
Chapter 323 Picking

Chapter 323 Picking

In the apse of the Notre Dame Palace, there are only six shortlisted contestants present at this time, and the rest of the onlooker monks are arranged at the audience banquet on the side.

The two heads of the Maiden Sect have already left the banquet at this time. According to what Yin Jie said in the previous breath, Yan Zhaoxue never came to the banquet at all. As for Yan Fanxin, he just sat for a while and left. The next group of ladies waited.

Yi Tian understood in his heart that Yan Zhaoxue was not present because he was discussing with himself about the next third level.Looking around at the five people present, except for Xing Lin and himself who are both from the Excalibur sect, the other four are casual cultivators from aristocratic families.

As for Huo Chilian, Huo Yunbiao, Yin Jie, and even Monk Huiyuan are all sitting in the viewing booth, pouring wine and chatting about who can stand out in the next third level.

Seeing that the five people next to him were more or less nervous, Yi Tian also smiled secretly, if it wasn't for Yan Zhaoxue's hot girl who couldn't stand his voice, he might have really done this matter.It's a pity that this time I just came to solve the trouble, and I don't want to really get stuck.

Since he promised Yan Zhaoxue, he must choose her, and the top priority is to solve the problem of defrauding the "girl's true fire" first.

An hour later, I heard the sound of a piano coming from the back of the side hall, and then twenty women dressed in uniforms and scarves walked in slowly from outside the side hall.

Twenty people walked past the seats of the six candidates one by one, then walked around the center of the hall, and finally stood in a row under the high platform behind.

At this time, I saw Yan Fanxin stepping out, and after sitting on the high platform, he said: "The next third step is to choose a wife in front of the palace. The little girl Yan Zhaoxue is among them. The six Those who are selected have one chance to choose, and they cannot be selected repeatedly."

At this time, Xing Lin asked, "Is there any other rules unknown?"

Yan Fanxin nodded and said: "You must not touch the candidate with your hands during the selection, and the selection time is limited to one stick of incense. If you don't choose a little girl, but you still like the person you choose, then you can also ask me for a Taoist companion. "

The six of them all nodded at Nuonuo's nod. It's not a bad thing to think about it. Even if they are not selected, everyone can embrace the beauty. It's just that they don't know what the other maids of the girl group look like.

I saw Yan Fanxin clapping his hands, and six female ladies came out from the side, holding a tray with a camellia on it, and stopped in front of the six after a while.

"Everyone can choose the camellia on the tray and bring it to the maid of your choice," Yan Fanxin looked at the lady next to her and pointed to the incense burner on the table in front of her, and the latter took out a stick of incense and lit it knowingly , and then insert it vertically into the incense burner.

I only heard Yan Fanxin say: "The six candidates can start now. If you don't wait, it will be regarded as an automatic abstention."

After hearing this, the six people each picked up the camellia and walked towards the palace ladies lined up.Before they got a foot away, they saw Hong Luanxin leading a few people and pulling a red silk to separate the people on both sides.

Yan Fanxin, who was sitting on the high platform, said: "When choosing, you must not cross the red silk, and those who violate it will be automatically abstained."

As soon as the words came out, the six people pushed away a few steps one after another, but slowly stretched their spiritual sense over and began to investigate.As Yan Zhaoxue said before, the veils and silk scarves on the heads of these maids can isolate the detection of the spirit.

At this moment, several people began to show strange expressions, and began to hesitate a little.On the contrary, Yi Tian stepped forward and scanned it with his divine sense.Then she noticed that Gong'e who was standing in the eighth place moved obviously, and wondered in her heart whether such a hint was too direct.Thinking about it, Yan Zhaoxue would not make such a low-level mistake. After thinking about it for a while, she just swept down without stopping.

On the contrary, Xing Lin who was beside him took a meaningful look, and then threw the camellia in his hand directly and lightly, and inserted it right into the head of the eighth maid.

Seeing that someone made the first move, the remaining few couldn't bear it any longer, and they all chose the maid who they thought might be Yan Zhaoxue's disguise.

Yi Tian was not in a hurry, and hadn't received Yan Zhaoxue's signal for the time being, so he had no choice but to stand still.Just as the consciousness swept over the No.15 palace lady, the natal real fire in the dantian suddenly moved, and it should have been drawn by the 'Kuiyin real fire'.

Secretly remembering this person, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to throw flowers, but just swept down his consciousness.Suddenly, on No.18, I could feel the real fire in my body when I met Yan Zhaoxue before.If you want to come to the Maiden School, all the disciples who have practiced 'Kuiyin True Fire' will feel the real fire in their bodies.

Fortunately, I met Yan Zhaoxue twice before, and I can finally remember these feelings, and I can't make a wrong choice when I think about it.Immediately, Yi Tian smiled on his face, turned the camellia in his hand and flicked it lightly and inserted it directly into No.18's bun.

There were a few 'buzzing' sounds, and the lady on the side rang the gong in her hand, indicating that the selection was over.I saw Yan Fanxin who was sitting on the high platform stand up and said: "Since you have all chosen, please come forward to show justice. Zhaoxue hastened to come forward."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a row of ladies in the back all wishing each other a blessing, and then pushed one back, and the No. 15 lady walked up and took off the veil silk scarf on the bottom, revealing her true face .

Immediately, there was a commotion in the field, and it seemed that none of the six monks had chosen the right one.Seeing Yan Zhaoxue's angry face, everyone showed embarrassment, and even some monks from aristocratic families still secretly complained about their eyesight.

Among the six people, only Yi Tian's consciousness stayed on NO.15, but it was only transferred for a moment.But at this time, Yi Tian looked at Yan Zhaoxue's appearance and felt very puzzled.It is reasonable to say that the guidance of the real fire in my dantian is definitely not wrong. I have reacted to No.15 just now, but the real fire on No.18 is indeed the same as when I met Yan two hours ago. Zhaoxue is exactly the same.

Facing Yan Zhaoxue who was pouting angrily, he really felt that he had nothing to say.

Seeing that no one chose her at this time, Yan Zhaoxue said out of anger, "Er Niang, you have nothing to say, let the child practice freely, and you don't need to worry about it anymore."

Yan Fanxin nodded helplessly and said: "It's up to you," then turned to the six people and said, "Don't be discouraged if you don't choose the right one. If you are interested in the person you choose, you can go to the back court to discuss the matter. "After speaking, he got up and walked straight towards the backyard.

Now these few people look at me and I look at you, all showing hesitant faces.After a while, someone still walked directly to the backyard, and Gong'e, who was chosen by him, followed closely.

Yi Tian looked at NO.18 in front of him, and he was sure that he did not choose the wrong person, but the real Yan Zhaoxue had already lifted the veil, did he really choose the wrong person?

All of a sudden, the real fire of life in the dantian jumped again, obviously the other party gave him a signal.Then Yi Tian was not polite, and walked directly towards the backyard. The No. 18 Gong'e followed closely, and the two left the hall after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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