
Chapter 314 Destroying the Beast

Chapter 314 Destroying the Beast
In the depths of the Xumi space, above a jungle, Yi Tian looked at the cave a hundred miles ahead, gritted his teeth, took out a set of formation disks, and began to set up a maze.

A few days ago, monk Huiyuan said that he wanted to go back, and said that his purpose of coming to the Western Wilderness this time has been achieved, and that he can get two plants of the sixth-level Golden Sungrass in his hands.

He can also keep one plant after cutting it off and handing it over to the Maiden Sect, so that the 'Prajna Golden Body' he cultivated will definitely be able to reach another level.

Everyone has their own ambitions, Yitian's purpose is to explore the secrets here, and it has something to do with Sword Art Online.Secondly, I believe that if I don't come to take over the property of the 'Li Huo Sect', it will be cheaper and others will not be able to justify it.

But looking through the records of the sect, it seems that there is no detailed description of this part. According to Huo Chilian's recitation of Huo Yunbiao's words, this place should be the place specially opened up by the Pill Artifact Pavilion of the 'Lihuo Sect' to raise spirit beasts and grow spirit plants.

Yi Tian didn't believe that they wouldn't leave any back door for his junior disciples, at least Qige disciples like Chi Lian should know something inside.

Fortunately, it has only been less than a month since it started, and it seems that there is still a lot of time to use.Thinking of this, Yi Tian realized that this Xumi space should be used to ripen spirit beasts and spirit plants.

The difficulty is that those monsters seem to have a sixth-level appearance, but they are actually lacking in background and just have a shape.

In order to verify this, Yi Tian found a sixth-level mountain ape, and was going to try to kill it once to see if he could confirm his guess.

Of course, to be on the safe side, the preparations should be done, so I prepared the magic circle plate, trying to use the magic circle to surround the monster and then kill it.

A moment later, a cloud of white mist suddenly emerged from the mountain, and then deliberately wrapped around the mountain ahead.The whole process lasted for nearly an hour before it covered the area with a radius of a hundred miles.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in front of the array and constantly manipulating it, slowly drawing the aura around him. The sixth-level mountain ape seemed to feel some changes in the external environment, and then directly poked out of the cave.

Seeing that the snake was successfully led out of the hole, Yi Tian quickly aligned his seals with the formation plate and hit out a formula, and the forest in the town changed instantly.Although this trick of reversing the five elements has little effect on monks, it is surprisingly effective when besieging monsters.

I saw that mountain ape lost its way back for a while, and after realizing something was wrong, it started to jump up and down in the jungle among the mountains.

Using the peeking function of the array disk, Yi Tian could easily find its route, and it came straight for him, and he couldn't help but secretly admire the instinct of these monsters.

It was useless to think too much, so he immediately stood up and played a magic formula towards the formation plate, and then let it turn away by itself.Then he took out a seed of Ghost Face Flower and injected it with spiritual energy, and buried it quietly in the ground, but he jumped up and stayed in the mist in mid-air, with a flying sword in his hand, waiting for the mountain ape.

It didn't take a while for the divine consciousness released to sweep over the attacking monsters. Yi Tian was overjoyed and held the ghost-faced flower vine in his hand.Suddenly, a two-foot-sized monkey jumped out of the white mist below. It stood on the ground and looked around, then raised its head and looked into the sky, as if it sensed something that could be confused by the surrounding maze. Covered up.

Although one can clearly feel that the spiritual power fluctuation on the mountain ape is definitely level six, Yi Tian is still ready to try.Turning his hand over, a green light flashed out, and within it was a flying sword stabbing towards the mountain ape.The monster also suddenly sensed the danger and thumped its chest with both hands, its whole body suddenly became as big as a foot.

Seeing the flying sword, he didn't dodge it, and directly stretched out his thick hands to grab the flying sword. With a 'click', the flying sword was pinched in the hands of the mountain ape.Yi Tian who was in the air raised his eyebrows when he saw it, then stretched out his hand and pointed at the flying sword, breaking through the mountain ape's defense with a 'swish' sound.

At the same time, the left hand manipulated the flower vine underneath to tightly entangle its two feet. After the fixation was completed, it flew to the back of the mountain ape, carrying the "Golden Sun Immortal Body" on its body, and a red flower appeared on the golden palm. flames.

Then I saw a fist wrapped in flames easily break through the back of the mountain ape and take out the inner alchemy in his body.Then I saw that mountain ape's eyes rolled white, and his whole body fell down like a deflated ball.

Yi Tian felt contempt suddenly, never thought that the monsters here would be so weak.It is estimated that in this confined Xumi space, the monsters are born with a well-divided territory, and there are few fights between them, which caused such vulnerable consequences.

If I had known that before this, I could directly kill the Black Water Flood Python, and then just take the Yao Pill directly.It is estimated that the situation here will be discovered soon, and then another massacre will inevitably occur.

But recall that Yan Fanxin said that this place is still full of dangers, and it is not known whether he will encounter some powerful monsters if he continues to walk.

After cleaning up the mess in front of him, Yi Tian also rushed directly to the mountain ape's cave, and searched for all the valuable things inside.

Among them, I even found some monkey wine puree, which I haven't tried for a long time.I put it in my mouth and took a sip, and found that there is a lot of spiritual power in it, and I feel a little dizzy after taking a sip.Immediately, he used his skills to dissolve all the ingested distiller's grains, and then avoided the embarrassment.

Unfortunately, there is no 'Golden Sun Grass' near this cave. I searched the elixir articles and found that this kind of elixir generally grows in the moist soil near the caves of high-level monsters.

That is to say, the only place that can produce 'Golden Sun Grass' along the way is near the pool of the Black Water Serpent Python.If you want to continue the search, you need to focus on the investigation point next to the monster cave near the water source.

After arranging everything properly, Yi Tian turned around and went out of the cave with a spell to knock down the entrance of the cave, and then he got up and used the escape technique to fly towards the depths of the Sumeru space.

So Yi Tian searched according to this method, but unfortunately, it seemed that luck was not very good. After passing by the territory with high-level monsters several times, he did not find a single source of water. Naturally, the Golden Sun Grass also There is nothing left to say.

For more than ten days, I have been exploring the depths all the way, and I don't know how far I have flown. Suddenly, there is a loud noise from a long distance.Immediately after, a burst of golden flashes flashed one after another, and Yi Tian hurriedly picked up the 'Qing Ling Dharma Eye' to investigate and found that four monks were fighting fiercely about a hundred and fifty miles away.

Although they can't see clearly the appearance of the two, but watching the scene of the confrontation must be an evenly matched battle.

(End of this chapter)

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