
Chapter 319

Chapter 319
In the depths of Xumi Space, outside the valley of Heishi Mountain, Yi Tian and his party of five are busy preparing for something.The task assignment this time can be regarded as a joint effort, Huo Chilian is responsible for going in to pick the spirit grass, and the remaining four only need to set traps and trap the monsters for a while.

Speaking of this monster, the five of them checked it out beforehand. Inside the valley was a five-foot-long seven-level fire-horned ground dragon, a sub-dragon with fire attributes.Although he was still sleeping, the three of them could feel the real seventh-level monster spirit pressure on it from a long distance away.

Although this kind of sub-dragon is a dragon, it has a gentle temperament and is not good at flying and running. This is undoubtedly good news for the five of them.

But the key is how to get this big guy out of the valley smoothly, and not irritate it, even a docile monster will become extremely violent when it loses its temper, let alone a seventh-level monster.

So the four still used the method of luring the snake out of the hole to set a trap directly outside the valley, and found some fire-attribute medicinal materials to leave there.To deal with this kind of docile monster, we should try our best to use the gentle strategy. Huo Chilian mixed some 'Qilixiang' with a bunch of medicinal materials.The main function of this 'Qilixiang' is to soothe the nerves, but as long as the dosage is increased, it can also be used as a sleeping medicine.

After Yi Tian looked at the traps set up, he also set up phantom arrays around to confuse the monsters.By the way, he also took out all the spirit beast drunks on his body, mixed it with water and poured it directly on the bait.

After everything was done, the five people began to act separately. Li Cunzhi and Guo Bingnan ran to the east and west ends of Heishi Mountain with their horns in hand to blow them.Following the sounding of two long trumpets, the sound spread throughout a radius of fifty miles, directly waking up the fire-horned ground dragon.

At this time, Huo Yunbiao quickly ignited a large bundle of demon-inducing incense, and then kept blowing the breeze with his hands to drive the smell of the demon-inducing incense into the valley.

Not long after, everyone felt the ground began to vibrate regularly, knowing that Huojiao Dixinglong was slowly walking out of the valley, the four of them quickly disappeared.

And Yi Tian flew in the air and quietly activated the formation disk to confuse the monsters, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.After seeing the ingredients in front of him, the ground dragon didn't rush up directly, but turned his head and looked around.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the sky, was also sweating at this time, as expected of a seventh-level monster beast with enlightened intelligence.Even the delicacy has not lost its mind at present, even if it has evolved to level seven after being raised in this Sumeru space, the innate instincts of those monsters still remain.

Afterwards, he took a few counts according to the psychedelic seals, and the surrounding environment quietly changed.At this time, the ground dragon confirmed the safety factor around it, and it was nothing more than a few low-level creatures peeping at its lunch, then lifted its huge body and walked directly to the food and stopped.

Looking at the food piled up like a hill in front of him, Di Xinglong opened his mouth directly and began to eat. His sharp teeth easily crushed the ingredients as thick as an arm like a hacksaw, and the ground was dripping from time to time. Drool some saliva.

It took about half an hour to finish eating the ingredients in front of it, and then hiccupped and prepared to go back to the valley to continue sleeping, but its unsatisfactory eyelids drooped directly, and the sleepiness became more and more intense, and it started to wobble when walking stand up.

Less than half a mile out of the valley, the ground dragon fell down and fell asleep within halfway, so Huo Chilian seized the opportunity and rushed directly into the valley to start digging spiritual plants.

The whole process lasted for less than a quarter of an hour before seeing Huo Chilian happily flying out of the valley, holding three storage bags in his hand.

Then the four of them jumped up knowingly and flew towards the direction they came from, leaving only a sleeping Huojiao Dixinglong on the ground.

This operation did not expect to be so smooth, and the five of them found a place to rest after flying a hundred miles away.

Huo Chilian excitedly took out three storage bags and gave each to Huo Yunbiao and Yi Tian.Then he took out two spiritual weapons and handed them to Li Cunzhi, saying: "Now the goods and money are settled."

The latter nodded and then turned to look at Yi Tian. Before he could speak, another spiritual weapon was thrown in front of him.

Then I heard Yi Tian's voice saying: "Is our account settled?"

After putting away these things, Li Cunzhi and Guo Bingnan got up and were about to leave. They hadn't got enough of the four 'Golden Sun Grass', so they had to spend a lot of trouble next time.

Huo Chilian looked at the two people going away and shook his head helplessly, "If you know that this matter is not so terrible, then you don't need to ask them for help, it took a little more trouble for no reason."

Yi Tian smiled and said: "Brother Huo, you don't need to worry too much. Money is just something outside the body. The key is that these spiritual plants are useful to us. As a craftsman, he would spend his mind on hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones."

"Brother Yi is right, if you plan to go back, why don't we go together?"

Glancing at Huo Yunbiao next to him, Yi Tian shook his head and said, "I still have something to do, you can take care of yourself, Brother Huo, let's see you in the future." After speaking, he cupped his hands at the two of them and was ready to go in another direction up.

Seeing that he couldn't keep Yi Tian, ​​Huo Chilian directly sacrificed Feizhou and Huo Yunbiao and jumped on it, then set up the boat and headed for the next destination.

After the flying boat disappeared into the sky, Yi Tian was not seen moving, and after sitting cross-legged on the ground for half an hour and fully recovered, he got up and looked towards the forest not far away.But he opened his mouth and said: "I don't know why you have been with us for so long. If you don't show up now, do you want me to force you out?"

After saying a word, there was no movement or movement in front of him. At this time, the aura in Yi Tian's hand condensed and sacrificed three wooden thorns towards several trees in the distance.

There were two sounds of 'poof', but the wooden thorn seemed to have pierced the empty air and produced several oscillating ripples. After a while, a figure came out of it, and the incoming wooden thorns were blocked one after another.

After stopping his figure to show his original appearance, Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned. The person who came was actually the ancient master.Judging from his appearance, it seems that he has been following the group for a long time, and he is not ready to make a move until he is alone here.

Suddenly, several thoughts flashed in his mind, and Yi Tian couldn't help thinking of the blood contract of his ancient family, but it should not leave any clues after such a long time.Looking at Gu Shidu's behavior, it doesn't seem like he found any flaws, it should be that he ruined his good deed and then waited for an opportunity to retaliate.

I only heard the ancient master say in a deep voice: "Hand over your share of 'Fire Sun Grass', can I let you go?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was relieved, as long as the other party had the idea of ​​robbing, it would be fine, because he was going to leave this person in Xihuang completely.

I talked with monk Huiyuan about the situation of Qianlingzong in Zhongzhou before, no matter how powerful his ancient master is, he has no guts to challenge the 'Lihuozong' directly, and he came to Xihuang only to complete some sect tasks, so he went to talk to Huiyuan The monks were traveling together, but attending the son-in-law banquet was just unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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