
Chapter 330

Chapter 330
Walking alone on the way to the top of Prison Peak, Yi Tian discovered that there was actually a super formation with Prison Peak as the main body and a large spiritual vein connected underground.

The whole mountain is not as depleted of spiritual power as those rocky rocks in Pingyuan in the western wilderness outside, but is full of spiritual energy like the top blessed land of the three major sects.To be honest, the spiritual energy on this mountain is a bit like atomization, and the concentration seems to be more than ten times higher than that of the outside world.

The root cause of this is the large and small array patterns engraved on the top and bottom of the cliff.Searching through all the formation books in my mind, I have never seen any records of these bright golden formation patterns.

Gently touch the lines on the edge of the cliff with your hand, and traces of spiritual mist can be precipitated inside.Taking out the map and re-engraving the surrounding areas, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the Prison Peak of Xihuang is actually at the westernmost point of the mainland, and its face is scattered in the east to connect with the entire Xihuang continent.

After careful calculation, it is not difficult to find that the formation here obviously uses the large spiritual veins at the foot of the mountain to continuously draw the spiritual energy of the Western Wilderness Plain to maintain the operation of the entire formation.

To set up such a skillful Spirit Gathering Formation, its formation skills are definitely the top existence on Tianlan Continent, and at the same time, it also confirmed my conjecture that it must have been displayed by the great power of the human race.

After looking at the top of Prisoner Peak, Yi Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought. The things that can be sealed in such a large formation must not be underestimated.

He was hesitating whether he should go up and have a look, when suddenly there was a shout in his ears: "Qian Lingzi, you old bastard, why did you send someone to torture me again?"

Surprised by the news, Yi Tian also made up his mind to go up and have a look before talking, and then he ran straight to the top of the mountain along the winding mountain path after infusing his feet with spiritual power.

I thought that this hundred-foot-high mountain would only take a quarter of an hour to reach the top of the mountain, but when I walked on the stone steps, I found that my feet were getting heavier and heavier.You can trot in the first half, but basically you can only walk after the half.

After half an hour, Yi Tian has walked nearly half of the distance, but now every time he steps, he feels a heavy weight.Looking around the surrounding environment, the stone steps on the ground here are engraved with incomprehensible patterns, and there is even a trace of cold spiritual power emerging from them.

If it wasn't for rushing to the road and staying to meditate, the effect of meditation would be several times better than coming to your own cave.At this time, the cursing on the mountain became more and more urgent, as if the faster he walked, the harder the other party scolded him.

No matter so much, Yi Tian directly used the Jinyang not bad body, the more he went up, the more pressure he felt.It was only after performing the body technique that I felt less depressed, and at the same time, my feet didn't stop, and I started to walk up at a normal walking speed.

At the same time, he slowly adjusted his spiritual power and began to operate in his body. Obviously, the road below is definitely not so easy to walk, and he felt more and more pressure on his back.It is a bit difficult to climb a mountain with a cultivation base like myself. I really don't know how the ancient masters sent by the 'Qianlingzong' came to the top of the mountain.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian found that his back was already dripping with sweat, his bones seemed to bear ten times the force of gravity, and the frequency of his feet began to slow down.

I looked down to the foot of the mountain to see that I had just passed two-thirds of the distance, but it had already taken an hour.With his hands sealed together again, he said a 'crack' in his mouth, and suddenly a red fire armor covered his whole body, and he felt a burst of relief on his back.

However, the spiritual energy consumption in the dantian was also rising in a straight line. In order to prevent the phenomenon of lack of spiritual energy, he had to take out a few pills from the storage bag and stuff them into his mouth, chewed them a few times, and then swallowed them into his stomach.Then quickly exercise the power to dissipate the power of the medicine, and after replenishing the spiritual power, the whole person feels a little bit of recovery.

After smiling at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian took big strides and headed towards the top of the mountain, this time maintaining his speed as a walk.Although there is a heavy burden on the body every time you take a step, you are still walking up slowly.

An hour later, after turning the last bend on the mountain road, the final destination can already be seen.There was only a stone staircase with less than a hundred steps in front of him, but every time he took a step, he could feel the pressure on his back increasing.

The formation patterns on the surrounding mountain roads were all activated, and the top of the entire mountain began to crazily extract the spiritual power from the leylines to stabilize the formation formation of Prison Peak.

The strange thing is that the scolding on the top of the mountain stopped long ago, and it was replaced by silence.

Yi Tian didn't know what happened above, the best way was to go up and have a look, but the dozens of steps in front of him were like a mountain pressing on him, making him breathless.

He paused on the stone steps to catch his breath, then gritted his teeth and took out the pill again, then stuffed it all into his mouth.Then both hands made seals alternately in front of the chest again, and the aura of the whole person was more than doubled in an instant, and the spiritual pressure was almost comparable to the state of those monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Four arms protruded from the torn clothes on both sides, and two faces appeared behind the ears on both sides, the left one squinted as if unable to wake up.The one on the right has a wise look, and his eyes are suddenly wide open.

He only heard the mouth on the right side of his face say: "Asura's true body, the magic power is boundless," and the aura of the whole person suddenly rose again.Then Yi Tian easily stepped up and walked up quickly. It took less than half a quarter of an hour to pass dozens of stone stairs.

After walking up to the top of Prison Peak, he took a light breath. The last part just now was forced to rush up from behind the law.Yi Tian himself didn't know how long he could maintain this state, but luckily everything was going well, so he sat down cross-legged when he turned his head, and planned to replenish the lack of spiritual power before moving.

Suddenly, the originally silent voice came out again, but this time it was a shout full of joy: "My lord, I have finally waited for your successor to rescue me. Come quickly and I am here."

Hearing this voice, Yi Tian couldn't help stretching out his consciousness, and after scanning it, he found that the entire mountain top was just a five-foot-sized platform, and in the center was the spirit sword that opened the door, which was being sacrificed in the center of the platform.

And below it is a five-inch-high and one-inch-caliber jade bottle. The sound that was heard just now came from that bottle.

Seeing this, Yi Tian got up and slowly walked up and circled the bottle.I saw that the bottle was placed above the eye of the entire formation, and the large formation was connected below, and the bottle was floated in mid-air one foot above the ground with a trace of aura.

There was a cap on the bottle, but there was a magic talisman at the mouth of the bottle to seal the cap.

(End of this chapter)

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