
Chapter 309 Invitation

Chapter 309 Invitation
The distance from Shaoyang City to Notre Dame Mountain is not too short. Fortunately, there is a "Intermodal Transport" instead, which is much faster than flying by yourself.And along the way, Yi Tian saw that many monks were flying together under the leadership of the maids of the Maiden Sect.

Every time you go to a Zongmen checkpoint, you have to go through an identity check, so that no one with good intentions can get in.

Hong Luanxin's leader on the "United Transport" also let go wherever he went, and he still gave enough respect to the monks and girls of the Excalibur Sect.

However, Yi Tian found that Hong Luanjing had obviously changed her attitude after learning her name, and took out a jade card to send out a few messages during the gap.

It is estimated that this matter has a great relationship with himself, but at this time Yi Tian is still sitting still.She was about to come to the Girls' Faction to explain to Hong Luanjing, the person in front of her must be her relative.

Now is not a good time to communicate, so I have to sit cross-legged and close my eyes to rest my mind, and wait until we arrive at the City of Notre Dame.

After half a day, the flying boat came to the airport a hundred miles away from Notre Dame Mountain, and the four of them got out of the flying boat under the guidance of Hong Luanxin.There were already two bull carts waiting on the platform of the airport, but Hong Luan arranged for Yin Jie and the three to get on the first cart, and then got on it himself.

At last, Yi Tian was left alone, and then Hong Luanxin poked his head out of the car window and said, "Friend Yi Daoist, please sit in the back car."

Seeing this, Yi Tian just smiled, and then walked to the bullock cart at the back, and when he opened the door, he saw a man in a cloak waiting for him inside.

After shaking his head helplessly, he stepped directly on the ladder and walked in, and then the two coachmen in the car shook off their whips and started driving to the city of Notre Dame.

There are different inscriptions engraved on the four sides of the carriage of this bullock cart, which can put an end to the spiritual consciousness of monks from the outside world.Yi Tian looked at the person on the opposite side who seemed to have no intention of opening his mouth, so he could only laugh and said, "You haven't seen Hong Daoyou for a few years, don't you come here, how can you say that you have been exposed to the matter of refining weapons, and now you have suppressed Huo Chi's refinement .”

Suddenly, there was a coquettish voice: "You still have face for making senior sister Hong miserable." After speaking, he tore off the cloak, revealing a delicate face inside.

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard it at first, but in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be Yan Zhaoxue, the master of the son-in-law conference.Then he couldn't help but his head was as big as a fight and said: "I said, grandma, what are you doing, if someone sees you, you won't take my skin off."

Yan Zhaoxue smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, the formation of this car can isolate all spiritual prying, and I have already asked the drivers of the two cars to drive separately. Now we are taking a small road to the city of Notre Dame."

In this way, Yi Tian turned his head and looked outside the carriage, and it was true that he could not see Hong Luanxin's bullock cart, so he probably parted ways a long time ago.

After returning to his senses, Yi Tian said helplessly: "Actually, I received a summons from you 40 years ago asking me to participate in the son-in-law banquet, but don't worry, I have already talked to Duguao after I came this time, and I will help him succeed out.

Besides, Yin Jie from the Excalibur Sect, I also got through with him, and I will help you to disrupt the situation together, so that no suitable candidate was shortlisted at the end of the son-in-law banquet. "

After a moment of hesitation, Yan Zhaoxue said, "Don't talk about these things, I want to ask you a question? Don't you feel uncomfortable after practicing 'Girl True Fire'?" After speaking, she stretched out her ten fingers and gently Click it, and a wisp of blue flame will be sacrificed in an instant.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting upright, suddenly felt that the real fire of life in his dantian seemed to be pulled and helped by the flame in front of him, and he began to stir.

After hastily practicing exercises to suppress the restlessness in his body, Yi Tian said calmly: "There is no adverse reaction at all, maybe it has something to do with my exercises."

Yan Zhaoxue said suspiciously: "Then you sacrifice a trace of real fire to let me see."

Being urged by him, Yi Tian had no choice but to reluctantly draw a trace of Xuanyang Purple Fire and light it on his fingertips.After the ray of thunder flame and purple fire was sacrificed, it obviously interacted with the girl's real fire, but the coldness of the blue flame made the surrounding temperature drop a lot, and it was obviously very strong.

The purple flames are in harmony with yin and yang, and they look tepid, but their power is definitely several times that of the blue flames.

Yan Zhaoxue looked at it carefully and suddenly her eyes turned red, and then she put away the spell again and said: "This time you must pass the test after entering, and I will wait for you at the end."

After speaking, he took out a red invitation card, thanked Yi Tian's name on it, and then handed it over.

After receiving the invitation, Yi Tian stretched his spiritual sense in and scanned it. After reading it, he found no problem and smiled: "Don't worry, I will help you with this son-in-law banquet. Basically, the situation of those threatening opponents I understand it all."

"Are you sure you can beat them?" Yan Zhaoxue asked.

"Yin Jie told me when I came here that there is only one Huo Yunbiao who is stronger in Tianmomen, but he is from Lihuozong in Zhongzhou, so he should not come to this muddy water," Yi Tianli thought for a moment Then he said: "Instead, you helped me pay attention to the ancient teacher capital of Qianlingzong in Zhongzhou, and the monk Huiyuan from Banruo Temple. I have a hunch that these two people are not easy to deal with."

After hearing this, Yan Zhaoxue smiled and said, "These three are Zhongzhou monks, even if they win, they should not stay in Xihuang. On the contrary, I am very interested in your origin."

This is the first time someone asked him about his origins so bluntly. Before, Yi Tian always used the down-and-out casual cultivator as an excuse, but after looking at Yan Zhaoxue's eyes, he could only vaguely say: "My The sect has some connection with Huo Chilian and Huo Yunbiao."

After hearing this, Yan Zhaoxue became interested, and asked directly: "Could it be that you are also a disciple of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect, Qiankun Yuhuo Sect, or Dari Yaoyang Sect?"

Yi Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "I come from the Chiyang Sect of Dong'ao, and the sect has been in decline for a long time. The original sect was the Xuanyang Sect, which belongs to the same origin as the three Zhongzhou sects you just mentioned. But that was all a thousand years ago."

Seeing Yi Tian's lonely expression when he mentioned his own sect, Yan Zhaoxue didn't take it seriously and said: "Actually, don't be discouraged, maybe those people are self-styled and make the sect split. You must know the truth that the long-term must be united, and the long-term must be divided. Maybe it can be re-integrated in your hands, it’s unknown.”

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said with a firm look in his eyes: "That's right, I originally came to Xihuang this time to avoid the pursuit of my enemies, but now everything is over, as long as I have been to Sword Art Online, I can return to Dongao to reorganize Zongmen."

Yan Zhaoxue on the side also echoed softly: "You can do it, I hope you can remember what you experienced here in Xihuang after you go back."

"That's for sure, how can I forget the friends who once explored together,"

Not long after, the whole car entered Notre Dame City, fifty miles away from the center of Notre Dame Mountain, and the whole Notre Dame City is the main place where the Girls faction usually operates.But now there are not many pedestrians on the street, Yi Tian saw a palace in the city from a distance, and a group of people lined up outside the palace gate as if they were waiting for something.

Yan Zhaoxue pointed to the team and said, "Gold Core monks who want to participate in the son-in-law banquet need to participate in the strength test if they don't have an invitation card. This team is the monks waiting in line."

Chuchu counted the number of people and there were dozens of people. It seems that this girl's party's son-in-law banquet is really a siege. The people invited in desperately want to be eliminated, while the monks outside are trying to squeeze in.

(End of this chapter)

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