
Chapter 328 Yellow Rice 2

Chapter 328

Ever since Yi Tian, ​​the second leader of the White Horse Gang, took a concubine, he took the two wives and son to live in Hewan County.I heard that the old lady of the Yi family was the one who took charge of the concubinage at the beginning, and Liu Piaopiao, the eldest daughter-in-law, had nothing to do with it, but she didn't give Yi Tian a good look at the concubine banquet.

Although the atmosphere was a bit tense for a while, Yi Tian couldn't stand the crowd, so he moved in a group of three aunts and six wives early on to support the scene, stabilizing the big house alive.

Afterwards, Liu Piaopiao and Shi Qianwei lived in harmony when they arrived. I heard that Shi Qianwei personally came to recognize Liu Piaopiao as the eldest sister, and then the two discussed for a while how to manage the family property.

Yi Tian doesn't bother about this anymore, as long as he doesn't cause trouble for himself.After taking him to the county seat, he took care of the affairs of the White Horse Gang on weekdays, and at night he went home to live with his two wives, living a happy life like a fairy.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long. The six-year term of Huo Chilian, the prefect of Hewan County, has expired, and he will be transferred to another place after receiving the imperial court's transfer order.

However, Huo Chilian left some news, the new magistrate is not so easy to deal with.Wang Bao didn't care about this matter, anyway, which of the officials who came was not greedy, so he just had to find a way to fill his mouth.

On the contrary, Yi Tian was beating the drums in his heart. In the past few years, he had set up too many stalls in Hewan County. Although on the surface it seemed to be in the limelight for a while, it secretly affected the interests of many people.

These people will definitely sue themselves when the new officials take office, and then it will be necessary to take care of them again.Since there is going to be bleeding anyway, it might as well be better to take the initiative to show favor.

After thinking about it, he ordered his servants to prepare [-]% of the gifts and visit the new official after he took office.

Before leaving, Yi Tian also held a feast for Huo Chilian on behalf of the White Horse Gang, and just after sending him off the official road in Hewan County, he saw a Pegasus rushing to report from the city.

After seeing the person delivering the letter, Yi Tian felt that he was in danger, and couldn't help sweating.I saw that the letter said, "Brother, come back quickly, the new magistrate has led a battalion of soldiers and horses to live in the Hewan County Government, and held a banquet at the Four Seas Restaurant. We sincerely invite all the gentry of Hewan County to gather together." The ending is Wang Bao's seal. sign.

Unexpectedly, the other party came so quickly, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel like a big head, and he had troubles on the other side as soon as he finished dealing with the matter.The new county magistrate led the army to take office obviously to be detrimental to his group, but if he wanted to put down what he was currently doing and start doing the work of Jie Dao again, most of the brothers in the gang would not be willing.

Is this true? I put it on the fire, and the other party is still serving wine in his lair, it seems that he is not afraid of trouble.This time is related to the fate of the entire White Horse Gang and even Hewan County in the next few years, and Yi Tian has to treat it with caution.

Then he turned his head and told the left and right: "Go to the official seal of the warehouse to get a hundred thousand silver bills. I need it urgently. Also, please invite the big gang leader to sit in the gang. I can go to the Hongmen banquet alone." After speaking, he waved his horsewhip fiercely He smoked a few times, and the flatterer who sat down galloped towards the Four Seas Restaurant in pain.

In less than an hour, Yi Tian led a group of gangsters back outside Sihai Restaurant on East Street.Seeing that there was a gang member waiting outside, he walked forward, took the bag of bank notes in his hand, and counted the amount initially, which should be at least a hundred thousand taels.

Along the way, all the respectable gentry in Hewan County have arrived, and they seem to be waiting for him.When I walked to the entrance of Sihai Restaurant, I saw that the door was blocked by a group of heavily armed soldiers. There was a master standing there at the main entrance, waving a folding fan in his hand and looking at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, it is not easy to put on any airs, so he walked up quickly and cupped his hands and said, "I'm here to help Yi Tiante, the white horse gang, come to meet the new magistrate."

"Master Yan has heard the name of the Second Gang Leader for a long time, and ordered me to wait here, please," said the master, pointing to the passage inside.

After Yi Tian stepped through the gate, he heard the master say: "Your Excellency, please only invite Master Yi, and the rest of the people will disperse separately. If you want to wait, you can only wait outside the gate."

After hearing this, I was taken aback, the new county magistrate also knew how to catch thieves and kings, secretly thinking in his heart that he would jump out of the window and escape if the situation was not good.

Walking up to the second floor, I saw the newly appointed magistrate and a woman sitting at a table of eight immortals. They were talking about something while pointing out the window with wine glasses in their hands.

For fear of impoliteness, Yi Tian stepped forward and cupped his hands, "I'm helping Yi Tian join the white horse."

With a sound of 'Hey', the woman next to her turned her head to look at Yi Tian and said, "My name is Yan Zhaoxue, Mr. Yi is still here to take a seat."

The man in the official uniform turned his head and looked at it for a while, then said: "My official Yan Bingyan is the new magistrate of Hewan County, and the leader of Yi Gang is a local wealthy family. If I want to come here, I will have to rely on a lot. Please hurry up." Sit." After speaking, he pointed to the empty seat opposite her.

Yi Tian was also knowledgeable about the rules of the officialdom, clasped his fists in thanks, and then sat down in a well-behaved manner.

After the three of them sat down, Yan Bingyan introduced his experience as an official and what he had seen and heard since he came to Hewan County.During the period, he also pointed out what Yi Tian had done in the past few years, which made Yi Tian break out in cold sweat on his back.

After drinking for three rounds, he found a gap and took out the banknote bag and gently handed it up, saying: "This is the kindness from the top and bottom of the White Horse Gang to your lord, please accept it, as long as you use it in Hewan County in the future. If you want to go to the White Horse Gang, I, Yi Tian, ​​will definitely do it."

Yan Bingyan took the bag and glanced inside, then with a satisfied smile on her face, she raised her wine glass and said, "Master Yi, hurry up and speak quickly, I would like to toast you."

"Don't you dare? It's a great fortune to be able to enter the adult Dharma Eye in the next round." Seeing that the other party received the bank note, Yi Tian was also determined. He didn't expect this thing to be done so smoothly, so he raised his wine glass to welcome up.

The three of them chatted in a harmonious atmosphere, and Yan Zhaoxue, who was sitting by the side, also blushed slightly after drinking a few glasses of wine, and looked over with admiration.

After feeling some strange gazes, Yi Tian also wondered in his heart, Master Yan pulled him to only talk about Fengyue, and he didn't know what he had behind his back.

Just as she was thinking, Yan Bingyan suddenly said: "Sect Master Suwen Yi is generous and generous, and I am in need of a right-hand man when I take up this post. I hope that Sect Leader Yi can help me a lot."

Yi Tian said solemnly: "It must be, please rest assured, my lord."

"How does Master Yi see the little girl?"

I am also an old Jianghu. Facing the leaping thinking of Xinzhi County, I am naturally extremely alert. Whether I answer this sentence well or not is a troublesome matter.But looking at Yan Zhaoxue's expectant eyes, he replied: "Miss Yan is naturally a lady of everyone, so I am very happy."

"So it's better for me to betroth the little girl to Master Yi. From now on, the two families will be a family, and we will work together to firmly grasp Hewan County," Yan Bingyan laughed.

I knew there would be such a result, but Yi Tian was still blinded, thinking about how to explain if there are two wives in the family who agree to go back.But if I don't agree, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave the Four Seas Restaurant today.

While hesitating, Yan Bingyan's scolding voice suddenly came from next to his ear: "I want to marry Master Yi, so why don't you flatter me, someone will take it down."

In an instant, a large group of soldiers armed with weapons surrounded him from the surrounding corridors. Facing such an environment, Yi Tian seemed to have a voice shouting in his heart: "As long as there is power in the world, you can have the wind and the rain. As long as China has the strength, it can do the same.”

Suddenly, the whole body felt dizzy, and when he came back to his senses, Yi Tian felt that the sweat on his back had soaked his clothes.Looking around, he was still sitting in the cave in the melting forging mountain range, in front of him was a running phantom array.

Turning his head to look at the time-recording hourglass placed aside, he realized that nearly three days had passed since his Huang Liang Yimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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