described the two styles. He used this to repel that human powerful person repeatedly.

According to the description on the stone wall, a person who has successfully cultivated should be able to cross this world, but Qin Mingyue fell in Dongao, which shows that he did not practice well at that time.At most, you can use the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel for thick and thick.

Speaking of this spiritual treasure, it is recorded on the stone wall that it is a counterfeit made by this powerful man in this world, imitating the spiritual treasure in the hands of King Asura.

Seeing this, Yi Tian gasped, the things Ming Wangdao shouted to fight for were just fakes in the eyes of others, and they were only used for practice in this world.

As for the mention of Asura's transformation method that has a follow-up, it can only be found in the Asura Domain.This is the second time Yi Tian has learned about the situation in the upper realm, and it was only mentioned by Qin Mingyue when he explained the collapse of Zhongzhou Lihuozong before.

Immediately, thoughts surged in my heart, so this world is just one of the millions of lower realms, if I can break through to the spirit world, wouldn't it mean that I am one step closer to longevity.

But this is just a long-term plan, the most important task right now is to break through the elixir and become a baby. Before that, you have to break through the golden elixir to the first rank.

I believe that the written records of so many Asura tribes above are not only these exercises, but also record other things.For the time being, there are no classics in this area that can translate these words, so Yi Tian had to use jade slips to re-engrave these words for future use.

After the engraving was completed, a fireball would directly destroy the writing on the stone wall.It's better to keep the secrets in the Xumi space only with yourself.

After all, this stone gate can still be forcibly opened by gathering three Ming kings and Taoists, not to mention that after Sima Wubai escaped, he might not be allowed to find someone to come back and explore again.

After tidying up, Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the stone bed and meditated, his real body hair image naturally appeared on his body, he practiced the 'Enlightenment Technique', and took out the Zixiao lamp again to sacrifice the real fire.

One month later, wait for Yi Tian to adjust his state to the best, and then prepare to leave here.This expedition involved the high-level officials of the two ministries of Ming Wang Dao in Southern Xinjiang. Yi Tian thought that he should really avoid it, and it would not be a good thing to be targeted by Elder Wen Xin in the late Yuanying period.

I and him are just a cooperative relationship now, and in the final analysis, it is just icing on the cake, and it is impossible to achieve equal cooperation.

Before going out, Yi Tian saw an interesting thing recorded behind the door of the front hall of the palace. This powerful man was also afraid that people would come in and out of the cave at random after he left, so he even caught a python and a black cow as a watch door.

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Isn't this the earth dragon at the door? It took 2000 years to advance to the sixth level, and it's considered slow in cultivation."

On the contrary, the black bull was nowhere to be seen, and I don't know where it went.

Behind this door is also recorded how to tame the two monsters. Yi Tian looked at it and deeply admired this great Asura clan.These methods are like planting a trace of restriction deep in their souls. As long as the person who casts the spell does not lift it for a day, these two monsters will obey the orders of the person who controls them.

After Yi Tian silently recorded the manipulative formula, then with a flash of golden light in his hand, he used the shining sword technique to cut off all the characters behind the stone gate.

When I went back, I still walked through the passage of light and darkness, but this time there was no one else present, so there was no need to hide it.Flying in the passage, Yi Tian directly showed the body of Asura, and then activated Kamikaze Dun, the speed of the whole person increased by more than three times in an instant.

When they arrived, the three of them didn't know how much time it took, but it took Yi Tian a long time to see the light of the exit on the way back.

After a smug look appeared on his face, his whole body flashed a blue light, and he flew straight towards the door.

After the sound of '嗖', Yi Tian came out of the light door and found that he had returned to the depths of the cave.But at this moment, a two-headed earth python and a Kui Niu not far away in front of him were looking at him with ill intentions.

The two losers are still chewing on the corpse of a monk. There are some spirit stones and a few storage bags scattered on the ground, as well as a small black crossbow and some clothes from the Emperor Yu Tianbu. The clothes should be Sima Wudi .

These two monsters are waiting here, looking at Yi Tian's appearance, there is a sneer on the faces of the two monsters, and they are stunned when they see Yi Tian's body image clearly.

Seeing that the two monsters were still a little ready to move, Yi Tian sneered, and silently recited the truth in his mouth, and instantly the two monsters lay on the ground and began to tremble, and kept saying: "Master, spare your life, master, spare your life." As for the soil Jiao's green snake head glanced directly, and passed out.

Unexpectedly, Asura Da Neng's soul restraint was so overbearing, even two sixth-level monsters were easily subdued, and he didn't dare to have the slightest thought of offending.

After seeing the scene in the cave, Yi Tian was relieved. He expected Sima Wubai to be a disaster after he escaped, but he didn't expect to end up in their hands, so he felt a little relieved.

Immediately, he reached out and put away Sima Wubai's belongings one by one. After a little use of these things, they could turn the situation in southern Xinjiang upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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