
Chapter 325 Understanding

Chapter 325 Understanding
After leaving the side hall, Yi Tian pretended to be nonchalant and returned to the apse. At this time, a group of foxes and dogs were feasting. Everyone was boasting about their great achievements, and some were discussing the girl party after the son-in-law banquet. How to end a big joke.

Seeing that Yi Tian came back, Yin Jie hurriedly greeted him and sat down, and these good people also wanted to inquire about some first-hand gossip news so that they could brag about it after returning.

Although I am the default candidate of the girl ancestor, I believe that at this time the other party will not directly pierce her and put myself in a dilemma.After sitting down, Yin Jie hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Junior Brother Yi, how is it? Did you get any results after you went in? Is the girl you selected pretty?"

One sentence choked Yi Tian so much that he couldn't calm down his chest. Fortunately, the two hundred years old Qi nourishing skills were still there, and he thought: "I have chosen Yan Zhaoxue's old lady. She is not inferior to Yan Zhaoxue in appearance, and she is much stronger in terms of cultivation base. , If you say it, it doesn't scare you to death. '

After calming down a bit, he replied: "Senior brother Yin, this time, he was mistaken, but fortunately, the Maiden School had a word and would not force it first, and finally replaced it with something like a material pill."

After listening to Yi Tian's remarks, Yin Jie said, "It's okay, it's okay, if you get something, you won't run away for nothing." After going out for a while, I talked with you for an hour, and it was really hard to believe that there was nothing wrong.

Since Yi Tian refused to speak directly, Yin Jie couldn't ask any more questions, so the two raised their glasses and toasted each other.

At this time, Yi Tian was thinking about other things. For example, the second of the three conditions Yan Bingyan said before was very problematic. At least a lot of information was revealed from her words.

First of all, about the "Qiyao Palace", you have to ask Huo Chilian for information about this. I remember that he once said that Sword Art Online is a space opened up by the Pill Artifact Pavilion of the "Li Fire Sect" for the disciples of the sect to practice. Presumably he must have some understanding of this.

Secondly, since Yan Bingyan could tell, the 'Eight Treasures Spirit Furnace' must have known about it.And she said that there may also be a 'Bending Pill', which must have been obtained by someone before.

But these things that even the Nascent Soul cultivator would be moved by are definitely not things that he, a Jindan cultivator, can easily touch, and it will definitely be another bloodbath.

The effect of the 'Replenishment Pill' is useful to Yan Bingyan, which can prove that her lifespan as a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is running out.At today's point, one has to cultivate at the advanced stage, and then the lifespan will last for another seven or eight hundred years. If it is too late to break through the entrance, it can only rely on this 'Bending Heaven Pill'.

From this point of view, the next trip to Sword Art Online will only allow success and not fail. Use your spiritual sense to scan the jade medal of the Maiden faction message in the storage ring. Yan Bingyan said that someone will contact you after entering. It's time to act as a team.

Thinking of this, I have a big head, and I can still achieve things with a small goal by myself. I really can't tell whether it is a blessing or a curse with a few burdens.

Turning his head to look at Huo Chilian at the side, he was thinking about it for himself, and Huo Yunbiao next to him probably didn't have much interest in the things around him.Yi Tian can go up to raise a glass and invite: "How did Unknown Huo get the second level?"

Huo Chilian hastily replied, "It's not as good as Senior Brother Yi's gains. I bought some spiritual plants and replaced them with the special medicines and treasures of the Maiden School."

Afterwards, the two exchanged winks, then sat down sideways, and then Yi Tian quietly asked via voice transmission: "How much do you know about Sword Art Online?"

"I am the true master of Qi Pavilion, and I only know something about the 'Melting Fire Hall'."

"Then do you know anything about 'Qiyao Palace'?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

Huo Chilian frowned and said, "Could it be that you are also doing it for the pill of mending the sky? It stands to reason that you still have a lot of lifespan and you can't afford to take risks."

Hearing that Huo Chilian actually knew about this, Yi Tian knew he had asked the right person, so he replied: "I want to go into the 'Qi Yao Palace' to get a 'Heaven-Bending Pill', and as for the 'Eight Treasures Spiritual Stove' and take it away.”

After hearing this, Huo Chilian stared straight at his eyes for a while, then sighed and said via voice transmission: "Every time the 'Qiyao Palace' is the most important thing to compete for, and those who go there are Nascent Soul monks, brother, what are you doing?" Push yourself into the fire pit. Besides, if you want to collect the 'Eight Treasures Spirit Stove', it is like taking away the hen that lays eggs. This is not directly offending all the Nascent Soul cultivators. What can I get?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Yi Tian replied: "I can't help myself, anyway, this matter is imperative. You give me a detailed map inside, and then I will find a way to help you out of trouble."

After hearing this, Huo Chilian's eyes lit up, and then he took out the map and a blank jade slip, and handed them over to Yi Tian in less than ten breaths.Then the sound transmission said: "This matter must be done beautifully, just like you killed the ancient masters."

Yi Tian frowned and replied: "What does it have to do with me that the ancient masters are planted in the hands of monsters?"

"Senior brother, don't worry about it. From my point of view, among these Golden Core cultivators who are capable of killing the ancient master capital, there is no other one except senior brother," Huo Chilian said confidently.

"What motive do I have? I have never had any contact with him, why should I try to silence him?"

Huo Chilian looked at it with a tired face and said, "Brother, have you forgotten that you asked me about the 'Thousand Spirit Sect' when I was in Shanjian City? Later, according to my inquiry, there was a monk from the ancient family who came here a hundred years ago. Xihuang, it’s a pity that it fell in the depths of the wasteland. This ancient master should have taken the opportunity to find out what happened back then, if the senior brother has nothing to do with that year, then why would he ask the junior brother about the situation of my Zhongzhou Qianlingzong.”

It seems that Huo Chilian found some clues for his unintentional mistakes back then, but now there is no real evidence, but he can guess the cause and effect of the matter with a certain degree of accuracy based on these alone, and he really underestimated him.

Fortunately, Huo Chilian is in the same camp as him, and he has something to ask of himself, so I believe he won't gossip everywhere.Then he just replied: "After the trip to Sword Art Online, I will give you a secret path to Dongao, and then take my sect warrant to join the Chiyang faction."

The latter just nodded with a smile after listening, and then continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

After resolving this matter, Yi Tian finally had a solid foundation in his mind. After calculating that there are still less than 30 years left, he took this opportunity to practice one or two more magical powers, which would also increase his success in action in Sword Art Online Rate.

After drinking for three rounds, they saw Yan Fanxin and Yan Zhaoxue walking out of the backyard slowly, and everyone hurriedly got up to greet them.However, Yi Tian found that Yan Zhaoxue's spirit was much ruddy at this time, and she didn't show her temper when she saw him, and she looked a little shy when her cheeks were flushed.

Then I heard Yan Fanxin say: "Everyone, this time for the son-in-law banquet, because no one has passed the third level, so I temporarily let it go. My daughter also has a heart for the road after going through this matter. Unless it is someone who is particularly destined, she will not consider it. It's about getting married," he said, and glanced at Yi Tian a few times.

After feeling the gaze of monk Yuanying, Yi Tian also smiled helplessly. Everyone knew in their hearts that the trip to Sword Art Online should be to cooperate with Yan Fanxin.

(End of this chapter)

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