
306 Assembly

306 Assembly
At the top of Zuixianya Cliff, more than a dozen Golden Core cultivators stood aside and watched with great interest as the two refiners conducted the spirit weapon test.

On one side is a fifth-level mid-level humanoid puppet refined by the number one refiner in the Western Wilderness Golden Core Realm who has been famous for hundreds of years. sword.The two sides stood more than ten feet apart, and Huo Jingyun, who was the referee for this evaluation, stood in the middle.

I only heard him say in a deep voice: "The comparison of spirit weapons this time has nothing to do with the cultivation level of the manipulator. Do you want to control it yourself or find someone to replace it?"

Xing Lin hurriedly said: "Of course I do this kind of trivial matter by myself, brother, I don't need to worry about it."

Yi Tian also said with a smile: "The younger brother has a lot of experience in the things he refines, so it's better to control them himself."

"Since you're all confirmed, then take your place, the puppet resists the blow of the spirit sword, don't play tricks." After Huo Jingyun finished speaking, he stepped back and closed his eyes to rest.

I saw Xing Lin forming a seal on his chest, pouring spiritual power into the spirit sword with both hands, and the sword body buzzed continuously due to the spiritual power.Yi Tian was able to carefully touch the flashing blue spiritual sword by using the pupil technique from a long distance away. It must be a fifth-level high-level spiritual weapon.This can be regarded as Xing Lin's masterpiece in the past few years, but it's a pity that he encountered a puppet he made.

After a 'swish' sound, the flying sword wrapped in white aura directly pierced the puppet's head.After half a breath, I saw the head of the puppet was hit hard, and then the whole body fell backwards.

Xing Lin stood there and retracted the spirit sword, then looked at his opponent triumphantly, but saw Yi Tian smiled disdainfully on his face, and then pointed with his hand.After a spiritual force activated the puppet, the whole puppet did a backflip and pushed it with both hands on the ground. The whole body drew an inverted arc and then stood up straight again.

Everyone looked closely at the puppet's face, which seemed to have a trace of being split by a spirit sword, but the whole skeleton was still sound, and it seemed that the flying sword did not cause any substantial damage to it.

Now Xing Lin couldn't sit still anymore, and directly drove Feijian to hit the puppet again.

Looking at the reactions of the people around, especially Huo Jingyun did not stop it, it seemed that everyone wanted to see the ultimate defense of this puppet.

Yi Tian shook his head, then directly began to manipulate the puppet and began to show various flexible dodge movements, which broke everyone's cognition. He thought it was a humanoid puppet that resisted being beaten, but he didn't expect to be able to make a move similar to a monk. Movement, this level of flexibility is absolutely nothing to say.

After the two tested each other, they couldn't do anything to each other. Xing Yuan blushed when he saw it. He said it was only one blow. Now, after dozens of hits, the puppet still didn't fall to the ground.

Then he stepped forward to grab Xing Lin and scolded his assistant.Then he turned his head to Yi Tian and said, "The human puppet that tested Junior Brother Yi this time is really powerful, how about two phases giving up?"

"Senior Brother Xing won the award, so this time it's a tie," Yi Tian replied.

Since both sides were willing to take a step back, Huo Jingyun, who was the referee, also said, "Let's let it go, everyone has a draw."

But people with discerning eyes saw that the level of the spirit sword was obviously higher, so a draw meant a loss, but no one dared to say it.

Huo Jingyun turned to Yi Tian and said, "I don't know if Junior Brother Yi can tell if this humanoid puppet can block the attack of a sixth-level spiritual weapon?"

After being asked so suddenly, Yi Tianlue thought for a while and said: "I haven't considered this matter, but brother, please allow me to try."

After speaking, regardless of the eyes of the monks present, he took out a bag of parts and started to assemble it.Everyone around looked at it with great interest. Although they didn't know what Yi Tian wanted to do, it seemed that it was not easy to look at a bag of parts.

After Yi Tian assembled the crossbow and injected it with spiritual energy to activate it, the spiritual pressure from the crossbow was not inferior to Xing Lin's flying sword.

Huo Jingyun, who was standing nearby, seemed to feel a threatening aura emanating from the crossbow.You must know that a monk like him who is a Golden Core Dzogchen is much more sensitive to this feeling than everyone present.

Since I have this feeling, it means that this crossbow arrow can indeed cause him damage, and perhaps it can also have a certain lethality against Nascent Soul cultivator.

But Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in front of him, didn't care about these things at all. He picked up the hand crossbow and injected spiritual power, pulled the crossbow with his left hand and directly added three crossbow arrows to it.

After standing still, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Brother Huo, please control my puppet. I will try to shoot three arrows to see how high the defense power can be."

Huo Jingyun nodded, and then jumped to the puppet not far away, stretched out his hand to inject spiritual power into it, and began to control it.

In the distance, Yi Tian pulled the crossbow with his right hand and placed three crossbow arrows on the crossbow, and then poured spiritual power into his hand.After only seeing a wave of spiritual power, the three crossbow arrows shot straight at the puppet in three directions: upper, middle and lower.

After hearing only three beeps, the crossbow arrows hit the puppet accurately, and two of the arrows directly shot through the puppet's head and left shoulder.The one on the bottom road was directly stuck on the thigh, as if it was stuck by several levels inside.

The place where the puppet was shot had more or less different damages. Fortunately, the core energy part was avoided, and it could continue to be used as long as the parts were replaced.

Now the middle-aged people around stretched out their consciousness one after another, and scanned the puppet.However, most people focused their consciousness on the crossbow in Yi Tian's hand.This seemingly inconspicuous spirit weapon is actually as powerful as a sixth-level early stage spirit weapon. If you have such a spirit weapon in your hand, it seems that you may be able to escape when you meet a high-level monk.

Without waiting for others to speak, Huo Jingyun stepped forward and said: "Junior Brother Yi is really skilled, I don't know what grade of spiritual weapon the bow and crossbow you are holding is, can you let me take a look?"
Yi Tian smiled, and thought to himself: "It's a good thing to have a need." Then he directly handed the crossbow to Huo Jingyun and said: "Brother, take your time. I'm going to replace the puppet parts."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the eyes of other people and walked forward to check the damage of the puppet carefully, and then took out the corresponding parts according to the place injured by the crossbow arrows and began to replace them.

A quarter of an hour later, a puppet in good condition stood up again, but when Yi Tian wanted to continue to exchange, Huo Jingyun said: "Junior Brother Yi, I really like this hand crossbow, so I don't know whether to give it up or not."

One sentence blocked the mouths of others. Everyone saw that this hand crossbow was definitely a quasi-level six spirit weapon, but as the initiator of the party, they all spoke up, and no one had the nerve to join in.

Anyway, these things are to be exchanged for materials, Yi Tian nodded and said: "If you like it, you can exchange it. I only need black iron and fine gold, but the quantity is a bit large."

Afraid of Yi Tian's repentance, Huo Jingyun hurriedly said: "It's okay, I can still find some level [-] materials, please rest assured, junior brother, let me check how much stock is available for use."

(End of this chapter)

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