
Chapter 326 Illusory Array

Chapter 326 Illusory Array
The Young Girls School’s son-in-law banquet just ended hastily. It is well known on the surface that because no one can pass the three tests, Yan Zhaoxue, the young master of the Girls School, is still aware of it, and started to announce the retreat practice up.After the news spread, those Jindan cultivators in the Western Wasteland who were unable to attend the meeting seemed to see hope, and everyone was not in a hurry. Anyway, there is a chance for this matter, and maybe there will be a chance to participate next time.

At the same time, except for Yi Tian and Xing Lin, the six Jindan monks who participated in the second round chose to marry the Maiden School, and then started to establish their own Sanxiu family on the border of the Maiden School. These people can be regarded as officially registered as a family of casual cultivators who are dependent on the Maiden School.

And Yi Tian and Xing Lin got a lot of assets, which can be regarded as compensation for the 'Golden Sun Grass' handed over by the girls' party.

In particular, Yi Tian got two pieces of seven-level treasures, swan feathers and owl feathers, and with the three existing feathers in his hands, he got a total of five high-level monster tail feathers.As long as peacock wings and white crane wings are added, the treasures of the five Vulcan fans are complete.

Although I still have Zixiaozhan and Haotian Mirror on my body, these are the treasures that will be left to the sect after the restoration of the "Li Huo Sect" in the future, and I can't always occupy my own.

It is said that the natal magic weapon is really lacking, so since the establishment of the foundation, I checked the Xuanyang Secret Code and found that besides Zixiaozhan, the most suitable offensive spirit treasure for me is the fan of the five fires and seven birds.In addition to the plumes and feathers of the seven high-level spiritual birds, the materials that can be refined also need the real fire of the five elements of heaven and earth.

The Xuanyang True Fire and Kuiyin True Fire cultivated by myself, together with the mutated Leiyan Purple Fire, have already gathered the three attributes of wood, fire, and water.As long as you find the earth-type stone fire and the metal-type glazed fire, you will be complete.

Generally speaking, this trip to the Girls' School was not fruitless, at least they didn't pursue the fact that I stole the secrets of the Town School, and they also took some treasures, which can be regarded as compensation for themselves.

On the way back, Yi Tian also thought carefully, and at this stage, he still has to find a way to complete the enhanced sacrifice of the real fire.In addition, I have also obtained enough black iron and fine gold raw ore this time, and I guess I have to refine the 'Thousand Magic Bell' quickly.

Thinking of this, he got up and bid farewell to Yin Jie: "Senior brother Yin, I still have a spirit weapon that needs to be refined so I won't go back to Tianjian City. Anyway, there are less than 30 years left, so I just take this opportunity to retreat and practice. "

After hearing this, Yin Jie knew Yi Tian's temper, so he nodded and said: "If that's the case, then you can do what you want, Master has given you the contact jade token, please be sure to move forward half a year before your trip to Sword Art Online 30 years later." When we arrive at Heavenly Sword City, we will set off together."

Yi Tian nodded, turned around and said goodbye to the Xing brothers, then went out of the cabin door alone, stood on the deck, jumped lightly, and then headed towards the direction of the melting and forging mountains.

Since then, no one on the Western Wilderness Continent has seen Yi Tian's whereabouts for more than 20 years. Anyone who knows the inside story knows that he is hiding and practicing in seclusion.

At the same time, after many years of absence, the fog near the volcano in the Molten Mountains suddenly doubled its coverage, covering a radius of three hundred miles.

Being in the white mist not only makes people lose their way, but also makes people's mind confused and hallucinated. Not only monsters will get lost when they enter, but also those monks who pass by will be lost.Over time, many monks who came to explore the Western Wilderness would avoid this area, and even changed the name of this place to "Psychedelic Domain."

As the instigator, Yi Tian is sitting cross-legged in his cave at this time, the real fire enhancement on hand has been completed, the re-integrated Xuanyang real fire and the thunder and lightning mutated Leiyan Ziyan are now quiet Quietly entrenched in the dantian, attached to the golden core to form a thin protective film.

At this time, the golden elixir has become full and plump after being refined, and the alchemy patterns on it have already recovered like night, and the elixir patterns show a dark purple gold after the golden elixir rotates.

After comparing the classics, it is confirmed that this is the appearance of the golden elixir restored to the first rank. Next, as long as the golden elixir is carefully cared for, increases its cultivation base and raises the golden elixir, it can find a chance to break through the elixir and become a baby.

Compared with these, what makes Yi Tian happiest is that after he has refined the Thousand Magic Bell and the Bell-Controlling Magic Formation, he can actually insert his spiritual consciousness into it to strengthen his Dao Heart.

The phantom formations appear randomly, and even the manipulator, himself, cannot set the characters and plots that appear in the phantom formations. He can only deliberately guide the direction that needs to be tempered from the heart of the Tao.
After the experiment, Yi Tian met his parents in the phantom array, and the scene seemed to be back at home back then.Although the situation is similar to that of the Xinshen Pill, the effect of stabilizing the Dao Heart this time is not as good as last time, because I have experienced the level of family affection twice, so I have a certain degree of preparedness, which is why I have such a result.

Looking at the Thousand Illusion Array in front of him, Yitian also hesitated. After several years of cultivation, although he has improved a lot in cultivation, he even passed the hurdle of the later stage of Jindan.But there is still a little deficiency in the training of Dao Xin, it may be that the relationship is sad, I had a relationship with Liu Piaopiao when I was young, and I was married to that teacher Qianwei, and I was forced to come over. Yan Zhaoxue, if these things get entangled, it will give me a little headache.

But things still have to be faced, even in the environment.For this reason, Yi Tian couldn't make up his mind for a long time, for fear that once he fell into it and couldn't extricate himself, there would be some flaws in his heart, and when he broke through the pill and became a baby, the demon gate would be sad.

After struggling like this for a long time, suddenly a messenger jade tablet sounded from his waist.I took it out and saw that it was Yan Zhaoxue's message, which only mentioned that she has practiced in seclusion for the past few years, and her cultivation base has been stabilized at the middle stage of Golden Core.Moreover, she has also cultivated the girl's real fire to the state of being able to retract freely, so she no longer has to worry about destroying the alchemy furnace after alchemy.

Lin Lin is always about cultivation matters, but Yi Tian knows that Yan Bingyan must have disclosed his affairs to her, and this little girl is really interested in him, so he will contact him.

Thinking that he had caused some troubles again, Yi Tian smiled wryly, then frowned deeply, looking at Qian Huan in front of him and thinking for a long time.He casually picked up the jade slip of communication and wrote a brief sentence on it, 'I'm fine, in the process of cultivation, maybe we can meet again in Sword Art Online. 'After sending the message directly, I don't care about these things anymore.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and punched a formula into the Thousand Illusion Formation, and by the way, wrote a big word 'love' on the formation disk, and then stretched all his consciousness into it and began to sharpen his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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