
Chapter 320

Chapter 320
At the Young Girls’ Son-in-Law Banquet, the bone age and cultivation level of all the contestants were tested. Among so many monks, only Gu Shidu and Yi Tian himself were in the late Jindan period, and Gu Shidu was the strongest among them. .Although I have crossed the hurdle of the Golden Core late stage, but I am not as good as my opponent in terms of the use of spells and the consolidation of cultivation base.

But now that he was facing such a good whetstone, Yitian was both excited and apprehensive.Since the opponent has not made up his mind to die, it is tantamount to giving himself a chance.

Released his divine sense and scanned the surrounding area, at least within the reach of his divine sense, there was no trace of any monks. Presumably, even the ancient masters were aware of this before they dared to blackmail him.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that the opponent's mind was not as simple as just handing over the elixir.

I saw Yi Tian frowned slightly, sighed after thinking for a while, then raised his hand and threw the 'Fire Sun Grass' storage bracelet over there.

Even the ancient master was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly, he couldn't help but underestimate the monk in front of him by three points.After all, these refiners are all Taiping monks. Although their cultivation has improved, their experience in fighting people is still slightly insufficient compared to them.

The ancient masters have also been in the world for a long time, and did not take the bracelet immediately, but gently lifted it up with the object control technique.Then I slowly stretched my spiritual consciousness in to investigate, and saw a golden-red spiritual plant with strong aura quietly placed in a spiritual plant pot.

I think the person opposite is also an expert among them who knows some spiritual planting techniques, unlike them who only use jade boxes to seal them up.

After scanning the inside and outside of the divine consciousness, he found that there was no problem with the spiritual plant. The ancient masters all turned to Yi Tian and said, "It's okay, you can go, next time you won't be so lucky." The bracelet was held and hung around his waist.

The corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched on the opposite side, and the body of Asura appeared directly, and three spells controlled by six hands suddenly attacked the opponent.I saw two arm-thick vines enveloping each other from both sides, and two pink flower buds on top of the head.

On the front, more than a dozen fireballs blasted towards the upper, middle, and lower directions of the ancient master's capital in batches, and a cloud of purple flames suddenly appeared all over Yi Tian's body to protect his body.

After using the dharma body wrapped in the true flame armor, Yi Tian's whole figure was covered with a thin layer of flame robes.

The ancient masters standing opposite were also taken aback by the sudden attack, and then stretched out their hands to sacrifice their natal spirit sword.While chanting words, the spirit sword instantly released hundreds of sword qi as thin as fingers, forming a sword net to support all the incoming fireballs.

Immediately, he pointed at the spirit sword in his hand, and saw that the spirit sword split into two, turned into two pieces of golden light, and struck towards the wooden vines that came around his back pocket.

I saw that the flying sword that turned into two golden lights directly intercepted the wooden vines that were sneaking in, and the sharp sword energy on the flying sword cut off the branches and leaves around the two wooden vines, and the main vine was also cut back and forth. The criss-crossed swords were full of scars.

But even so, the vine veins were still not cut off, instead branched out from behind and wrapped around the flying sword.Although the spirit sword of Ancient Master Capital is extremely sharp, it is also outnumbered if it is entangled too much, and the space for displaying it is gradually compressed.

At this time, Yi Tianzhu freed his hand to seal again, and then pointed towards the storage bracelet.Immediately, I saw that the ancient master was holding his head in his hands and his face tightened. He said with a pale face, "You actually know the attacking technique of spiritual consciousness."

After hearing this, Yi Tian twitched his lips and said, "If it weren't for your insatiable greed, how could I have made such a bad plan, but fortunately, it is so easy to get tricked," after finishing speaking, he ignored his hands and sealed again, and will strike The phantom thorn in the opponent's consciousness was activated again.

Seeing that Gu Shidu was twitching non-stop, the damage to his spiritual consciousness was more difficult to recover than his physical body.Moreover, at this crucial moment of the battle, the two strands of divine consciousness split by the ancient master gradually became powerless to control the flying sword.

Not long after, under Yi Tian's control, the flower bud at the top of the vine opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the two flying swords directly, and then the whole flower bud began to chew the flying swords non-stop, and uttered from time to time The crisp sound of 'squeak'.

After the spirit weapon was isolated, it was crushed miserably. This backlash directly caused the ancient master to be in a trance for a while, and the consciousness that had been stabbed by the phantom god stab was injured again by the backlash.The ancient masters who stayed in the air swayed for a while, and sank three feet 'whoosh' before stabilizing their bodies.

Looking up and seeing that there was no trace of Yi Tian on the opposite side, the ancient master suddenly felt that the danger was getting closer and closer to him.Before he could react for a while, he saw a fist wrapped in golden flames protruding directly from his chest.

Then the heart-piercing pain spread across the upper body in an instant, and the ancient master didn't even have time to react, and Yi Tian directly grabbed and exploded his dantian, and his whole body immediately ignited a raging fire.

When his mind was still clear, Yi Tian's words came from his ears: "Your ancient family members are all of this kind of virtue, and you like to rob when you go out. This time, you will stay in Xihuang to be a companion with Gu Canglang. .”

After hearing this, the ancient master glared at Yi Tian with his eyes burst open, but he couldn't mobilize any spiritual power to fight back.Then I felt that my eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and my whole body was indeed on fire, and gradually I couldn't let out any more sound.

After tidying up the corpse of the ancient master, Yi Tiancai slowly withdrew the spell, and the residue of two flying swords protruded directly from the mouths of the two ghost-faced flower vines.Put these things away with one finger, and then picked up the scattered storage bracelets one by one.

This raid on the ancient master was also a helpless move. Originally, the phantom god thorns were all attached to the 'Golden Sun Grass', so as long as the opponent didn't extend their spiritual sense in to investigate, they wouldn't be hit.At that time, I will have to find another way, and it will definitely not be possible to achieve a quick solution like now.

Fortunately, in the past few years, I have mastered all the exercises of the Xuanyang School one by one. The "Mingyang Alchemy Art" obtained from the Xuanling School originally belonged to the same line of exercises, but they did not have the general outline and supporting exercises. Because of the blessing of Dharma, it is relatively weak when facing the enemy.

Fortunately, Tian had found all the Qimai skills by himself, and combined them into one, coupled with the sudden effect behind this Asura technique, it really shocked even the ancient masters.

However, this method is only effective when one-on-one. If there is a third person present and someone knows his secret, then he will have to spend some effort to silence it.

After having the experience of killing Gu Canglang last time, Yi Tian also became extra cautious. First, he searched himself up and down with his spiritual sense to check for possible blood contracts.Even if he killed the ancient master himself, he would inevitably not provoke the Nascent Soul monks of the "Thousand Spirit Sect" in Zhongzhou. This is the last thing he wants to face at this stage.

Fortunately, after some investigation, I was able to confirm that this was a false alarm. Then I took out the storage tools of the ancient master's capital, erased all the marks of spiritual consciousness on them one by one, and then searched for all the valuable things inside .

(End of this chapter)

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