
Chapter 324

Chapter 324
Walking to the side hall of the backyard, Yi Tian was in a room alone with the woman in No.18 Gong'e clothes.Even Yan Fanxin didn't send anyone to ask about it, as if he had forgotten the whole thing.

After the two sat in the side hall for more than half an hour, Yi Tian couldn't bear it and said: "Who the hell are you? You should be Yan Zhaoxue, my impression is absolutely correct, take off your veil. "

There was a coquettish sound, and the woman's voice was exactly the same as Yan Zhaoxue's, only to hear the woman say: "Boy of the Chiyang sect, is this how you came to see my patriarch of the Kuiyin lineage?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, then sat up as if nothing had happened, and then the pupil technique in his eyes was activated, and a blue light swept across the veil, but he couldn't see through the honor behind the veil.

After coughing lightly, Yi Tian quibbled: "I've never heard of the Chiyang Sect. I was born in the Excalibur Sect, and now it's enshrined as a craftsman. Fellow Daoists, don't make any mistakes."

"Oh, what about the Excalibur sect?" The woman sneered disdainfully, "Yi Tian, ​​a direct disciple of the Chiyang sect, came to the Western Wilderness about 130 years ago to escape the pursuit of Yin Lixing, the elder of the Yin corpse sect. Afterwards, with a bone age of less than a hundred years, you advanced to the Golden Core Realm, and became the number one refiner in the Western Wilderness. The skills you practice are much more authentic than the Huo Chi Lian and Huo Yunbiao outside."

Yi Tian's face darkened after hearing this, since the other party can clearly explain his origin, and can tell the difference between himself and Huo Chilian and Huo Yunbiao, then he must have done some investigation.And the other party really didn't shy away from calling himself the "Kuiyin Yimai", which must be based on the skills he practiced.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "Since the wise don't speak dark words, then please ask fellow Taoists to show others your true colors."

That Gong'e lifted the veil with one hand to reveal a delicate face inside, and Yi Tian looked very puzzled.The person in front of him was actually exactly the same as Yan Zhaoxue, it was not so appropriate to say that they were twins, they were almost the same person.

In this matter, I heard the other party say: "I am Yan Bingyan, the founder of the Young Girl School, and Yan Fanxin is my apprentice. And Yan Zhaoxue is outside claiming that the young master of the Young Girl School is actually my daughter. Only when you make a mistake will you move your tires so that you will be a little slower than you in terms of cultivation."

Hearing this makes sense, so when I went to Yan Zhaoxue to explore, I was already targeted by the young girl ancestor.At this moment, Yi Tian finally realized that what kind of son-in-law banquet is going on here, it is clearly a trick for him to trick him into coming to the girl party.

Then he snorted coldly and said, "Since senior is the founder of the Maiden School, why bother to tease the boy and hold a son-in-law conference?"

"Is this how the disciples of your Chiyang lineage talk to the patriarch?" Yan Bingyan said coldly: "Could it be that Chiyangzi didn't teach you how to respect the elders and juniors? The etiquette you should have when you meet the patriarch Do it."

This sentence Yan Bingyan also directly shocked Yi Tian with her real strength. After a long time, Yi Tian directly performed the gift of a junior and said: "I respect you as the ancestor of the Kuiyin lineage, and I am here to visit the junior." But don’t forget that the three veins have the same origin. After seeing the personal transmission of Xuanyang Patriarch, even your Kuiyin Patriarch should also ask the head of the sect?"

After speaking, he directly sacrificed a ball of golden Xuanyang real fire in his hand, which immediately illuminated the room in the side hall, and the temperature in the room also rose rapidly.

Yan Bingyan was also secretly surprised when she saw the real fire. Although she is the current suzerain of the Kuiyin lineage, she is still suppressed by the main line in terms of her skills and age-old hidden diseases, even if her cultivation is strong A high rank, in terms of momentum, can only talk about being flat, and can't ask for half a cent.

After a while, he said softly: "Since you have practiced Xuanyang True Fire, you must have practiced following the relics left by the ancestor Xuanyang. I am afraid that even if I try my best, I may not be able to keep you. you go."

Even if the other party said so, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. None of these Nascent Soul monks are human spirits, and the Xuanyang Sect has been separated from the three veins for so long. Except for the old ones above, the monks below basically don't recognize him The current suzerain.

If you want to succeed, you have to rely on the cooperation of many people. After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't dare to turn around and said: "The next time I am living in the Western Wilderness is to track down the whereabouts of the Kui Yin lineage, and to ask for the 'Kui Yin True Fire' The classics complete the secret book of 'Xuanyang True Fire'. Since everything has been completed, I don't want to bother you any more, so I'm going back to Dong'ao."

"The Liangyi spectroscope must be in your hands, so even I can't do anything against you because of this treasure. But if you want to revive the Xuanyang faction, it is imperative to welcome back my Kuiyin lineage." Okay," Yan Bingyan also said lightly.

If I had known that the other party would lead me here, it would definitely not be that simple, and I also had something to ask for from the other party. Although the process of obtaining the "Kui Yin True Fire" classic this time is not glorious, it is a done deal , Yan Bingyan also has nothing to do with herself at this time.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian said happily: "Since Patriarch Yan has a heart, let me just say it straight, but I want to fulfill Patriarch Yun Zhongzheng's last wish, not only to restore the former power of Xuanyang faction, but also to bring The 'Lihuo Sect' regained the ancestral land of Zhongzhou."

"Just because of you, a little Golden Core cultivator?" Yan Bingyan sneered.

Yi Tian was not annoyed, and turned to respectfully said: "I think it should be the arrangement of the patriarch when the Kuiyin lineage came to Xihuang back then. As for the three points of Xuanyang, it is fate. How can manpower forcefully reverse it. I believe the ancestor of Xuanyang It is also because he is well versed in this way that he arranged this. I guess Master Yan bought the 'Golden Yang Grass' for his own use. The classics of the Kuiyin lineage must be incompatible with Yin and Yang in the end, so they need to be reconciled with extremely yang things. ?”

One sentence directly made Yan Bingyan silent, and the scene became cold for a while, Yan Bingyan was thinking about something with her eyes closed.After a long time, he said: "Since you are a predestined person, and you have obtained the true inheritance, you must follow the path arranged by Master Yun. You have also mentioned the matter of my Kuiyin lineage, but the 'Golden Sun Grass' is related to me. It is of great use. But if you want my Kui Yin lineage to belong to you, you must agree to three conditions."

Since Yan Bingyan is willing to let go of Yitian's wish, as long as Kuiyin's lineage returns to Chiyang, she will have the confidence to negotiate terms with the Xuanling and Iron Sword factions.Don't say that three things and thirty things have to be agreed.

Then he nodded and said: "Since Patriarch Yan has spoken, as the current head of the 'Xuanyang Sect', I will definitely think about it."

Yan Bingyan nodded and said: "First of all, you have to break through the pill and become a baby within a hundred years."

"This matter is imperative, and that's what I plan to do. It's impossible to talk about things in the late Nascent Soul," Yi Tian nodded.

"Secondly, I want you to help me go to the 'Qiyao Palace' to find the alchemy treasure 'Eight Treasures Spiritual Furnace' during the next trip to Sword Art Online, and take a heaven-replenishing pill from it."

This is the first time I have heard of this "Qiyao Palace", but I have seen Butian Pill in the alchemy book. It is specially used to prolong the life of monks in the Yuanying stage. The best medicine in this world.

"The last thing is that you want to take Zhaoxue as your wife. When your Nascent Soul Dacheng integrates the Xuanyang Sect, I will let her go back to Dongao with you on behalf of the Kuiyin lineage."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Tian also trembled in his heart, after all, he still didn't escape the plot of the young girl patriarch and lost himself.

(End of this chapter)

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