
Chapter 305 Find the Difference

Chapter 305 Find the Difference
The gathering of Jindan disciples of the Divine Sword Sect is held on the Zuixian Cliff hundreds of miles north of Tianjian City, and the hosts are usually late Jindan monks who are well-known in the sect.

Under Huo Jingyun's invitation, Yi Tian and Yin Jie were fortunate enough to be able to attend such a party.For Yi Tian, ​​he had very little communication with monks of the same level after forming the alchemy, and spent most of the time practicing hard alone, so it is necessary to participate in such gatherings.

On the contrary, Yin Jie seems to have experienced many similar occasions over the years, so he is quite familiar with this matter.

When the two met in Tianjian City, Yin Jie asked privately if he had brought any good things.After being annoyed by him, Yi Tian directly summoned the puppet to show him.If Yin Jie didn't give up, he insisted on trying the puppet's defensive power, but Yi Tian had no choice but to let him try it if he couldn't hold him back.

However, after trying it, Yin Jie was full of praise for this puppet, and even wanted to change it directly.However, after Yi Tian said the conditions, Yin Jie shut his mouth directly. The price is not expensive, but Yi Tian insisted on exchanging things for things, which stumped Yin Jie.

The key is that Yin Jie didn't have any of the materials exchanged. Even if he had a good relationship, he couldn't do nothing. Besides, Yin Jie didn't dare to say such a thing, so he had to let it go.

The two walked together and within a few hours came to the sky above the meeting place of Zuixianya. There was an open space of ten feet square on the top of the cliff, and there was a gazebo in the middle, where three monks sat drinking and chatting.

There are some stone tables and chairs all around, and some monks have been together in twos and threes since they came, and started trading first.However, in order to avoid privacy, most of these monks just talk through sound transmission.

A person sitting in the gazebo suddenly looked up at Yi Tian and the two, then stood up and walked out of the pavilion and said to them, "Junior Brother Yin, Junior Brother Yi, come down quickly."

Seeing that it was Huo Jingyun, the two of them hurriedly stood in front of him behind Luoxia Yun's head, and then said politely: "Senior brother Huo is negligent, are we late?"

"It's not too late, come, come, I'll introduce the best of the sect to Junior Brother Yi." After speaking, Huo Jingyun led Yi Tian around and called on everyone around him one by one.

It can be seen that Huo Jingyun is definitely a leader among the inner disciples, but Yin Jie, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, seems a little restrained in front of him.

The Golden Core cultivators around had obviously met Huo Jingyun for the sake of Huo Jingyun's sake, but after listening to the introduction, they all showed friendly expressions towards Yi Tian.

It is obvious that the items exchanged for a while are what Yi Tian took out, and they are definitely the fragrant buns they are fighting for.

While talking, suddenly two white lights flashed in the direction of the Excalibur Sect's sect, Huo Jingyun said jokingly: "It seems that everyone is here, I hope everyone can gain something tonight."

After the two white lights fell to the ground, Yi Tiancai saw clearly that the people who came were Xing Yuan and Xing Lin who had been away for a long time.Xing Yuan, who hasn't been seen for hundreds of years, has successfully advanced to the middle stage of Jindan, while Xing Lin is still at the early stage of cultivation as when he met him at Xiding Mountain.

After the two arrived, they first visited the people around them one by one. When they saw Yi Tian, ​​Xing Yuan walked up to him with a smile and said, "Junior Brother Yi, I knew you were right. I didn't expect your weapon refining The skill is so superb, Huo Chilian can only be ranked second for a hundred years, and I have learned about you from the local list."

Seeing what he said, Yi Tian also smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Senior brother Xing was a leader in foundation building back then, and I was also fortunate to be able to explore with my brother. Looking back on a hundred years of time, the scene of exploring together is still vivid in my mind, as if It’s like what happened yesterday. I don’t know how Madam Sister-in-law is doing?”

Xing Yuan's face darkened and he said: "Although my wife has recovered, it is a pity that he was delayed. This life will stop at the early stage of Jindan at most. I came here this time to find some elixir that can increase the formation of alchemy."

Seeing this, Yi Tian said: "The little brother also wishes that senior brother can get his wish and find a panacea."

On the other side, Xing Lin bowed his hand to Yi Tian with a cold face, which is regarded as a gift, Yi Tian is not brainy, knowing the festival with this person at the beginning, now it is inconvenient to say more for Xing Yuan's sake , just silently returned the gift.

Then there was a burst of laughter. From the gazebo, Huo Jingyun came out together with two other late-stage Jindan monks. According to Yin Jie, he was a Dzogchen cultivator in the late Jindan stage.Seeing this, people gathered around one after another, and they are usually the ones who start this kind of occasion first.

Then I saw Huo Jingyun first introduce the exchange rules tonight, first exchange items with items, if there is no item you like, then exchange with spirit stones, you can also choose not to exchange, and you are not allowed to forcibly redeem.

The Golden Core cultivators all around agreed after hearing this. This is also a well-known unspoken rule.

Then I saw Huo Jingyun taking out a bottle of barrier-breaking pill to exchange for a high-level spiritual weapon, Yi Tian laughed in his heart, didn't this come for himself, but it may not be a good thing to make a high-profile appearance as soon as he comes up .Moreover, the Breaking Barrier Pill was not a pill that was in short supply, so he smiled at Huo Jingyun when he thought of this.

After someone started, the atmosphere became active, and one after another, they stepped forward to reveal the things they had collected.

The vast majority of people have exchanged for the desired materials or spiritual weapons, and the few who have not been able to find suitable ones can also deploy from them, and then exchange them at a compromise.

It didn't take long before it was his turn. Seeing everyone's expectant gazes, Yi Tian stepped forward and summoned the newly refined humanoid puppet: "The fifth-level intermediate humanoid puppet is easy to operate. As long as a small amount of consciousness and spiritual power are allocated, it can be controlled. It has been measured that the defensive power can withstand the full strength of a middle-stage Jindan cultivator."

In fact, there is no need to say this, everyone can understand the terrifying defensive power contained under this black lacquered skeleton after looking at the scratches on the puppet's body.Moreover, Yin Jie, who was the tester, also had a look of naked jealousy on his face.

But at this moment, a discordant voice came out: "Isn't it too inappropriate for you to come up with such a puppet in the name of the number one alchemy master of Xihuang Jindan?"

Following the voice of the speaker, I saw Xing Lin looking at Yi Tian's puppet with disdain, his eyes full of disdain.On the other hand, Xing Lin hurried forward to say hello, trying to change the subject.

But Xing Lin said like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water: "Whether you can resist or not depends on whether you can withstand the attack of the spirit weapon I refined."

As soon as the words came out, everyone around them also shut their mouths, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the two people in front of them were not on the right track.Those who knew the inside story secretly stayed aside to watch the show. This showdown between the number one refiner in the Western Wilderness of Jindan Realm and the number one refiner in the inner sect was a show that hadn't been seen in decades.

Yi Tian didn't feel annoyed knowing that he couldn't be kind today, so he turned to Huo Jingyun and said, "Brother please do a notarization."

(End of this chapter)

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