
Chapter 313 Revealed

Chapter 313 Revealed
This time, Yi Tian found Monk Huiyuan to go with him as soon as he came up, the purpose was to understand the situation in Xia Zhongzhou.

Along the way, Monk Huiyuan didn’t reject Yi Tian’s questions, and basically answered them one by one, but he laughed off everything that involved him, making it difficult for Yi Tian to get to the bottom of it. .

After a few days of communication, the two also got to know each other, so gradually Yi Tian also involved the topic of Gu Shidu from time to time.

Two flashes of light, one purple and one yellow above the woods, kept flying at a low altitude, but the speed of the two of them was not fast, as if they were taking a limited walk.

After flying for a while, I heard Yi Tian ask: "Master, I wonder if you are familiar with the ancient master of the Zhongzhou Qianling Sect? He is the strongest person who has entered this imaginary world."

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry about it. Although I'm not familiar with him, I know a thing or two. His ancient master came to Xihuang to find out about the fall of a disciple in the clan many years ago, not to compete for the quota for recruiting relatives," Huiyuan replied. road.

I was really afraid of something. Fortunately, I had already canceled the blood contract, but even so, I still felt a little ominous in my heart.I'm afraid that he still has some secret technique to detect himself, this matter has to be resolved as soon as possible.

Looking around, isn't it just a perfect place in this imaginary world? The difficulty lies in how to make it seamless.

Suddenly, Yi Tian felt some monster energy fluctuating a hundred miles ahead. Although it was not very strong, there were at least level five monsters in this imaginary world, so he hurriedly said: "We may have entered the territory of monster beasts by mistake. There's a problem with the pools inside and out."

After two days of uninterrupted driving, the two of them have already entered the area of ​​the sixth-level monsters. The monsters on the bright side are easy to deal with, but the most feared are those lurking in the dark. If one is not good, they will be attacked Underneath, if you don't die, you have to peel off layers of skin.

Huiyuan who was following behind saw that Yi Tian stopped suddenly and knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly extended his consciousness to investigate.Originally, the actual combat effect of the divine sense in the imaginary world was much worse than that in the West Desolate Continent.

Even so, Yi Tian can detect it in advance, which shows that Huiyuan's own cultivation of spiritual consciousness is still a little weaker.

After glancing at Yi Tian, ​​Hui Yuan clasped his hands together and said, "We came here to find the golden sun grass, and this kind of spiritual grass is accompanied by high-level monsters, how can we go back empty-handed like Baoshan?"

"That's exactly what I mean, how about we sneak past?" Yi Tian smiled.

Seeing that Huiyuan nodded, the two quietly fell into the woods, and then used their agility to start shuttling through the trees.

It took only a quarter of an hour to fly a hundred miles away, and it only took half an hour to walk on the ground. The two of them had already approached the lake after galloping through the bushes for less than half an hour.

After stopping half a mile away, Yi Tian directly summoned the fat dog, pointed to the water pool in front of him, and ordered it to be a bait to lure the monster out.

Even if the fat dog was unwilling, he still hung his head up under the mandatory order.According to Yitian's estimation, most of the monsters hiding in this pool are water-type monsters, and they should be able to force Fat Dog out of the water under the stimulation of Fat Dog's icy halo.

Sure enough, after the fat dog rushed to the water pool, he directly activated his talent skills and walked around the water surface, freezing the water surface into a thick layer of ice wherever he went.Jumping down in a circle, about [-]% of the surface of the narrow pool was covered with ice.

Suddenly a trace of monster energy leaked out of the water, so frightened that the fat dog ran back in a hurry, and after ten breaths, a black water snake poked its head out of the water.

Although this is not the first time Yi Tian has faced a sixth-level monster, the Blackwater Flood Python he saw this time is different from others he has seen before.These captive monsters are still not as strong as those who cultivated alone in the depths of the Western Wilderness, at least because they lack the experience of fighting in their bones.

Yi Tianfei sacrificed a few nanmu seeds in his hands, and shot them towards the wetland by the pool. They stretched into the ground in an instant and turned into a few thumb-thick vines, entangled with the black water dragon.

Then he quickly took out a small brown medicine shovel from the storage bag. When he came all the way just now, he had already locked his spiritual consciousness on a few plants of golden sun grass by the edge of the pool, and used the method of controlling things with the mind to use the medicine shovel. Those Lingyang grasses that had grown for enough years were shoveled together with the soil.

In fact, there is no need to really kill all these monsters. In fact, they are afraid that killing one thousand will hurt eight hundred, so the two of them discussed what to do when encountering such a situation on the way here.

The main purpose was to search for spiritual herbs. Monk Huiyuan nodded frequently when he saw this, and said: "Master Yi is indeed a man with ideas, and I hope the poor monk will help you." After speaking, he took out a Vajra Crusade, After forming seals with both hands, he manipulated the spiritual weapon to divert the attention of the black water dragon python.

The Blackwater Flood Python was about three feet long, and if they fought face to face, they would not be afraid of the two of them, but under Yi Tian's spell harassment and monk Huiyuan controlling the spirit weapon, they would fight from time to time.Whenever the Blackwater Flood Python wants to rush to the shore, it will always be blocked by several spells. In just ten breaths, Yi Tian can only see the golden sun grass on the shore away one by one.

Then the two saw that the matter was almost done, Yi Tian hurriedly recalled the fat dog, then took off into the air and retreated, and finally made the black water snake had to retreat back to the pool with hatred.

Half an hour later, the two sat on the ground in an open space a hundred miles away and began to count the harvest.This time, we got three sixth-level Golden Sungrass through our joint efforts. Yi Tian estimated the spiritual plant in front of him, and asked with a smile: "Master Huiyuan, if these two people are divided into three plants, it will inevitably be uneven?"

Huiyuan nodded and said, "The poor monk only needs one plant."

Seeing his generosity, Yi Tian replied directly: "Actually, as long as the master tells me the usefulness of this Golden Sun Grass, I just take one plant."

Huiyuan replied indifferently: "The poor monk is practicing the Prajna Golden Body of Prajna Temple, which requires the assistance of high-level Golden Sun Grass." His skin was slightly glowing with gold.

Yi Tian was also taken aback when he saw it. How could this exercise be somewhat similar to the 'Golden Sun Immortality Body' he practiced.

After handing over the two spiritual plants to Huiyuan, he made a seal with his hands and used the body training technique.Immediately, both of them showed similar radiance, but the golden light on Huiyuan's body exuded a bit of peace, while Yi Tian's body was more or less mixed with the spirit of fighting.

The astonishment on Huiyuan's face flashed at this time, and then he squinted his eyes and looked at Fan Yitian and said: "Your technique seems to have a bit of a relationship with mine, and it should come from the same vein."

"Master has noticed it. Unfortunately, this movement method is only the first three layers, and it can be cultivated to the late stage of Jindan at most. But it is still very useful for crossing the catastrophe."

After hearing this, Huiyuan laughed dumbly and said: "Master Yi, you really don't know the usefulness of this exercise, but for those who practice it, not only the defense power will be improved, but if it is combined with other close combat spells, the power will definitely increase a lot But its greatest use is that it can be assimilated into the dharmakaya image, as if you have practiced the Dharmakaya of King Ming of the Prajna Temple, it can also be used with the Prajna Golden Body."

One sentence made Yi Tian think of his Asura Dharma Body in his heart. Although he had never used it together, the other party did give him some ideas. Maybe there would be unexpected results after trying it.

(End of this chapter)

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