
Chapter 308 List

Chapter 308 List
Sitting on the "United Transport", Yin Jie was beaming with joy and explained the details of the banquet for the heroine of the Girls' School to Yi Tian.

Yi Tian, ​​who didn't have much interest in this matter at first, was sitting in the lobby of the main control room and listening silently. Sitting with him were the two brothers Xing Yuan and Xing Lin.

The purpose of my trip is not pure, but I can't reveal it at will, and the two people next to me really want to show off, so I can only pretend to listen.

The Excalibur School also attaches great importance to this son-in-law banquet this time, but Yan Zhaoxue's identity is too sensitive, not only is the daughter of the current head Yan Fanxin, but also the next head appointed by the girl's ancestor.

So once they have a relationship with her, the two factions will definitely be able to get closer.Yin Jie sternly introduced the main opponents of the Excalibur Sect this time, including Dugu Ao, the chief disciple originally launched by Tianmomen, and Huo Chilian, the craftsman enshrined.

As for the casual cultivators, there was some gossip. It was said that the casual cultivator alliance had also sent two powerful disciples, named Li Cunzhi and Guo Bingnan.It is said that these two are also Jindan masters strongly recommended by the Nascent Soul monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

Yin Jie looked at the roster in his hand and said: "Master, what you mean is that it is best not to let the marriage between Tianmomen and Maiden faction succeed, and the casual cultivator alliance should also be excluded."

"Aren't there only people from our Excalibur sect left after all these are removed?" Xing Lin asked with a puzzled look on his face.

After giving him a blank look, Yin Jie continued to introduce: "This time, some patriarchs of loose cultivator families who are attached to the sect are also invited. Even if they reach the sky in one step, they can't make any big waves."

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side suddenly, said, "Does Brother Yin have a detailed list of the banquet?"

Yin Jie handed over the jade slip in his hand and said, "This is the list of participants that the sect has gathered after many investigations. Among them, those who could pose a threat to us are outlined in red letters."

After receiving the jade slips, Yi Tian submerged his spiritual consciousness into it for inspection. Sure enough, there were no less than a hundred Jindan monks who received the invitation.But the ones marked in red letters above are only the few people Yin Jie mentioned just now.

Sweeping down the list, Yi Tian suddenly found that there was a name in the second half of the list that made him feel a little puzzled, and he saw that it said 'Zhongzhou Qianlingzong Ancient Master Capital'.

Then he raised his head and asked, "Why are there people from Zhongzhou among them? I don't know how strong the ancient masters of Qianlingzong are?"

Yin Jie raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Junior Brother Yi, the monks from Zhongzhou invited by the Girls' Party this time are all traveling in the Western Wilderness, so even if they join, they won't marry. At most, the Girls' Party will give some sweetness Send them away, so don't need to pay too much attention."

But Yi Tian couldn't calm down in his heart. It seemed that the ancient masters definitely didn't come to travel in the Western Wilderness. Most of them came to find the mystery of the ancient Canglang's death.

It seems that Shi Qianwei didn't settle everything after returning home, or maybe his Gu family's power is too strong, and Gu Canglang's status in Qianlingzong is not low, so there are Gu family monks who came all the way to Xihuang thing.

It's useless to think too much about it. You have to take one step at a time. As long as you don't show your feet, I believe that the ancient master will not be able to pull out any tricks.

Then after reading it, it was written at the end, "Master Huiyuan of Banruo Temple in Zhongzhou," he thought, "Why do monks come to recruit relatives, but this is the first time I have seen a Buddhist sect appear since I practiced cultivation, so I have to communicate with you at that time." , See if there is anything the Buddhist sect can learn from. '

After reading it, he kept these key figures in mind, and then handed the roster of jade slips back to Yin Jie and said, "How did you screen them out at this son-in-law banquet?"

Yin Jie said: "It can be roughly divided into three parts: the introduction, the banquet and the draft, but I can't say exactly how the girls' faction is arranged, and everything has to be dealt with."

Xing Lin said on the sidelines: "It's pointless to have so many things, the big deal is that we will defeat our opponents one by one, so no one will be able to stop me from getting married."

Hearing this, Yin Jie and Yi Tian smiled, they were reasonable, but brute force alone is not enough to break out of the siege, and there is no guarantee that they will not be able to kill a few dark horses.

Xing Yuan also felt that what his younger brother said was a bit too much, so he hurriedly changed the topic and said, "What are the specific requirements of the monks who will participate in the banquet this time?"

Yin Jie turned his head and said: "The bone age of the monks at the early stage of Jindan should not exceed 250 years old, and the bone age of monks at the middle stage of Jindan should not exceed 150 years old. All the brothers and sisters here should be in line."

Yi Tian reckoned that he was less than [-] years old, and now he is a late-stage cultivator who is just over [-] years old. Judging from the appearance of the golden elixir in his dantian, he may have crossed the hurdle of high-grade a long time ago, at least Achievement of the second-grade golden core or higher, the specific situation has not been carefully screened over the years.

However, this is still the advancement of the golden core that has been accelerated again after fusing the true fire of sunflower yin with its own true fire of Xuanyang, and now that the unbalanced factors in the body have been eliminated, as long as you give yourself a period of time, you will be able to polish the golden core to perfection. The perfect first-grade realm.

This time, the Maiden Clan is nominally recruiting a son-in-law for a marriage, but in fact the chosen one has to get married. No wonder Duguao is not interested at all, because he has too many restrictions.

But turning his head and looking at Xing Lin in front of him, he seems to be very concerned about this matter. It should be that the people behind him have promised a lot of benefits.But according to his cultivation level, it's not bad enough. I really don't know where he has such strong confidence.

After chatting for a long time, the four of them went to rest. The whole journey only took three days.However, since entering the territory of the Girls' School two days later, you can see that all the waypoints are full of people coming and going, not only the monks invited to the banquet, but many of them are here to join in the fun.

Even when passing by the Zhaoyang City Air Station, Yi Tian found that the trading market in the city was also extremely active, especially the business in those prostitute villages was much more prosperous than usual.

When the "Linkage" was moored outside the terminal building, there were monks from the Maiden School coming on board. After Yi Tian asked, he found out that the next road needs to be led by the guiding monks to enter the Virgin Mary of the Maiden School. city.

After the female cultivator entered the main warehouse, Yin Jie came forward to greet her for a while, and showed the sect's token.Just listen to the female nun say: "The lady who welcomes you, Hong Luanxin, please show the invitation card to the monks who participate in the hero banquet. If you don't have one, you need to take part in the strength test before you can be seated."

Upon hearing this, Yin Jie hurriedly took out two red invitation cards and handed them over, and then said: "There are four people from my Excalibur Sect participating this time, I wonder if two invitation cards are enough?"

Hong Luan thought to himself: "The invitation card has the monk's name written on it, and it cannot be used with each other, so the remaining two have to take part in the strength test."

After hearing this, Yin Jie couldn't help but twitched his face. The two invitations were for himself and Xing Lin respectively, which meant that the remaining two had to follow the rules.

But Yi Tian said with a smile: "Senior brother Yin is fine, we just come and go."

Unexpectedly, Hong Luan said calmly: "The method of this strength test is to ring the gong of the Maiden School, and because the number of people is limited, only the twenty who ring the most times will be selected."

The three of Xing Yuan couldn't help but twitched their faces when they heard this, but Yi Tian nodded and said: "I guess there should be no problem."

"I don't know the name of my junior brother, how can I be so confident?" Hong Luan asked suspiciously.

"Under Yitian."

(End of this chapter)

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