
Chapter 329 Seal

Chapter 329 Seal
Flying alone in the depths of the Western Wilderness, although Yi Tian has already gone deep into the depths alone several times, but this time he did not know what to do.After staying in the lava cave for ten years, I have strengthened the 'Kuiyin True Fire' three times and then completely integrated into my own natal real fire.

After doing all this, I realized that my cultivation has reached the stage of solidification in the late stage of Jindan. Although I am not far from Dzogchen, I guess I can reach it after another 20 years of practice, but I just sit in the cave and meditate. It's not a problem either.

More than ten days ago, when I checked the items in the storage bag, I found that there was a flash of light in the task jade slip of the ancient master's capital.When I opened it, I found that the mission deadline recorded on it was approaching, and there was a paragraph in it describing that the seal must be strengthened this time, in case something unexpected happens and endangers this world.

After reading it, Yi Tian also trembled in his heart. It seems that it is not a trivial matter to be able to talk about this.Now that the ancient masters are all dead, someone has to do this job.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to go and have a look before I talk about it. If there is really something to do, it would be a good thing for me to help.

In addition, practicing meditation for a long time has caused my cultivation to enter a bottleneck period, and it is also beneficial to go for a walk.

Based on these thoughts, he made up his mind to leave the cave and go to the forbidden place in the depths of Xihuang.

Fortunately, there is a detailed map in the mission jade slips of the ancient master's capital. According to this direction, it turns out that it is going to pass through the treasure cave of the son of the King of Ming, and then fly straight west to the westernmost sea area close to the Western Wilderness Continent.

This journey is far enough, according to the Jindan cultivator's footsteps, it would take at least two months to fly, almost crossing the no-man's land of the Western Wilderness Continent.

Flying all the way, trying to avoid the territories of those high-level monsters, and shuttled over those uninhabited wilderness, passing by the river valley above the treasure of King Ming Shengzi, and found Tu Jiao and Kui Niu still obediently squatting in the cave.Yi Tian didn't bother them too far, just scanned his consciousness and flew away from this area.

After crossing the river valley, the next road was something I had never traveled before, so I also cheered up 12.Spreading out the consciousness can detect an area of ​​almost three hundred miles, and then keep flying slowly forward at a constant speed.

One and a half months later, Yi Tian found that the road ahead was getting more and more difficult, not only because of the rampant monsters in the lower realm, but also because the space thirty feet above the ground was covered with layers of fog.Now Yi Tian could only keep flying at high altitude, holding the task jade slip in his right hand, and from time to time he had to use the pupil technique in his eyes to see through the fog below to pinpoint his position.

After continuing to fly like this for three or four days, I found a bare mountain not far away. I was overjoyed and hurriedly checked the map on the jade slip, only to see 'Prisoner Peak' written on it.

Xin said, "That's right, it's right here," and then narrowed his consciousness to a range of a hundred miles, but all the pupil techniques were deployed, and he scanned the surroundings of "Prisoner Peak".After looking at it, he didn't find any living creatures or monsters, so he made up his mind and flew straight towards Prison Peak under the rapid urging of spiritual power.

It wasn't until they approached the mountain three miles away that they realized that a thin halo appeared in front of them, covering the entire mountain.

With a clear eye, it must be the formation laid down by the great power of the human race, the patriarch of the 'Thousand Spirit Sect'.Yi Tian also knew how powerful people like them are, and he hesitated when he saw that the formation couldn't force his way through.

Then he picked up the mission jade slip and looked at it, and couldn't help but smile. He didn't expect that it said that the method of opening the formation required using the shining sword technique to hit the gate of the formation.

I secretly rejoiced that I had comprehended the entire Yaojian technique left by the ancient masters. Although I hadn't practiced the 'Qianling Jue', it shouldn't be a big problem to switch to the aura of Xuanyang Jue.

But I don't know where the access control team is, and I checked the mission jade slip, and it didn't even mention it.

After slowly lowering the cloud head into the air, Yi Tian also circled around the perimeter of the light film restriction.The whole mountain is not big, and with the restrictions around it, it is about five li in radius.

But that layer of light film looks weak, and I don't know what kind of changes will happen after the restriction is triggered.

Immediately, Yi Tian also carefully took out a few fireball talismans, poured spiritual power into them and activated them, then ran to the side and used the object control technique to control the fireball technique to directly hit the light film restriction.

Only a few strands of light flashed, and as soon as the fireball touched the light film, it was cut open by a few golden filaments excited from it.

After a few 'bang bang' sounds, those few filaments easily split the fist-sized fireball into several pieces like a kitchen knife cutting melons.

After a try, Yi Tian was honest, the formation set up by the great power of the human race is definitely not something that a person with a golden core cultivation base like himself can break through.

Putting his hands away, he circled the Prison Peak in mid-air. Since the jade slip for this mission said that there was an access guard, he might as well look for it carefully.

Three hours later, after circling Prison Peak twice, I finally found something. On the back of Prison Peak facing the sea, there is a three-foot-high sword-shaped stone pillar inserted upside down on the rocky slope.

The end of the towering sword hilt is inlaid with a blue fluorite the size of a fist, presumably this is the so-called gate guard.

There are layers of inscriptions engraved on this stone sword pillar, which looks like a powerful seal.

Since you are here, don't miss it, directly expand these patterns, maybe it will be useful in the future, then take out a blank jade slip and start re-engraving according to the pattern on it.

After a while, Yi Tian put away the jade slip, flew to the sword hilt and swept the blue fluorite with his divine sense.This thing is definitely a seventh-level material, but I can't pry it off directly, maybe it will touch the prohibition formation.

After the thoughts in his mind dissipated, he took out a spirit sword and directly activated the Yaojian Jue with wood spirit power.The spirit sword in his hand instantly shrank into a beam of light as thick as an index finger, and then under the control of Yi Tian, ​​he circled around in the air a few times to find a good angle and slammed directly on the fluorite.

After the blue light flashed, the flying sword bounced back. Turning his head to see that the eyes were intact, and the entire forbidden light film did not change at all.

I was wondering? Suddenly there was a roar in my ears, and the inscriptions on the whole body of the sword pillar were slowly activated, and then I saw a majestic momentum leaking from the inscriptions on the sword pillar.After a while, the outer layer of the entire stone sword began to peel off slowly, revealing the bright white blade inside.

Yi Tian who was on the side was also taken aback. The sword in front of him revealed its true content after peeling off the outer layer of stones. It was at least two feet long. How could an ordinary monk be able to dance it.

Hearing a 'whoosh', the sealed sword rushed out and flew towards the restriction, and disappeared after three breaths.

The light film that was originally shining slowly opened a gap of one foot high and three feet wide, and Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly urged the escape technique to get in through it.

After ten breaths, the light film slowly returned to its original shape, and there was no trace of it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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