
Chapter 307 Pause

Chapter 307 Pause
After the meeting of the Jindan monks of the Excalibur School, Yi Tian directly asked Yin Jie for help to find a cave with abundant aura as a resting place.

Ever since he cultivated 'Kuiyin True Fire', he found that the concentration of aura in ordinary caves is not enough.Only the high-level caves left in the paradise controlled by those sects are suitable for him to continue his cultivation.

This also created a problem. In the future, it will not be enough to search for spiritual veins and open up caves by yourself alone.Fortunately, I still have the title of a craftsman, and the Excalibur Sect took very good care of the guest priests.

Yiying's hardware facilities are still in place, so when Yi Tian proposed to open a temporary personal cave, Yin Jie went directly to the deacon of the inner sect and asked for a cave full of spiritual energy.

Originally, Yi Tian was very grateful to Yin Jie for his help, but later he learned from others that a share of the holy spring water he had earned was in his hands. No wonder his attitude became more enthusiastic when we met a hundred years later. Feelings should help first The other party is very busy.

In this way, my heart is much more balanced, and this good place is not in vain.Don't pay the rent yourself, you just got a first-class Jindan Cave Mansion.

Three days later, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the cave and shook his head while looking at a large pile of rough-made black iron and fine gold in front of him. Although Huo Jingyun promised to exchange it with the fifth-level materials in his hand, he had no choice but to ask for a little more point.

So he took out everything from the Tianjian City warehouse except for the established minimum amount, but this was not enough.The remaining quantity will be collected from the market, basically as long as it is similar to the same material, it will be killed together.

In the end, I brought two storage bags to make up for this amount, but Yi Tian frowned slightly after scanning it with his spiritual sense. There were actually raw ore, black iron, fine gold, and miscellaneous spiritual weapons. Both.

But this is also beyond my expectations. I estimate that the materials in my hand can be refined to an amount of six to seven thousand catties. After being purified again, I can get more than ten catties of hundred calcined black iron fine gold. It's half of the mission accomplished.

After sitting in the cave and opening the forbidden barrier, he immediately showed his Dharma body. In addition to separating out the materials for the purification of spiritual consciousness, he also used the main spiritual consciousness to refine and strengthen the real fire.As for the last piece of consciousness, it is still in the state of practicing the 'Enlightenment Technique'.

It is really strange to say that this 'Enlightenment Art' has not made much progress in practice everywhere, but after a hundred years of uninterrupted practice, the effect is slowly manifested.

Knowing that in the past few years, I have practiced the 'Clear Spiritual Eye' to the extreme, and I can often clearly see the thin layer of luck on the monk's body when I use it.

Like those monks in the Qi refining stage on Tianjian City Street, there will be a faint layer of white light attached to their bodies, as for the monks in the foundation building stage, it will be more solid, but like those disciples with stronger cultivation bases, such as Excalibur The sect's direct disciples of the faction already showed signs of luck transforming into form.

After reaching the golden core stage, the luck on the monk's body can actually be condensed into a shape. The most direct thing is that once I secretly observed Yin Jie, I found that his luck covered his whole body and was still condensed into a three-inch flying sword on the top of his head. .

And the luck on the head of a craftsman like Xing Lin is a hammer, while Xing Yuan is also a flying sword, but it is obviously smaller than Yin Jie's.

As for Qiyun Yitian like Huo Jingyun, he also tried to look at it, but the other party could clearly feel it when he glanced over.But he just smiled at Yi Tian, ​​and then the luck around him became hazy.

After the experiment, I found out that the third layer of the "Clear Spirit Eye" not only has the effect of seeing through the monk's attributes, but also has the effect of predicting luck. Unfortunately, it can only be used for monks whose cultivation level is lower than my own without being noticed.

Those like Huo Jingyun are out of face and will not make a fuss. If they meet those unreasonable monks and find out that they are being spied on, they will definitely go crazy.

After experimenting with others, he took out the Haotian Mirror to take a picture of himself in the cave, and then used the pupil technique to observe himself in the mirror, and found that the degree of solidification of luck on his body surpassed that of Huo Jingyun, and the aura on the top of his head The luck is condensed into a seal, just like the one in the dantian.

His face sank after seeing it. This luck can show the actual situation of each person. Most of the main battle monks turn their luck into weapons, and they are all shaped according to the weapons they are best at.

As for the cultivators who majored in alchemy, most of them were easy to identify whether they had alchemy furnaces or hammers on their heads.

On the contrary, if I am like this, it indicates a big trouble. This seal in the dantian has repeatedly sabotaged my good deeds since the Foundation Establishment Tribulation.I don't know what kind of disaster will be brought about if I practice until I break the alchemy and become a baby.

And now his own luck transformation is actually closely related to it, which means that he can't put it aside anyway.

Looking inside the dantian, the seal is still intact and suspended above the golden elixir, the psychic liquid that has been absorbed by itself and has been circulating in the sky will be repainted first and then flow into the golden elixir.

The golden elixir slowly rotating below is now wrapped in its own true fire, and the Zilei left from the seal has gradually alienated the real fire into Xuanyang Zihuo, which actually has the attribute of lightning .

As for the golden elixir, the potholes around it were basically smoothed out a hundred years ago, and since drinking the holy water, the grade of the golden elixir has been directly upgraded by one level, and the shape of the golden elixir is already round.

After a hundred years of uninterrupted practice of the "Golden Elixir Nine Turns Jue", there are faint signs of breaking through to the top-grade Golden Elixir.

Suspended in the middle of the dantian, it is wrapped by the real fire of life and rotates continuously. You can clearly feel that even if you don't practice deliberately, your own mana will circulate in the body step by step.

If the aura is abundant and within two or three years, he can directly enter the category of top-grade golden elixir, and Yi Tian will sit down and start practicing after being overjoyed.

After keeping it like this for nearly two years, suddenly one day the messenger jade plaque in front of him rang.After waking up from the trance, Yi Tian opened the jade tablet with reluctance and read it.

The above is a message from Yin Jie, quickly prepare to meet up in Tianjian City, and three months later will be the son-in-law meeting of the girl sent Yan Zhaoxue.

After shaking his head, Yi Tian got up helplessly, and packed all the things around him.What he is most afraid of right now is how to face Hong Luanjing from the Maiden School, although it was an unintentional mistake at the time.But after all, the rumors about other people's Zhenpai exercises also need to be explained by themselves.

What's more, he promised Duguao to help him get eliminated smoothly, and Yan Zhaoxue had to give an accurate reply.Thinking of these things is really a headache, it is best to leave Xihuang and go back to Dongao now.

But looking at the God's Domain Token in his hand, thinking that he just got the admission ticket to Sword Art Online, it would be a pity not to take a look, so he opened the restriction and strode out with a big stride.

(End of this chapter)

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