
Chapter 291

Chapter 291
In the main altar of Ming Wang Dao in Southern Border, at this time, the holy son Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi are practicing in their respective secret rooms.Ever since Le Tongxuan, the daughter of Blissful Heaven, appeared forcefully, the two Nascent Soul cultivators behind Blissful Heaven have visited the Emperor Yutian Department.

After discussing with the Yuanying Patriarchs, they directly notified their subordinates that the two divisions would be merged, and then they would jointly create the prosperity of the Holy Cult in the past.

Although the merger of the two ministries made Southern Xinjiang's largest power, Utilitarian Tian Bu, extremely unhappy, they both kept restraint on the surface, but they continued to make small moves in private.

Although the candidate for the Holy Son remains unchanged, Sima Wubai's strength is always recognized as the number one, and this has also become a nightmare for the two of them for a long time.To this day, Shangguan Dingsheng woke up from his trance, and found that his jade token of summoning suddenly sounded, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be the summoning of Yi Tianxing, the department of "Brahma Mantra", which he found in Dongao back then.

Although the two had an appointment first, they had to wait for Shangguan to win the title of Holy Son before welcoming him back to southern Xinjiang, but the letter at this time did not know what it was about.

Shangguan Dingsheng's eyelids have been twitching a lot recently, but it stands to reason that a cultivator shouldn't be like this.

When Shangguan Dingsheng opened the messenger jade tablet, he was stunned immediately after taking a look at it.There were only six words in the message above, 'Sima Wubai is dead', followed by a projection, which contained only a jade tablet and a black hand crossbow.

Immediately Shangguan Dingsheng stared at the incoming projection carefully for ten breaths, and then his face showed joy, his breathing became short of breath, and he looked up to the sky and laughed again.I saw the word 'Sima' engraved on the jade tablet, and the hand crossbow on one side was the sixth-level mid-level spiritual weapon 'Dark Crossbow' personally bestowed by Emperor Yutian Elder Sima Piaoyun after Sima Wubai advanced to Jindan , making myself and Zhuge Wudi, who were also present at the time, gritted their teeth angrily.

Originally, there seemed to be an insurmountable mountain in front of him, but now he can easily cross it. This is called Shangguan Dingsheng, how can he not smile.

This descendant of the 'Brahman Mantra Heaven' tribe that Dong Ao knew was really his lucky star, and he would do unexpected and amazing things every time.But if things are done well, Shangguan Dingsheng can't be stingy, he directly replied to the bargaining chips he can give, and promised that once the matter is settled, he will ask Yi Tian to return to southern Xinjiang immediately.

An hour later, something similar happened in the secret room of the holy son Zhuge Wudi.It's just that he was even more impatient than Shangguan Dingsheng, and he became a little crazy with excitement in the secret room, as if Sima Wubai died, the position of the Holy Son was none other than him.

All of this has nothing to do with Yi Tian. After passing the pass, I think there will be chaos in the Southern Border Emperor Yutian Department.Apart from the two Holy Sons, Sima Piaoyun should be the one who knows the news now. I believe he will not sit still and give up the position of a Holy Son. There must be a strange move.

And Shangguan and Zhuge's family will also adjust their strategies. Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but secretly praised him.The three Nascent Soul cultivators who were chosen without any effort are in danger. If Le Tongxuan is like this, you can't make good use of it even if you are extremely happy, then you are really mistaken.

After cleaning up these things, he asked the two monsters, Tujiao and Kui Niu, to guard the entrance of the cave, and not to neglect their duties and let people into the cave.

The monsters became abnormal after being bound by their souls. Even if Yi Tian's cultivation was not as high as theirs, but looking at the appearance of Asura's dharma body, the two monsters couldn't think of resisting in their hearts.

After the interrogation, Yi Tian directly took out the treasure map to find his location from it, and then took out a copy of the current map jade slip, and filled in the blank areas on it.

The perfected map can be used for the next expedition to the Western Wilderness. During this visit, the territories where the sixth-level monsters haunted were all avoided or detoured. Infancy believes that these monsters will provide him with many high-level talents.

After completing the outline of the new map, Yi Tian started to return to the Meltdown Mountains according to the route he came from. After this expedition, his cultivation has room for great improvement.Especially after continuously using the Asura method to vent the spiritual power directly, but after slowly replenishing the spiritual power, I was surprised to find that my cultivation base had increased, and the range was not as large as usual.

Now Yi Tian is convinced that his cultivation base has stabilized in the middle stage of Golden Core, and he is afraid that if he goes back to retreat for another 30 years, he will be able to touch the bottleneck of the late Golden Core stage.

Especially this time, after the hallucination in the palace, my Dao heart has matured a bit. This effect is definitely comparable to the "Heart Pill", but the process during the period is too dangerous, and I almost became addicted to it and couldn't extricate myself .

But in other words, the cultivator's own practice is not only as simple as improving the cultivation base, but also the cultivation of the state of mind is equally important.Looking at the records in those documents, many monks were defeated by the heart demon tribulation. It is no wonder that many people are talented and intelligent, but their own precipitation is not enough to cause such consequences.

For this reason, Yi Tian is not going to practice directly until the bottleneck of the late stage of Golden Core before stopping. Now a 50-year-old mid-stage Golden Core cultivator like himself is definitely the best among his kind. He sighed and secretly said: "Not enough time to accumulate Ah, so it's time to think of a way to solve the girl's pie.

Thinking about it, he took out the summons jade card to have a look, only to see that some of the summons had not been read yet.I put it on my forehead and scanned it directly with my spiritual sense, and found that some of the messages were actually related to me.

The first one was Huo Chilian's message, he wanted to compete with Yi Tian in the Western Wilderness Weapons List 40 years later.If he is lucky enough to win, I hope Yi Tian can promise to take him back to Dongao.

In fact, this matter is also within the plan, it's just that my cultivation base has not yet reached the point where I can break through the pill and become a baby.

After ignoring other things, Yi Tian found out that Yan Zhaoxue also had a summons, but after reading it, he felt that there was something wrong with it.The gist of the message is that she successfully formed the alchemy 30 years ago, and she was about a hundred years old at the time, and she could be regarded as a more potential golden alchemy female monk in the Maiden Sect.

60 years ago, when they went to Tianmomen to marry, it happened that Dugu Ao retreated and attacked Jindan, so the marriage between the two factions did not come to fruition.For this reason, her master, the head of the Maiden Sect, issued a hero post, and will invite monks from all walks of life in the Western Wilderness who formed a golden core before the age of [-] to participate in the grand event.

Yan Zhaoxue fought for this many times to no avail, so she had to resort to dragging formulas and practice directly in closed doors.

But according to the girl school's skills and her talent, there are at most 30 years before she can break through the entrance and become a mid-term golden core monk.So she also felt that the matter was imminent, and she cast the net in many ways to no avail, so she asked Yi Tian to help disrupt the situation.

After watching Yi Tian, ​​there was a burst of cold sweat on his head. Isn't this hero of the Maiden School just the occasion to make Yan Zhaoxue's husband famous.Go there by yourself to disrupt the situation, not to mention whether the Nascent Soul monks of the Maiden School agree, the young heroes present at the grand event will definitely be the first to jump up and chop themselves up and feed them to the dogs.

After shaking his head, he still ignores her for the time being, it is a good thing to let Yan Zhaoxue down once in a while, and it is prudent to protect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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